
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 魚男

住所 :

Babadori, Utsunomiya, 〒320-0026 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88887
Webサイト : https://fishman.gorp.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 6PM–12AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 6PM–12AM
Tuesday 6PM–12AM
Wednesday 6PM–12AM
Thursday 6PM–12AM
Friday 6PM–12AM
街 : Tochigi

Babadori, Utsunomiya, 〒320-0026 Tochigi,Japan
みょん on Google

皆、ひと工夫されたメニューで、小気味良いツマミいくつかを肴に一杯やりたいひとにはとてもよいお店だと思います 店内も清潔感があり、心地よい空間でした
I think it's a very good shop for those who want to have some refreshing knobs on their side with a devised menu. The interior was clean and comfortable.
佐々木啓人 on Google

豪快なお通しからの、海鮮料理を楽しめる店です。 一人で入ってもカウンターがあり、私はいつもラムを炭酸で割って、魚料理と合わせてました。マグロのレアカツは絶品です。
It is a restaurant where you can enjoy seafood dishes from the lavish whole. There was a counter even when I entered alone, and I always divided the lamb with carbonic acid and combined it with the fish dish. Tuna rare cutlet is excellent.
森山聡美 on Google

ご飯はとても美味しかったです。文句なしです。 ただ、店長さんの接客態度があまりよろしくありませんでした。 「邪魔です」「狭いんで(身支度)外でやってください」など、結構あたりがきつい言葉で終始対応されました。 繁忙期とはいえ、少し悲しかったです。 総じて中満足くらい、ということで星3つです。
The rice was very delicious. No complaints. However, the store manager's attitude to customer service was not very good. It was dealt with from the beginning to the end with words that were quite tight, such as “I ’m in the way” and “Please do it outside because I ’m narrow”. Although it was a busy season, it was a bit sad. Overall, it ’s about 3 stars.
megane yuya on Google

Don't expect too much. The inside of the store is small and many smokers smoke. And it's hot. Because it is a popular shop, even if you call a clerk noisily, you can not hear it. The clerk always looks tired and has no smile. Experience the quality of the food for yourself. I don't recommend going to a seafood restaurant as a melon shop.
soleil on Google

お魚が食べたくて行きました マグロカツすごく美味しい! 牡蠣のアヒージョ、マグロぶつ、〆鯖も美味しかったです。 栃木の友人も呑んだことがない日本酒もいろいろ揃っていて、いい時間を過ごしました。 また行きたいです。
I wanted to eat fish Tuna cutlet is very delicious! The oyster ajillo, tuna butter and mackerel were also delicious. I had a good time with a variety of sake that my friends in Tochigi had never drank. I want to go again.
Pon Kuru on Google

生牡蠣はとても大きく口いっぱいになった。 お刺身の盛合せもとても美味しく日本酒との相性抜群でした。
The raw oysters were very large and full of mouth. Assorted sashimi was also very delicious and excellent with sake.
伊藤匠 on Google

隣のビルの間違い。←もう修正済みでした。 久しぶりの訪問。 お通しで、しまほっけがどーんと出てきた! 外がカリカリで骨まで食べれるし身も美味しい。みんなでつつき合って食べるのも楽しい。(好き嫌いはあるかな) 19〜20時はすごく賑わっている。 トイレキレイ。 子どもが楽しめるようにスーパーボールの仕込みがナイス。
The mistake of the building next door. ← It was already fixed. Visit after a long absence. Through you, Shimahokke came out! The outside is crispy and can be eaten to the bones and the body is also delicious. It's fun to snack and eat together. (Do you like or dislike) It is very busy between 19:00 and 20:00. Toilet clean. Super ball preparation is nice for children to enjoy.
Shuichi Nishimura on Google


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