株式会社 AZUPEN (旧 株式会社あづま塗装店)

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社 AZUPEN (旧 株式会社あづま塗装店)

住所 :

Koya, Sakado, 〒350-0204 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899977
Webサイト : http://azupen.com/
街 : Saitama

Koya, Sakado, 〒350-0204 Saitama,Japan
tomo nakka on Google

お隣りで屋根工事をされていた時に丁寧なお仕事をされていて見積もり書にも納得できる物があり吾妻さんにお願いしました。 毎日職人さんが施行内容などを丁寧に説明してくださり好感が持てました。。。 カラーの面でかなり迷い見本板も数枚お願いしましたが心良く応じていただき感謝致します。 説明不足なところが若干ありマイナス1とします。
When I was working on the roof next door, I was doing a careful job and there was something that I could understand in the estimate, so I asked Azuma. Every day the craftsman carefully explained the details of the enforcement, etc. . . I asked for a few sample boards that were quite lost in terms of color, but thank you for accepting me. There is a little lack of explanation and minus one.
山田和昭 on Google

初めての外壁塗装工事で、どちらの塗装業者様にお願いすれば良いのか?施工内容は?相場は? 分からないことだらけでしたが、知人から、吾妻さん(若社長)をご紹介していただきました。他社の見積もりも参考にさせていただきましたが、見積もり明細も断然分かりやすく、施工内容と費用の納得感があり、それ以上に社長の人となりに触れて、迷わずお世話になることにしました。 仕事が丁寧で、とにかく仕上がりが素晴らしいです!完成度に拘った職人さんの心意気に脱帽です。また次回も、あづま塗装店さんにお世話になりたいです。この度は、大変お世話になりました。ありがとうございました。
Which painter should we ask for the first exterior wall painting work? What is the construction? What is the market price? It was full of things I did not understand, but my acquaintance introduced me to Mr. Azuma (young president). I referred to quotes from other companies, but the details of the quotes were much easier to understand, and I was convinced of the details of the construction and the costs. . The work is polite and the finish is just amazing! It is a hat off to the spirit of the craftsman who is concerned with the degree of perfection. Also next time, I want to take care of Azuma Paint Shop. Thank you very much for this time. Thank you very much.
ぴーすー on Google

何度がお世話になりましたが、皆さんとても人柄が良く、とても信頼できる会社です。 今後ともよろしくお願いします。
Thank you for your support many times, but everyone is a very personal and very reliable company. I look forward to working with you.
mi na on Google

The correspondence of the sales person was very good! It was my first time to work on the outer wall, but I was able to leave it to me with confidence! !! I had you bring a sample of the outer wall, and the estimate and explanation were polite! Thank you!
テッケン健太郎 on Google

It was my first time painting the exterior wall, but it was a kind response and an easy-to-understand explanation. The craftsmen were also polite and did not have any trash on the site! ️ Thank you very much for this time.
酒井春佳 on Google

義母の家の外壁塗装でお世話になったとき、対応にも技術にも満足だったので自宅もお願いしました。 営業の方は、色々な見積もりで提案して下さるし、質問等の回答にもすぐに対応して下さいました。 現場の方は、丁寧かつスピーディーに作業を進めて下さいました。 大満足です。また何かあったらお願いしたいし、知人などにも薦めたいです。 ありがとうございました。
When I was taken care of by painting the exterior wall of my mother-in-law's house, I was satisfied with the response and technology, so I asked for my home as well. The sales person suggested various quotations and responded immediately to the answers to questions. The people at the site proceeded with the work politely and speedily. I am very satisfied. Also, I would like to ask if something happens, and I would like to recommend it to acquaintances. Thank you very much.
大槻佑子 on Google

屋根と外壁塗装をお願いしました。 工事の段取りや内容を詳しく教えて頂き、とても分かりやすかったです。 外壁の配色で悩んだ際も見本を持ってきてくださり、アドバイスなどもしてくれました。 職人さんも毎回声をかけてくれて、その日の作業内容や作業時間を教えてくれました。 「今日は洗濯物を干せますよ。」など細かい点も教えて頂き安心してお願い出来ました。 仕上がりも大満足で、築20年の家が新築のように綺麗になりました! また何かあればお願いしたいです。
I asked for the roof and exterior walls to be painted. It was very easy to understand because he taught me the details of the construction setup and contents. Even when I was worried about the color scheme of the outer wall, he brought me a sample and gave me some advice. The craftsmen also called out to me every time and told me the work contents and working hours of the day. I was relieved to know the details such as "I can dry the laundry today." The finish is also very satisfying, and the 20-year-old house has become as beautiful as a new one! I would like to ask if there is anything else.
佐藤敏雄 on Google

屋根、外壁の塗装とコーキング作業でしたが若い職人さんばかりで作業もテキパキとこなし朝 作業始めの挨拶と終了時の報告、明日の予定を分かり易く、丁寧な作業ぶりに感心しました 塗料が無機のせいか仕上がりに光沢が有り想像以上の仕上がりに満足です。代表始め、営業 職人さんに大変御世話になりました、本当に有り難う御座いました。
It was painting the roof and outer wall and caulking work, but only young craftsmen did the work well in the morning I was impressed with the polite work, with the greetings at the beginning of the work, the report at the end, and the schedule for tomorrow in an easy-to-understand manner. Because the paint is inorganic, the finish is glossy and I am satisfied with the finish beyond my imagination. Thank you very much to the sales staff, including the representative.

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