Azumaya - Toyota

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Azumaya

住所 :

1 Chome-140 Kitamachi, Toyota, Aichi 471-0027, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Postal code : 471-0027

1 Chome-140 Kitamachi, Toyota, Aichi 471-0027, Japan
藤田早苗 on Google

かき氷はやっていませんでした。文ちゃん焼きも入口だけの販売でした 不確かですが文ちゃん焼き¥130に
I didn't do shaved ice. Bunchan Yaki was sold only at the entrance, but I'm not sure, but Bunchan Yaki ¥130
Sya nan on Google

おやつにちょうど良い。 白餡、粒あん、こし餡、どれを食べても最高に美味しい。 夏はかき氷がおすすめ。
Just right for a snack. White bean paste, red bean paste, and red bean paste are all delicious. Shaved ice is recommended in summer.
ぺりこぺりこ on Google

あづまや さん 豊田のソウルフード、文ちゃん焼?❤️ できたてアツアツほくほく? 皮は柔らかくてふふかふか☺️ 中の餡もしっかり詰まってて甘くて美味しい? かき氷の氷がふわふわ? 甘すぎず美味しい! 量も多くて嬉しいサイズで、 見た目のインパクトがある? 写真はミルク金時。 女性や子供は2人でシェアしてもいいかも?‍?‍?‍? おでんは出汁の味がしっかり染み込んでいてとってもジューシー?
Azumaya Toyoda's Soul Food, Bunchan Shochu Freshly cooked hot water The skin is soft and fluffy Sweet and delicious sweet potato stuffed with sweet potato inside Ice of shaved ice is fluffy Not too sweet and delicious! The size is also nice size, There is an impact on appearance The picture is milk money. It may be good for women and children to share Oden is steeped in the taste of the soup and very juicy.
久和玲児 on Google

This is the best food in Aichi, probably in Toyota City.
まるこまる on Google

The shaved ice at the time of Ujikin was fluffy and plenty of rice. There is also oden. This is also tasty and delicious. The specialty here is Bunchan Yaki, which looks like a large-format Yaki, but the skin is completely different. It's used for hot cakes and pancakes. This is also excellent. In 2020, eating and drinking will be suspended in the corona. I couldn't eat shaved ice. Too bad! !!
nana on Google

Googleマップ頼りに初めて訪問したとき、お店の周りを一周させられました笑 お店の雰囲気がどこか懐かしく好きです‼︎ 文ちゃん焼が焼き上がるまでイートインコーナーで待っていましたが、かき氷・おでんが食べれるんですね‼︎ 今度はかき氷食べに行きたいです♪ セルフのお茶もいいです?
When I first relied on Google Maps, I was able to go around the store lol I miss the atmosphere of the store somewhere !! ︎ I waited at the eat-in corner until Bunchan Yaki was baked, but I can eat shaved ice and oden! I want to go eat shaved ice next time ♪ Self tea is also good ?
あむのすけ on Google

文ちゃん焼き、見た目は御座候みたいですが、食べたら生地がホットケーキのようなカステラっぽい甘い感じで全然違う味でした これはこれで美味しい こしあんが一番好きです 焼くのに時間がかかります 買い物の前に注文しておくと帰りに受け取れます
Bun-chan-yaki looks like Gozasoro, but when I ate it, the dough had a castella-like sweetness like hot cake, and it tasted completely different. This is delicious with this I like red bean paste the most It takes time to bake If you order before shopping, you will receive it on your way home.
坪井孝志 on Google

2022.4.1 現在: マンボウ等が無い状態ですが、イートインは再開される気配が全く無く、お伺いしても「全く未定」とのことでした。 2020.3.11現在、店内利用無しの持ち帰りのみです。コロナ騒動からずっとそうらしい。お聞きしたところ再開時期は未定で、「ほとんどがワクチン打ったら」くらいの感じのようです。 ↓ 以下は以前の通常時のレビュー ↓ 文ちゃん焼きは見た目は普通の大判焼きですが、焼きたては外側がサクサクした食感のちょっとめずらしいヤツです。うまい。 ※冷めるとサクサク感は無くなりますが、レンチン → オーブンやトースターやグリルで温め でうまいことやればサクサク取り戻せるよ。 中身はつぶあん、こしあん、白あんの3種。 10個20個と買っていくおばちゃんがけっこういるので、予約が多いとかなり待たされることも。 最近のかき氷屋さんみたいな凝ったシロップとかは無いですが、シンプルなかき氷もお値打ちでちゃんと美味しい。 おでんもやっていて、1つからでも注文できます。 素朴な美味しさ、昔ながらといった雰囲気の良いお店です。
As of 2022.4.1: There is no sunfish etc., but there is no sign that the eat-in will be resumed, and when I asked, it was "totally undecided". As of 2020.3.11, it is only for take-out without in-store use. It seems to have been so since the corona turmoil. I heard that the timing of resumption is undecided, and it seems like "mostly vaccinated". ↓ The following is a previous review of normal times ↓ Bun-chan-yaki looks like a normal large-sized ware, but when it's freshly baked, it's a little unusual with a crispy outside texture. good. * When it cools down, the crispy feeling disappears, but if you do something good with warming it in the oven, toaster, or grill, you can get it back crispy. The contents are mashed bean paste, koshian paste, and white bean paste. There are quite a few aunts who buy 10 and 20 pieces, so if you have a lot of reservations, you may have to wait a long time. There is no elaborate syrup like the ones of recent shaved ice shops, but simple shaved ice is also good value and delicious. I also do oden, and I can order even one. It is a restaurant with a simple taste and a good old-fashioned atmosphere.

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