手もみ・推拿 ハンズ

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 手もみ・推拿 ハンズ

住所 :

Azukimochi, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu, 〒433-8113 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
街 : Shizuoka

Azukimochi, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu, 〒433-8113 Shizuoka,Japan
skyds.cmamping 12 on Google

I've been to various treatments and relaxations many times, but since I met here, I can no longer go to other places. Recommended!!
遠州学 on Google

I went to Corona because it was hot. I'm one man, so I don't meet other customers. Make it your favorite. And somehow it's cheap
名無しのどん兵衛 on Google

I went with fifty shoulders. There was no particular inspection, but it was much easier when I went home. If the pain becomes easier, there is nothing else to evaluate. He also told me about precautions at home and work. Let's go for a while.
ぱぶ子 on Google

行くまでは不安でしたが、施術も丁寧で、お財布にもとても優しいです。 以前から知っていたのに、流行りの安い所に通ってました。 いまでは「早く来ればよかった」と、思ってます。
I was worried until I went, but the treatment was polite and it was very kind to my wallet. I knew it before, but I went to a place where fashion was cheap. Now I'm thinking, "I wish I had come early."
石川のと on Google

数年前まで行っていたが店主の態度が最悪。 あからさまに不機嫌なときは手抜きをされたし、子供の自慢、偉そうに語る、極めつけは金持ちそうな客が来たら施術中にも関わらず"帰ってくれる(笑)?" 冗談でも言ってはいけないと思うが。
I went there until a few years ago, but the owner's attitude is the worst. When I was overtly in a bad mood, I was cut short, and the child's pride, talked profusely, and when a customer who seemed to be rich came, he said, "Will you go home (laughs)?" I don't think I can tell you a joke.
渥美四郎 on Google

I heard that the cure and relaxation are different. I noticed a mistake I was hoping to heal in the relaxation room. It is useful as a shop where you can order both depending on the day.
藤井健 on Google

初めてクチコミします。 効きました! 効きすぎて、また明日もみ返しだろうと思って店を出ましたが、翌日、もみ返しは全くなく、大満足でした 行きつけのお店!変えます。 またお願いします
I will review it for the first time. It worked! It was too effective and I left the store thinking that it would be a return tomorrow, but the next day, there was no return and I was very satisfied. My favorite shop! I'll change it. Please again
IWGP NJPW on Google

得したで!たぶん 何やよう解らへんけど、予約出来て良かったとか言われて、特別会員待遇お試しとやらで、ぎょうさん得したで! 一人でやってはるから、コロナも少しは安心やし、こんなよく効くやつは初めてやった。また寄らせてもらいます。 おーきに
I got it! perhaps I don't know what to do, but I was told that I was glad I was able to make a reservation, so I got a special member treatment trial and got Gyo-san! I'm doing it alone, so I'm a little relieved about Corona, and I've never done such a good one. I will drop by again. Okini

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