メディカルエステいろは 東京 六本木・麻布十番店

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact メディカルエステいろは 東京 六本木・麻布十番店

住所 :

Azabudai, Minato City, 〒106-0041 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879778
Webサイト : https://www.esuteiroha.com/
街 : Tokyo

Azabudai, Minato City, 〒106-0041 Tokyo,Japan
コミナミケイコ on Google

I have been attending for about a year and a half. I've been to various salons so far, but from now on, Iroha's choice for facial beauty treatments without hesitation! I am grateful that I was able to meet such a wonderful salon where I can do my best in daily care, being pulled by the latest machine with high technology and abundant knowledge, and above all, the strong feeling that the owner wants to be beautiful. !!
Masae I on Google

I am impressed by the accurate advice and polite treatment when I first visited. I am taking a facial course, but after the treatment, I can feel that my complexion has improved and my skin has rejuvenated! The décolletage and the massage around the shoulders are also very good and I am impressed every time ♪ It is a highly recommended salon ~ ♡
Lulu on Google

It's been over two years since I started going, and my skin has obviously changed. The best reward is that you can praise your skin from the surroundings. It is attractive to have both "certain technique" and "latest machine"! The owner, who loves beauty, polishes her skin with passion every time. A high-quality time at the elegant single-family salon in Azabudai ... It's a busy daily healing ♡
MDR on Google

エステは、お試しにたくさん通ったので、目が超えてます。沢山のエステ店の中から、フェイシャルはここ!と決めています。技術はピカイチ、無理な勧誘もなく、常に最新の美容情報、グッズを研究。だから機械もピカイチ。店長の、全ての女性を、この手でより美しくという熱い情熱には胸を打たれます。自分磨きを忘れない方を見ると、よし、私もという気になります。接客もピカイチです。 安心して心と身体を委ねられるお店です。
I went to a lot of beauty treatment salons for trials, so I'm overwhelmed. Facials are here from many beauty salons! I have decided. The technology is perfect, there is no unreasonable solicitation, and we constantly research the latest beauty information and goods. That's why the machine is also perfect. The store manager's passion for making every woman more beautiful with this hand is impressive. Looking at those who don't forget to polish themselves, it makes me feel good. The customer service is also perfect. It is a shop where you can trust your mind and body with peace of mind.
Beauty5 Natural on Google

一軒家の素敵なエステサロンでした。 ハワイアンミュージック流れる、癒しのサロン。 お肌もよみがえり、ツルツルになりました。 ずっと、通っていこうと思います。
It was a nice beauty salon in a single house. A healing salon where Hawaiian music flows. The skin has also revived and became smooth. I will go there forever.
青木さとみ on Google

とてもスタッフさんの技術や接客が 素晴らしかったです。 毛穴の開きやお肌のトーンアップしたい人は 特にオススメです。 リラックスしたい時や撮影前は また伺いたいサロンでした!
The staff's skills and customer service are very good It was great. For those who want to open pores and tone up their skin Especially recommended. When you want to relax or before shooting It was a salon I would like to visit again!
N N on Google

伺う前にホームページなどを拝見して、オーナーエステティシャンの方のことやサロンのこと、施術や取り扱い化粧品のことなどを調べてから伺ったのですが、伺う前からこちらは本物のサロンだと確信していました。実際に行ってみると一軒家ならではのアットホームな空間に清潔感と可愛らしさもある内装とイスやベッド。たくさん機械があるのに無機質な感じがしなくて温かみがありお家のように落ち着きます。 お部屋の中もポカポカで、かけてくださる毛布も肌触り抜群で気持ち良い。ベッドに寝転んでるだけでも癒されます。 カウンセリングもしっかりしてくださり、どうしたいという希望に沿って何をしたらいいかきちんと考えてくださり、施術はこれでもかというくらい盛りだくさんにやって頂いた印象です。この金額でやってもらえるような内容ではなくて、申し訳なくなるくらいでした。エステティシャンの方の結果を出してあげたい!というお気持ちがすごく伝わって、お金儲けでやってるのではなく本当にお客様のことを考えてやってらっしゃるのだなあと感じました。決まったメニューをただやるのではなく、一人一人にあった施術を手間やコストを惜しまずやってくださるこんな素敵なサロンはなかなか無いと思います。こちらのサロンに出逢えたことに感謝です。そしてそのお心と技術のおかげで術後の変化も目に見えてハッキリと分かり感激しました。こんなに美容施術で結果が出たのが初めてで、不思議な感覚でした。今回顔とお尻のハイフをやって頂いたのですが、使われているのが蓄熱式のフォーカスネオというマシンでマシン自体もとても良い物ですが、技術力がないとここまでの結果にはならなかったと思います。引き締めたいところは引き締まりふっくらしてて欲しいところはふっくらしている、まさに造形!な施術でした。 一軒家を贅沢にも独り占め出来て、気持ちの良い施術、接客に、とにかく至福の時間でした。毎日通いたいくらいです。次回予約もさせてもらって今からもう待ち遠しいです。 知識豊富なオーナー様がやってるこちらのサロン、本物中の本物でした。一流のさらに上の言葉があればいいのに..見つけられないのが残念です。美の専門店、必ず美しくなれる秘密の場所。とにかく素敵なサロンです。
Before I visited, I visited the website to find out about the owner esthetician, the salon, the treatments and the cosmetics I handle, but before I visited, I was convinced that this was a real salon. I was there. When I actually went there, I found that the interior was clean and cute, and the chairs and beds were in a cozy space unique to a single house. Even though there are many machines, it doesn't feel inorganic and is warm and calm like a house. The inside of the room is also warm, and the blanket that you put on is also very soft and comfortable. Just lying on the bed will heal you. The counseling was solid, and he thought about what to do according to his wishes, and I got the impression that he did a lot of treatments. It wasn't something that you could do with this amount of money, and I'm sorry. I want to get the results of estheticians! I felt that I was really thinking about the customer, not making money. I don't think there is such a wonderful salon that does not just do a fixed menu, but does the treatment that suits each person without any hassle and cost. I am grateful to have met this salon. And thanks to that heart and technique, I was deeply moved by the fact that the postoperative changes were visibly clear. It was a strange feeling for me to get the result of such a beauty treatment for the first time. I had you do the hyphen of the face and buttocks this time, and the machine used is a heat storage type focus neo, and the machine itself is also very good, but if you do not have the technical ability, the result so far will not be possible. I don't think it was. Where you want to tighten is tight and where you want it to be plump, where you want it to be plump, just modeling! It was a good treatment. It was a blissful time for me to have a luxurious treatment and to serve customers. I want to go every day. I can't wait to make a reservation next time. This salon run by a knowledgeable owner was the real thing. I wish I had some of the best words .. I'm sorry I couldn't find it. A beauty specialty store, a secret place where you can be sure to be beautiful. Anyway, it's a nice salon.
iku mi on Google

去年から気になっていた、 エステコンテストで日本一を受賞したというサロンに訪れました。 麻布にある一戸建ての大人サロン。 六本木から歩いて10分強くらいでした。 細胞教育エステとして雑誌やメディアにも取り上げられている、シミしわたるみの専門店✨ メディカルエステだから、ハイフは医療用で 効果もすごく出ました。(しかも痛くない) 毛穴洗浄とオイルトリートメントも一緒のフルコースで本当にお肌蘇えった! 完全プライベートサロンなので、 マンツーマンで安心して施術が受けられます!
I've been worried since last year, I visited a salon that won the best in Japan in an esthetic contest. A detached adult salon in Azabu. It was about 10 minutes on foot from Roppongi. A store specializing in spots and wrinkles, which has been featured in magazines and media as a cell education esthetic ✨ Because it is a medical esthetic, hyphen is for medical use The effect was also great. (And it doesn't hurt) A full course of pore cleaning and oil treatment really rejuvenated your skin! Because it is a completely private salon You can receive the treatment one-on-one with peace of mind!

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