Ayukawa Beach - Fukui

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ayukawa Beach

住所 :

Ayukawacho, Fukui, 910-3402, Japan

Postal code : 910-3402
Webサイト : https://www.fukuicity-navi.com/050_spot/detail.php%3Fid%3D57

Ayukawacho, Fukui, 910-3402, Japan
新井あずき on Google

Heart trip of Shohei Hino The destination of the letter I visited in the spring of 2014. It is said that he practiced jumping from the rock called "Yuji" to the sea. I used to call this rocky place "octopus tsukiba" because octopus was often used in the past.
のふ on Google

I went to the beach, but the self-proclaimed locals who set up a tent beside the parking lot made me feel very uncomfortable, so I had no choice but to go to another beach.
杉田美津代 on Google

It is shaped like an easy-to-swimming Uchiumi, and small children can be relieved. In addition, because there is a rocky island, children in paradise are very happy
伊藤宏治 on Google

I think it's because the season is off, but there was a lot of garbage that was launched.
ahiru on Google

小さな小さな海水浴場ですが、夏の夕焼けの美しさは最高です。 海水浴の人がほとんどいないので、小さいお子さんを連れていっても安心です。 気分はプライベートビーチです。
It's a small little beach, but the beauty of the summer sunset is amazing. There are few people bathing in the sea, so it is safe to bring small children. I feel like a private beach.
さとうとしはる on Google

There are no guards, so look closely when you come with your children. There is a water supply with a shower head, so you can wash out the tide water, but the water is cold. Parking is free, but cars are almost full during the season.
Kamoshida Kenichi on Google

何年ぶりだろうか?ほんとに久しぶりに大好きなここへカヤックしに来ました。 沖は気配無く、昼からの風予報もあったので岸際にて根魚ネライ。 ほどほどに遊んでくれ、帰りは温泉で疲れを癒して帰りました。 次は秋に来ようかな。。
How many years has it been? I came to kayak here, which I really love for the first time in a long time. There was no sign off the coast, and there was a wind forecast from noon, so the root fish Nerai was on the shore. He played moderately, and on the way back, healed his tiredness at the hot springs and went home. I wonder if next autumn will come. ..
isam souma on Google

一人800円で利用できる格安キャンプ場です。炊事棟、トイレ、ゴミ捨て場と必要なものは全て揃っており、コスパの高いキャンプ場てす。 景観は眼前に日本海が広がり、美しい夕日を眺めることができます。しかし海遊びは岩場が多いので近場のビーチなどに行くほうが安全かと思います。 徒歩圏内にはコンビニなどはなく、約6km程度の場所にコンビニ、15kmくらいでスーパーとホームセンターがあるくらいなので、出来れば事前に買い出しは済ませたいところ。 同じく半径6km以内には温泉施設がいくつかある上、割引券が貰えるのでお風呂はそちらで済ませる方が多いようです。 また、管理している女性は非常に気さくな方で、色々な話も聞きやすいてすよ。 さて、このキャンプ場の最大の欠点ですが「人が多すぎる」の一言に尽きます。これが理由で☆1つ落としました。 平日に利用しましたが、それでも駐車場は半数程度は埋まっており、土日になれば駐車難民が出るレベルです。静かな環境でのキャンプを望むのであれば、土日はまず希望が持てないので平日に利用しましょう。 またこの傾向は昨今のキャンプブームにより拍車がかかっており、コロナ収束したらどうなるのやら、今から心配しています笑
It is a cheap campsite that can be used for 800 yen per person. It is a campsite with a high cost performance, with everything you need, such as a cooking ridge, toilets, and a garbage dump. As for the scenery, the Sea of ​​Japan spreads out in front of you and you can see the beautiful sunset. However, there are many rocky areas to play in the sea, so I think it is safer to go to a nearby beach. There are no convenience stores within walking distance, there is a convenience store about 6km away, and a supermarket and home improvement store about 15km away, so if possible, I would like to buy it in advance. Similarly, there are several hot spring facilities within a radius of 6km, and you can get a discount ticket, so it seems that there are many people who can take a bath there. Also, the woman who manages it is a very friendly person, and it is easy to listen to various stories. By the way, the biggest drawback of this campsite is just one word, "too many people". For this reason, I dropped one ☆. I used it on weekdays, but the parking lot is still about half full, and on Saturdays and Sundays there are parking refugees. If you want to camp in a quiet environment, you can't have any hope on Saturdays and Sundays, so use it on weekdays. Also, this tendency is spurred by the recent camp boom, and I am worried about what will happen if the corona converges lol

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