Avilla Stage

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Avilla Stage

住所 :

Higashishinbashi, Minato City, 〒105-0021 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.avilla-stage.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Higashishinbashi, Minato City, 〒105-0021 Tokyo,Japan
玉置滋 on Google

It is about 10 minutes on foot from JR Shimbashi Station Kashiwa Moriguchi or Shiodomeguchi.
ハチロク兄貴 on Google

If you're new to the place, don't come an hour early.
みつなあ on Google

Both young people and seniors dyed together in lessons. Everyone became professional. It was unpleasant.
Mako Kisi on Google

Can you send a fan letter or support ??? email to Asuka Hoshino?
姓名 on Google

辞めても金は取られないと言っていたが、10万円払えと言われ仕方なく支払わされた。圧倒的説明不足。考えようによってはペテンと取られても仕方がない。 お金に関してはもっとしっかり説明すべきだと思う。
He said that he would not get the money even if he quit, but he was told to pay 100,000 yen and was forced to pay. Overwhelming lack of explanation. Depending on how you think about it, it can't be helped if it's taken as a penny. I think you should explain more about money.
MZUKi on Google

I'm sorry ? I'm ☆ 1, I passed avirastage once! But I was told to pay about 900,000 ? I quit it though it was a waste to pay that amount. I was happy if you explained to me in terms of money ??
on Google

It is a brick town park, and there is a feeling of cleanliness. It is also an office district, and there is a building style, so it is good for the current season, but it is cold in summer, with no shade, and winter, with building.
こぺ on Google

レベル別にレッスンがあります。自分が入った時期が悪かったのか、最初からレベルアップのレッスンだったので普通のレッスンを知る前に辞める事にしましたが演技レッスン楽しかったし事務所の斜め前のビルにお洒落なコーヒーショップがあり美味しかったです。 講師の方は的確なアドバイスをくれる人が数人居ます、後の方はレベル高い人をアドバイスする感じで見て覚えて的な感じでした。 上のレベルの方がレベル低いレッスンに来られても為にはなるけど、アドバイス受けれないのでどうしたらいいのか悩む事に…。 辞めた理由は行くまでが遠いのと好きな女優さんと共演出来るレベルじゃないと自覚したからです。 費用は高いですが充実した時間が過ごせました。
There are lessons for each level. Perhaps it was a bad time for me to enter, so I decided to quit before I knew the usual lessons because it was a level-up lesson from the beginning, but the acting lesson was fun and there was a stylish coffee shop in the building diagonally in front of the office. It was delicious. There are several instructors who give accurate advice, and the latter ones seemed to be memorable as they advised high-level people. It would be good if the upper level came to a lower level lesson, but I couldn't get any advice, so I was wondering what to do ... The reason I quit was because I realized that it was a long way to go and I wasn't at a level where I could play with my favorite actress. The cost is high, but I was able to spend a fulfilling time.

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