Avail - Sukagawa

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Avail

住所 :

3-1 Hiroomote, Sukagawa, Fukushima 962-0826, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 962-0826
Webサイト : http://www.shimamura.gr.jp/shop/map_detail_7417.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 11AM–8PM
Tuesday 11AM–8PM
Wednesday 11AM–8PM
Thursday 11AM–8PM
Friday 11AM–8PM

3-1 Hiroomote, Sukagawa, Fukushima 962-0826, Japan
影山雅美 on Google

I think it's for young people⁉, but I want to buy it ☺ There are cool clothes, which is my favorite ?
清水順一 on Google

Good shoes have disappeared in the last few years. There used to be a design that only shoes and boots can be found here.
和倫深谷 on Google

上から下まで揃う、種類も豊富だしコスパも最高、衣類に関しては殆んどここです。 靴も結構良い物が揃ってると思います。
From the top to the bottom, there are abundant types and the best cospa, clothing is almost here. I think that shoes are quite good.
雛椿 on Google

かなり久しぶりに行ってみましたが薄手の長袖など900円に値下げになっている商品が多かった様に思いました。 お店のレイアウトもSimpleになった様でした。 衣料品コーナーの鏡が少ないなと感じました。コーディネートの為に多く設置して欲しいです。
I went there after a long time, but I thought that there were many products such as thin long sleeves that were priced down to 900 yen. It seems that the shop layout has become simple. I felt that there were few mirrors in the clothing corner. I want you to install many for coordination.
たーりんりん on Google

It's wide! From Koriyama, I wonder if this is the limit where you can easily come! I have to go to Shirakawa after that!
土田潤一 on Google

わたし の身体にとっても合う温泉です
I It is a hot spring that suits your body
蒼井遥 on Google

Googleで20時までと書いてあったので向かったら、目の前で電気が消えてしまった…、、 19時までだったみたいです。 夜行く皆さん、気をつけてくださいね!
It was written on Google until 20:00, so when I headed for it, the electricity went out in front of me ... It seems that it was until 19:00. Everyone who goes at night, please be careful!
柚乃葉 on Google

グーグルマップは開店時間が11時となっていますが、10時です。 これ、修正した方がいいかと。 BTSのグッズを代理で買うのに向かったら開店してて焦りました。 1時間も前に向かったのに開いてる!と 買えて良かった?
Google Maps is open at 11:00, but it's 10:00. Should I fix this? When I went to buy BTS goods on my behalf, I opened the store and was impatient. I went there an hour ago but it's open! When I'm glad I bought it ?

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