Auto Wave - Kashiwa

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Auto Wave

住所 :

1 Chome-6-7 Kazahaya, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0924, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 277-0924
Webサイト :

1 Chome-6-7 Kazahaya, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0924, Japan
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If you take a car (younger light car) to the car inspection, you can not pass the car inspection because the oil is soaked, it will cost 400,000 to 500,000 if you fix it properly, it seems like you should go to another store I was injured. After all, I passed it in the user car inspection, but there was no indication that the oil was bleeding.
青木明美 on Google

夫婦共に 車オンチです タイヤ交換 冬タイヤから 夏タイヤに 履き替え お願いしました 冬タイヤが 大分古くなり 次回 使えるかどうか 調べて もらいました さて 冬タイヤは 次回不適切との事で 色々 次回冬タイヤ取り付けのことも 考えて 色々 適切なアドバイス 頂き 知識の無い私達は 参考に なりました ありがとうございました
Both couples are car-on-chi Tire replacement I asked you to change from winter tires to summer tires. The winter tires are very old and I asked them to check if they could be used next time. By the way, winter tires are inappropriate next time. Various things, considering the next winter tire installation, various appropriate advice We who have no knowledge were helpful. thank you
くすかずあき on Google

十数年ぶりに、伺いました。 以前、本館だった建物が 釣具館に成って居て 釣具が、所狭しに陳列され 肝心のカー用品は?って 探したら 以前、オーディオ館だった建物が 本館に変貌を遂げていました。 カー用品も昔ほど品揃えが 良い、って感じも無く 何か、以前を知って居るから 残念でした。 確かに、タイヤ、バッテリー、 は種類は有りますが お買い得感は、ちょっと薄れます。 店員サンの対応は 親切で、 アドバイスも的確な印象です。 作業受付もレジ対応も親切でした。
I visited for the first time in more than a dozen years. The building that used to be the main building It's a fishing tackle building Fishing tackle is displayed in a narrow space What are the essential car accessories? What If you look for The building that used to be an audio hall It was transformed into the main building. Car supplies are as good as they used to be I don't feel good I know something before That's too bad. Indeed, tires, batteries, There are different types The bargain is a little diminished. The correspondence of the clerk Sun Kind and The advice is also an accurate impression. The work reception and cash register correspondence were kind.
はるな on Google

I was thinking about replacing the tires, and I came to the store to see how much the price was and let's go see it for the time being. I have been doing the replacement of tires and batteries of successive cars here all the time. It is a shop that I would like to continue using.
山富士 on Google

長年、オイル交換やタイヤ交換でお世話になってますが昔はサービス等も良かったのに最近では感じが悪いです。レディースデイも無くなったのか?オイル交換で伺ったのに、ナンバーの整備不良を指摘され、これでは車検通りませんよと。車検前には自分で直してます。余計な親切。挙げ句にはオイル交換のサービス特典の洗車カードももらえない。 作業終了の呼び出しを店内でお願いしたが放送が全く聞こえないせいで30分も無駄にまたされました。待合室まで呼出しに来てくれたりもせず、しびれを切らし受付に行くと、何度かお呼びしてましたがと逆ギレされました。不愉快極まりない。粗品なのか?たくさんのカレンダーが置いてあるのに、それももらえない。サービス悪すぎです。
I have been indebted to oil and tire changes for many years, but in the past the service was good, but nowadays it feels bad. Did Ladies Day disappear? I asked for an oil change, but I was pointed out that the number was poorly maintained, and I was told that this would not pass the vehicle inspection. I fix it myself before the vehicle inspection. Extra kindness. In the end, you will not receive a car wash card, which is a service benefit of oil change. I asked for a call to finish the work in the store, but I wasted 30 minutes because I couldn't hear the broadcast at all. He didn't even come to the waiting room to call me, and when I went to the reception desk with my numbness, I was called several times, but I was disappointed. It's extremely unpleasant. Is it a little gift? I have a lot of calendars, but I can't get them either. The service is too bad.
おさ虫 on Google

車検で20年以上利用しています。 他の方も書かれていますが、店員さんの対応は非常に良いと思います。 交換部品等は奨められますが、強制はされた事はありません。 飲み物のサービス等もあります。 車検時のオイル交換も0w-20の粘土が用意されていたりして、純正のオイルも選択できますが、値段が上がってしまうので、その旨をきちんと伝えてくれるのも良心的です。 低評価のクチコミがありますが、20年以上利用していますが、そのような対応はされた事がありません。 合う合わないはあると思いますが、傍から見るとお店側の対応よりも、客側の考え方に問題があるような気もします。
I have been using it for over 20 years in vehicle inspection. Others have written it, but I think the clerk's response is very good. Replacement parts are recommended, but have never been forced. There is also a drink service. You can also choose genuine oil because 0w-20 clay is prepared for oil change at the time of vehicle inspection, but it will increase the price, so it is conscientious to tell that fact properly. There are low-rated reviews, but I have been using it for over 20 years, but I have never done so. I think there are some things that don't fit, but from the side, I feel that there is a problem with the customer's way of thinking rather than the store's response.
製麺実業家玉菜軒【ぎょくさいけん】 on Google

車検でお世話になりました。見積もりの段階から親身になって対応して下さりありがとうございます。タイヤとバッテリー交換しないとならなかったのですが、予算に応じたチョイスをして費用を抑えてくれました。車検に掛かる時間も2時間半くらいで、待合室でスマフォで遊んでいる間に終了。車検をこちらで通すと洗車サービス券や、月替わりの無料クーポンなどを貰えてお得感があります。 スタッフの接客も気持ち良くて良いお店です。
Thank you for your help in the car inspection. Thank you for your kindness and support from the estimation stage. I had to replace the tires and batteries, but they made a choice according to my budget and kept costs down. It took about two and a half hours for the vehicle inspection, and it ended while I was playing with my smartphone in the waiting room. If you pass the vehicle inspection here, you will get a car wash service ticket and a monthly free coupon, which is a great deal. The customer service of the staff is also pleasant and good.
hiro on Google

タイヤ交換の見積もりをしに10年ぶりくらいで行きました。 他の方も書かれていますが、小物などの用品がすっかり整理されてしまいタイヤ・オイル交換屋専門店?ってくらいに売り場が縮小されてました。 クルマ好きがたくさん訪れて賑わっていた時代を知っているだけに、ものすごくさびれた感じに見えてしまいます。小物を色々見て選びたい方は別のお店のほうが良いかもしれません。 【タイヤコンシェルジュ】なるコーナーがあり面白そうだったので、期待半分で相談しました。が、まるっきり見当違いの返答。定番商品の説明は世間一般並み、それ以外はまるでデタラメで笑えます。コンシェルジュとか名乗らないほうが良いです。 これも昔だったら詳しい人の生の声が聞けたりしたので残念でした。 値段は当然ネットより高いですが、量販店としては安めかと思います。ネット購入+持込み取付け店舗には及びませんでしたが、となりのオートバックスが4本17万ほどがこちらは16万でした。 指名買いで購入店舗取り付けが良い人はこちらで良いかもしれません。
I went there for the first time in about 10 years to get an estimate for tire replacement. Others have also written it, but the accessories such as small items have been completely sorted out, so is it a tire / oil change shop specialty store? The sales floor was reduced to the extent that it was. Knowing the times when many car enthusiasts visited and was busy, it looks extremely deserted. If you want to look at various accessories and choose one, another shop may be better. There was a corner called [Tire Concierge] and it seemed interesting, so I consulted with half my expectations. However, the reply was completely misguided. The explanation of the standard products is the same as that of the general public, and other than that, it's almost funny. It is better not to call yourself a concierge. It was a pity that I could hear the voices of people who were familiar with this in the past. The price is naturally higher than the internet, but I think it is cheaper for a mass retailer. It was not as good as the online purchase + carry-on installation store, but the number of AUTOBACS next door was about 170,000, which was 160,000. If you are a person who buys by name and has a good store installation, this may be good.

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