Auto Arrow Mizuho - Tokyo

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Auto Arrow Mizuho

住所 :

914-1 Nihongi, Mizuho, Nishitama District, Tokyo, Tokyo 190-1201, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 190-1201
Webサイト :

914-1 Nihongi, Mizuho, Nishitama District, Tokyo, Tokyo 190-1201, Japan
くりぃむめろん on Google

車の購入、一ヶ月点検で来店しましたが、よくわからないことも親切、丁寧に教えていただき、とても安心できました。 今後もメンテナンス等お世話になりたいと思います。
I came to the store after purchasing a car and inspecting it for a month, but I was very relieved to hear that I was kind and polite about what I didn't understand. I would like to continue to take care of maintenance and so on.
Go shige on Google

気になってた【新車 月々1万円】の看板。 妻の車を探しに家族で行ってみました。 スタッフさんとても丁寧で話しやすかったです。子供たちも遊べてじっくり話しが聞けました。 妻からのいろんな要望も気持ち良く対応していただき本当にありがとうございました(感謝)。 納車楽しみにしてます!(妻)
The sign of the "new car, 10,000 yen a month" I was worried about. I went with my family to find my wife's car. The staff was very polite and easy to talk to. The children could play and listen carefully. Thank you very much for responding to my wife's requests. I am looking forward to delivery! (wife)
香南美 on Google

知人の車探しの付き合いで先日立ち寄りました。 営業の方も作業場の方も皆さん元気よく明るく挨拶をしてくれて、とても気持ちが良かったです。 自分の車がそろそろ車検なので相談したら、色々と説明もしていただいちゃいました。 親身な対応、ありがとうございました。 また立ち寄らせていただきたいと思います。
I stopped by the other day to find a car for my acquaintance. The sales people and the people in the workplace greeted me cheerfully and cheerfully, which made me very happy. Since my car is about to be inspected, I consulted with him and he explained various things. Thank you for your kind support. I would like to stop by again.
八木憲一 on Google

This time, I had a car inspection, but it was a polite response and explanation.
山本暁彦 on Google

すべての面で信頼できるお店です。 車の事ならオートアロウに任せておけば、間違い無いです。 10年近い付き合いになりますが、店長さんをはじめスタッフのみなさんに対して、大きな安心感を覚えています。 オイル交換やタイヤ交換、車検からエンジントラブルへの対応など、いろいろとお世話になってきましたが、確かな技術と豊富な知識、それでいて安価な価格設定を実現されています。 近隣の方々や車にお困りの方は、一度ご相談されることをおすすめします。
A store that you can trust in all respects. If it's a car, leave it to Auto Arrow and there's no doubt. I have been with each other for nearly 10 years, but I feel a great sense of security for all the staff including the manager. We have taken care of various things such as oil change, tire change, vehicle inspection and response to engine trouble, but we have realized solid technology and abundant knowledge, yet inexpensive price setting. We recommend that you consult with us once if you have a problem with your neighbors or a car.
レオファンよっちゃん on Google

Correspondence was good and I bought it today.
山野珠瑞 on Google

We were very grateful that we were able to support us in all aspects and that we were able to deliver the car very quickly! I would like to continue to ask
吉高 on Google

The vehicle inspection is cheap, kind and polite, the explanation of replacement parts is detailed and easy to understand, and the customer service feels good. Parents and children are indebted to the maintenance.

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