Audi Hiroshima - Hiroshima

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Audi Hiroshima

住所 :

15-20 Kanonmachi, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0031, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 733-0031
Webサイト :

15-20 Kanonmachi, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0031, Japan
yoshihiro Kimura on Google

The sales people were polite and elegant.
森圓康志 on Google

There are many vehicles on display, which is good for those who are looking for an Audi vehicle. Check if there is a test drive you want.
ta-ka K. on Google

I thought the lineup of exhibition vehicles was good.
じん on Google

ビルの1~3階で スタイリッシュな車を たくさん展示してあるから 中に入った時 近未来的ですごく驚きました 担当して下さった方が とてもご親切で 何種類かの中で 1番私にピッタリな車を 良い面も悪い面も 色々教えて下さり 御提案が具体的に わかり易かった Audi車、めちゃめちゃカッコいいですね!!
A stylish car on the 1st to 3rd floors of the building There are a lot of exhibits, so when you go inside It was futuristic and I was very surprised The person in charge Very kind and among several types Please tell me the best car for me, both good and bad. Your proposal is concrete. It was easy to understand Audi cars are really cool! !!
竹村雅之 on Google

It's the best ??? I feel like I've become a celebrity (laughs)
吉原博美 on Google

It was my first visit, but I was very kind to you.
もみじまんじゅう on Google

いつ行ってもスタッフの対応が心地よいです。 まあ高額な商品を扱うからあたりまえですかね。 日本車のディーラーは参考にして頑張ってほしい。
The staff are always comfortable when you go. Well, it's natural because we handle expensive products. I would like Japanese car dealers to refer to it and do their best.
谷田みれこ on Google

他車との接触で簡単にボディがめくれあがる損傷を受けました。軟弱な印象を受けショックでした。 簡単に事故車になりました。 こういう時、営業担当者は出てこないものなのですね。 お客の気持ちを共有することはなさそうです。 修理に出しましたが数週間の間代車はありません。 不自由です。
The body was easily turned up and damaged by contact with another car. I was shocked by the soft impression. It became an accident car easily. At such times, the sales staff does not come out. It seems unlikely that we will share the feelings of our customers. I sent it for repair, but there is no substitute car for several weeks. It is inconvenient.

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