Aube Pâtissier Shinji Mori - Hiroshima

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aube Pâtissier Shinji Mori

住所 :

2-23 Enomachi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0851, Japan

Postal code : 730-0851

2-23 Enomachi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0851, Japan
koki ueda on Google

広島で一番美味しいケーキ屋だと個人的には思います。 味の組み合わせが絶妙でどれを選んでも間違いないです。 遅い時間だと種類が限られるので、早めの時間に行くのがおすすめです!
I personally think that it is the most delicious cake shop in Hiroshima. The combination of flavors is exquisite and there is no doubt which one you choose. Since the types are limited at late hours, it is recommended to go early!
rabi “rapyunnsky” neko on Google

店内は素敵なおしゃれな雰囲気。 ただコロナ予防などのせいなのか店内は塩素の匂い... またケーキの見た目はすごくかわいかったんだけど、期待していたケーキの味は今一で値段に見合ってないなあと感じました。 もうちょっとコスパのいいケーキ屋さんは他にあると思うのでもう行かないかな。
The interior is nice and fashionable. However, because of corona prevention etc., the smell of chlorine in the store ... Also, the cake looked really cute, but I felt that the taste of the cake I was expecting was not the best and the price did not match the price. I think there are other cake shops with better cospa, so I wonder if I can go there anymore.
下っ端記者 on Google

広島で20店くらいケーキ屋を巡ってるが1番ここがレベル高くて美味しい。 見た目の華やかさだけで言えば他店で勝ってる所があるがベースの美味しさ、職人の腕はここが1番だと感じた。 私が行った時はいつも女性店員の方が愛想良く接客してくれてるので他の方の言うような事はなかったですね
I've been to about 20 cake shops in Hiroshima, but this one is the highest level and delicious. Speaking only of the gorgeous appearance, there are places where it is superior to other stores, but I felt that this is the best in terms of the deliciousness of the base and the skill of the craftsmen. Whenever I went, the female clerk was kind enough to serve customers, so there was nothing else to say.
miuco on Google

ここのケーキが好きで長年通っていましたが、なんだかギスギスした雰囲気が酷くなっているので通わなくなりました。 店員さんも感じが悪く、子供連れのお客さんに対してもドアをきつく閉めたなどと注意していて可哀想でした。そんなに力を入れなくてもバタンと閉まってしまうのでそこまで言わなくてもと第三者から見てもモヤモヤ。注意されたのは私じゃないですが、その空間にいるだけでなんだか居心地が悪かったです。 オープンしたての時はそんな事なかった様に思うのですが、来店するたびにお客様に「○○をしないで」「○○を置かないで」「写真撮影禁止」など注意の張り紙が多くなっていき、ビクビクしながら買い物するのも嫌なので現在は利用していません。
I liked the cake here and used to go there for many years, but I couldn't go there because the squeaky atmosphere was getting worse. The clerk also felt uncomfortable, and I was sorry to note that the door was closed tightly even for customers with children. Even if you don't put too much effort into it, it will close with a bang, so even if you don't say that much, even if you look at it from a third party, it's moody. I wasn't the one who was careful, but just being in that space made me feel uncomfortable. I don't think that was the case when it was just opened, but every time I visit the store, there are many notices such as "Don't do XX", "Don't put XX", and "No photography". I don't like to go shopping while I'm nervous, so I'm not using it now.
ミニ on Google

I bought 4 kinds of cakes here and tried to compare them, but the first thing I felt was that all the cakes are quite strong in Western liquor. Of course it is delicious, but it is an impression for adults.
ブルーロシアン on Google

他の人も書かれているとおり、電話の対応が悪すぎます。ケーキは美味しいけれど、決して安くない金額を支払う客に対する態度ではないですね。話が終わった途端にガチャン!!という感じで予約取消したくなりました。 他に感じの良いお店で美味しいところはありますからね。。商品は美味しいのにサービスが残念過ぎます。 多分見てないでしょうが、是非改善して下さい。
As others have written, the phone response is too bad. The cake is delicious, but it's not an attitude towards customers who pay a reasonable amount of money. Gachan as soon as the story is over! !! I wanted to cancel my reservation. There are other nice restaurants that are delicious. .. The product is delicious but the service is too disappointing. You probably haven't seen it, but please improve it.
KEN HIRO on Google

【こだわったケーキやフランス菓子を食べたい方向け】 他の方の酷評の真偽は分からないですが、女性の店員の方1名の接客は着かず離れずな感じで、嫌な印象は受けなかったです。 (確かに店内撮影禁止であったり、1時間以外にお持ち帰りいただきたいという文言があるのは事実です) ケーキ、私は美味しいと思います! ショートケーキとか素材や職人で差が出やすいと思いますが、クリームやスポンジの軽さは中々出せないと思います。 ただコンビニスイーツなども値段と比べてレベルが上がってきているので、あとは個人の好みとの愛称ではないでしょうか。 甘いもの好きの方は、口コミだけでなく自分の目と舌で確かめてみてください。
[For those who want to eat cakes and French sweets that are particular about it] I don't know the truth of the criticism of the other people, but I didn't get an unpleasant impression because the customer service of one female clerk didn't arrive. (It is true that there are words that shooting inside the store is prohibited and that you want to take it home outside of one hour.) Cake, I think it's delicious! I think it's easy to make a difference depending on the ingredients and craftsmen such as shortcake, but I think that the lightness of cream and sponge can not be made. However, the level of convenience stores is rising compared to the price, so I think it's a nickname for personal taste. If you like sweets, please check with your own eyes and tongue as well as word of mouth.
鈴玲 on Google

The taste and appearance are very good. However, the staff feels uncomfortable. When selling, is it due to the other party (customer) looking at the other party (customer)? It is said that you can buy up to 4 pieces, and you cannot buy more than 4 pieces. There are many delicious cakes that are not forcibly made here.

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