Atarashi Orthopedic Clinic - Sayama

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Atarashi Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

166-1 Higashimitsugi, Sayama, Saitama 350-1302, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 350-1302
Webサイト :

166-1 Higashimitsugi, Sayama, Saitama 350-1302, Japan
坂口博紀 on Google

デスクワークとバドミントンをしていて、月1度のペースで通っています。毎回、身体の調子や具合を聞いてくれるので話し易く、その時々の症状に合わせてメンテナンスをしてくれますので非常に助かっています。自宅から少し遠いので出張で来てくれたら良いのですがw これからもお世話になります。
I do desk work and badminton, and I go there once a month. It's very helpful because it asks me about my physical condition and condition every time, so it's easy to talk to me, and it does maintenance according to the symptoms at that time. It's a little far from home so it would be nice if you could come on a business trip w Thank you for your continued support.
KOJI M on Google

慢性的な腰の痛みがあり、通うようになりました。 施術の後は身体がすごいスッキリします 定期的に通えていませんが、それでも腰は格段に良くなりました!
I have chronic lower back pain and have come to attend. After the treatment, your body will be very refreshed. I don't go there on a regular basis, but my hips are still much better!
犬犬 on Google

最初は肩の酷い痛みで通い始め、それから家が近所なのもあり毎週お世話になっております。 それまでの酷い頭痛や体のいろんな不調までもびっくりするくらい良くなり、薬や湿布を使う事も激減し節約にも。肩の痛みもだいぶ回復してきて、最近では20キロの犬も持ち上げる事が出来るようになりました。ありがとうございます。
At first, I started going with severe pain in my shoulder, and then I am indebted every week because my house is in the neighborhood. Even the severe headaches and various physical disorders up to that point have improved to a surprising degree, and the use of medicines and compresses has been drastically reduced, saving money. My shoulder pain has improved a lot, and recently I have been able to lift a 20 kg dog. Thank you.
sanae_azarashi (あざらし) on Google

最初はぎっくり腰・膝痛で通いました。 今は足底腱膜炎・腰痛・肘の痛みで通っています。 特に足底腱膜炎がひどくとてもつらい状態で仕事や日常生活をしておりましたが、あたらし先生の施術を受けるとスッと症状が良くなります。 仕事をするとまた辛くなりますが、毎週通うことで少しずつ軽快してきました。 先生の施術を受けることは、私が毎日心地よく仕事や生活をするのにもはや欠かせません。 とても優しく丁寧に体をケアしてくださいます。 辛い症状のある方には特におススメします!
At first, I had a tight back and knee pain. I am currently suffering from plantar fasciitis, low back pain, and elbow pain. In particular, I had a very difficult condition with plantar fasciitis in my work and daily life, but when I received the treatment of Dr. Arashi, my symptoms improved quickly. It gets harder when I work, but I've been getting better by going every week. Having a teacher's treatment is no longer essential for me to work and live comfortably every day. Please take care of your body very gently and carefully. Especially recommended for those with painful symptoms!
M H on Google

4年半ほどお世話になっております。 元々、腰椎椎間板ヘルニア持ちということもあり 20代の頃から慢性的な腰痛、足のしびれ、肩こりがひどく色々なマッサージに通ってみましたが、全部その場しのぎ…。翌日には痛みも戻ってしまって、市販の鎮痛剤を飲みながら誤魔化し誤魔化し過ごしていました。家の近くに整骨院がOPENしたことを知り、試しにとお伺いしたことをきっかけに、今は週一回のペースでお世話になっております。その日のコンディションを見抜いて施術してくださる先生は本当にすごいです!自分でもわからない「痛みの元」をしっかり見付けて施術してくださるので、帰る時には数キロ痩せたのかと思うくらいに体が軽く、姿勢が良くなるのを実感できます。今では鎮痛剤いらずです。今後も週一回のメンテナンスを続けていきたいと思っています。
I have been indebted to you for about four and a half years. Originally, he may have a lumbar disc herniated disk. Since I was in my twenties, I went to various massages with chronic low back pain, numbness in my legs, and stiff shoulders, but all of them were on the spot. The next day, the pain returned, and I was spending my time cheating and cheating while taking over-the-counter painkillers. I learned that an osteopathic clinic has opened near my house, and I asked him to give it a try. Now, I am indebted to him once a week. The teacher who sees the condition of the day and performs the treatment is really amazing! The treatment will find the "source of pain" that you don't even know, so when you go home, you will feel that your body is light and your posture will improve as if you had lost a few kilograms. Now I don't need painkillers. I would like to continue maintenance once a week in the future.

産後半年ほど経った頃、お尻から足にかけての痺れと痛みで座ることも歩くことも出来なくなり、こちらに駆け込みました。 初回の施術から驚くほど良くなり、帰る頃には痛みで伸ばせなかった背筋を伸ばして歩くことができました。この時はこんなに変わるものかと驚いたことを今でも覚えています。 こんなに動けなくなるほど痛くなるなんて思いもしなかったので、産後の忙しさにかまけて痛み止めで誤魔化していたこと、それでますます悪化させていたことをとても反省しました。 今では日常生活で痛みを気にすることは少なくなりましたが、根本的な治療と日頃のメンテナンスの大切さを痛感したので定期的に通っています。 先生の人柄も良く、ささいなことでも丁寧に対応してくださいます。その時の身体に合わせて施術してくださるので安心しておまかせできます。
About half a year after giving birth, I couldn't sit or walk because of the numbness and pain from my hips to my legs, so I rushed here. It improved surprisingly from the first treatment, and by the time I returned, I was able to walk with my spine stretched, which I could not stretch due to pain. I still remember being surprised at how much it would change at this time. I never thought that it would hurt so much that I couldn't move, so I really regret that I was cheating with painkillers because of my busy postpartum, and that it made it worse. Nowadays, I don't have to worry about pain in my daily life, but I am keenly aware of the importance of basic treatment and daily maintenance, so I go there regularly. The teacher's personality is also good, and he will take care of even the smallest things. You can rest assured that the treatment will be performed according to your body at that time.
m m on Google

首と肩の痛みで通い始めてから、ずっとお世話になってます。 施術後は身体がとても軽くなり、心体ともに癒されます。 以前よりも体調が良くなりました。
I've been indebted to him ever since I started going with pain in my neck and shoulders. After the treatment, the body becomes very light and the mind and body are healed. I feel better than before.
K's K& on Google

I have been indebted to Atarashi Orthopedic Clinic for several years. Not only for low back pain (especially when you have a tight back!), But also for headaches and sprains on your ankles, it is indispensable for my health as well as my usual maintenance of my body. I am relieved by the sincere personality of the teacher, and I am healed by the foliage plants in the hospital. At this time, you can receive the treatment with peace of mind because you have good infection control measures such as disinfection and reservation system for one person.

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