
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ゼロクリ埼玉

住所 :

Atago, Niiza, 〒352-0004 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Webサイト : https://zerokuri.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–11PM
Sunday 9AM–11PM
Monday 9AM–11PM
Tuesday 9AM–11PM
Wednesday 9AM–11PM
Thursday 9AM–11PM
Friday 9AM–11PM
街 : Saitama

Atago, Niiza, 〒352-0004 Saitama,Japan
まるく on Google

I asked you to dispose of oversized garbage after moving. I didn't do one unpleasant face, and he cleared up all that. It is a professional handyman.
松本美香 on Google

放置していた不用品を始め、 予定外の品まで全て嫌な顔せず運んで下さりとても助かりました。 とにかく 作業の丁寧さと、スピーディさに驚かされました。またお願いする時はここにします♪ありがとうございました! 手際がよく、価格も安い!なにより人柄が良いです^ ^ また、お願いします☆
Starting with the leftovers, I carried all the unscheduled items without disgusting faces and was very helpful. Anyways I was surprised at the politeness and speedy work. I will be here when I ask again ♪ Thank you! Efficient and cheap! Above all personality is good ^ ^ Also, please ☆
久遠寺美紗樹 on Google

引っ越しに際し、家電とゴミの回収をお願い致しました。 とても良く親切丁寧な対応でした。 また何かありました時は、よろしくお願い致します。
When moving, I asked for the collection of home appliances and garbage. It was very nice and polite. If there is anything else, thank you.
須戸浩明 on Google

一人暮らしの引越しで利用しました。 物凄く暑い中、物が多く大きい家電などもありましたがとても快く引き受けて下さり大変助かりました。 スタッフの対応もとても良くて業務中の雰囲気も良かったです。 また何かあればお願いしたいと思います。
I used it for moving alone. In the extremely hot weather, there were many large household appliances, but they were very willing to accept them, which was very helpful. The staff was very friendly and the atmosphere during work was also good. I would like to ask if there is anything else.
やったくん on Google

We asked you to dispose of the waste that came out when you moved. We made a quick and pleasant decision with a polite response at the phone and a conscientious price setting. I wanted to use it after the next time.
ますこ on Google

とっても迅速丁寧な対応で とても助かりました!家の大掃除をした関係で 要らないモノが沢山出てきて 中にはホコリを被ってどうしようもないものも あったのですが 嫌な顔一つせず素敵な笑顔で「全然 大丈夫ですよ」と言って下さり 本当に感謝です!金額も とても良心的で 大助かりしました!また掃除で 色々 出た際には また是非 お願いしようと思いますw
Very quick and courteous response was very helpful! A lot of unnecessary things came out because of the house cleaning, and there were some things that could not be helped by getting dust, but with a nice smile without a disgusting face, "It's all right" I really appreciate it! The amount of money was very conscientious and saved me a lot! I'll also ask you to come back when you come out
Aya Yamada on Google

短距離引越し+廃品回収をお願いしました。見積もり、当日の作業、すべて丁寧にご対応いただきました。大手引越し業者より安く済みました。 また『幅広く依頼者のヘルプをします』という雰囲気があって、当日の状況をみて融通利かせていただき助かりました。洗濯機のホース位置交換、ネット業者についてのアドバイスなど…ありがとうございました。また引っ越しなどあればお願いしたいです(^^)
We asked you to move a short distance + collect waste. Quotation, work on the day, all kindly responded. It was cheaper than a major moving company. In addition, there was an atmosphere of "I will help a wide range of clients", and I was able to see how things were going on the day, which helped me a lot. Replacing the hose position of the washing machine, advice on online business etc. Thank you. In addition, I would like to request if you move (^ ^)
菊地博樹 on Google

I asked you to sort out your belongings and dispose of your household goods. It was a tight schedule until the room was vacant, but we were able to handle it. Estimates were cheaper than other companies, and emails and other exchanges were smooth. I was able to ask for work with confidence.

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