備長炭焼肉 てんてん 女池愛宕店

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 備長炭焼肉 てんてん 女池愛宕店

住所 :

Atago, Chuo Ward, 〒950-0944 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Webサイト : https://m.yakiniku-tenten.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–10:30PM
Sunday 11AM–10:30PM
Monday 11AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11AM–2:30PM
Friday 11AM–2:30PM
街 : Niigata

Atago, Chuo Ward, 〒950-0944 Niigata,Japan
YAO GIGA on Google

ランチのコ・ス・パとても良い。 加工肉と書いてありますが、柔らかハラミ定食は、本当に柔らかく最高です。 小鉢のサラダは、シーザードレッシングがかかって私的には好きです。 柔らかハラミ定食2つと単品で柔らかハラミ2つとライス一つ追加で4000円以内ライスはすべて大盛無料。 単品でハンバーグを頼みましたが、ハンバーグも柔らかく味も良かったです。 個人的な見解ですが、他のチェーン店にも行きましたが、コスパと肉以外のサイドメニューの充実などの面ではとても良いと思います。 日曜日の亀貝店と女池店しか行ってませんが、亀貝店は近くにショッピング街があるので、開店から混みますが、女池店は案外12時過ぎからの混み始めかな。 亀貝店には無い 柔らかハラミ定食が 女池店にはあり、最近は女池店オンリーです。 食後のコーヒーもセルフサービスで、挽きたての美味しいコーヒーが、とても得した感があります。
Cospa for lunch is very good. Although it says that it is processed meat, the soft Harami set meal is really soft and the best. I like cabbage salad with caesar dressing. With 2 soft halami set meals and 2 soft halamis and 1 rice, it's less than 4000 yen. All rice is free. I ordered the hamburger as a single item, but the hamburger was also soft and had a good taste. From my personal point of view, I went to other chain stores, but I think it's very good in terms of cospa and a side menu other than meat. I only go to Kameikai store and Meike store on Sunday, but since the Kameikai store has a shopping district nearby, it will be crowded from the opening of the store, but the Meike store will start to be crowded after 12:00 unexpectedly. There is a soft harami set meal not found in the Kamekai store It is in the Meike store, and recently it is only in the Meike store. After-meal coffee is also self-service, and I feel that I got a very good freshly ground coffee.
ヒビチョフ on Google

ランチで利用 ハラミ丼が最高に美味しかった。 コーヒーやお茶がセルフだったが、コーヒーメーカーはデロンギでいいのに豆か水がずっと切れてて使えなかった。絶対店員さん気づいてたはず。 星5にしたいところだけど、減点1で。 あとは文句なし。
Used for lunch Harami-don was the most delicious. I had coffee and tea, but the coffee maker was good at Delonghi, but I couldn't use it because the beans or water had run out. You must have noticed the clerk. I want to make it 5 stars, but with 1 point deduction. After that there is no complaint.
こーこーこ on Google

炭火焼きで出しているところは評価できます。 ただ、肉に関してはこだわっている様子がなく、牛タンなどはトリミングせず、凍ったまま提供されます。 ランチタイムはコーヒーがサービスされたりしますが、それ以外に値段や量や質などは目立って良いところはないため、炭火焼きの肉を食べたいというのでなければオススメしません。
You can appreciate the charcoal-grilled place. However, it does not seem to be particular about meat, and beef tongue etc. are not trimmed and are served frozen. Coffee is served at lunchtime, but other than that, there is nothing outstanding about the price, quantity and quality, so I do not recommend it unless you want to eat charcoal-grilled meat.
にいがた on Google

It's a little pricey, but all the menus are delicious, and above all, the staff are friendly and chewy, and I like it. The Meike store is recommended. There's a parking lot.
とん on Google

美味しくて人気の炭火焼肉店。 焼肉関係だけはなくラーメン類、カレー、和牛牛丼など幅広いラインナップ。お高い焼肉店!? ではなく安価な定食屋に行くイメージで良いかと思います。 和牛牛丼が好きです。 ネーミングがもう美味しい! 数量限定なのですぐ売り切れてしまいます… 新作の麻婆麺や女池愛宕店のカレーもかなり気になります。 次回の楽しみですね。
A delicious and popular charcoal-grilled meat restaurant. A wide lineup of ramen, curry, Wagyu beef bowl, etc. as well as yakiniku. An expensive yakiniku restaurant! ?? I think it's okay to go to an inexpensive set meal shop instead. I like Wagyu beef bowl. The naming is already delicious! As the quantity is limited, it will be sold out soon ... I'm also very interested in the new Mapo noodles and the curry at the Meike Atago store. I'm looking forward to the next time.
となりのガトト on Google

新四川汁なし麻婆麺食べました。 美味しかったけど、少し足りなかった、、、自分が食いしん坊だからかな笑
I ate Mapo noodles without Shin Sichuan soup. It was delicious, but it wasn't enough ... maybe because I'm a glutton
Novu Iwa on Google

お肉は文句無しに美味しい。てんてんカルビと牛ホルモンだけで満足出来る! 愛宕店限定メニューのコッテリ生姜醤油ラーメン、実はそんなに期待してなかったんですが…めちゃくちゃ美味しい!! こってりスープの虜( ゚∀゚)
The meat is delicious without complaints. We can be satisfied only with Tenten ribs and beef hormone! Kotelli ginger soy sauce ramen on Atago limited menu, I didn't really expect that much ... but it was so delicious! ! Captive of rich soup (∀)
on Google

I went to the Yakiniku Tenten Onnaike Atago store ? Alcohol was served until 20:00 because the spread was prevented ? You can bake it on a shichirin and eat it, and the meat is delicious. Also, compared to the all-you-can-eat restaurant, it is recommended because you can eat relatively quietly. Thank you for your feast ?

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