asian relaxation villa 大手町店

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact asian relaxation villa 大手町店

住所 :

Otemachi, Naka Ward, 〒730-0051 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト :
街 : Hiroshima

Otemachi, Naka Ward, 〒730-0051 Hiroshima,Japan
前野英之 on Google

The location is also very convenient as it is close to Kamiyacho and Hondori. Open later than other stores in the same villa. I thought that not only the treatment but also the atmosphere inside the store and the customer service of the store were wonderful.
池田毅 on Google

一番の魅力はこの「価格帯」で「個室」という事。 また「魅力的なスタッフ」が対応してくれる事です♪ のんびりとした空気感と個室という空間は、リラックスするにはうってつけの場所です。 また価格帯もお手頃なので、通いやすいかと思います。 タイ式は普段のもみほぐしとは違った、スタッフと一緒に色々な動きをする楽しいスタイル。 バリ式リンパは、オイルでのゆったりまったりとした癒しのスタイル。 それぞれ単品だけでなく組み合わせも出来、ネット予約で簡単に予約も出来る為、是非利用して見る事をお勧めします。 市内のど真ん中にある為、仕事帰り・買い物帰り等で利用すると良いかも知れません。 「個室」「価格帯」、この大きな二つの点で行くべきお店だと思います。 あと女性スタッフさんは明るく楽しく素敵な方達ばかりですよ♪
The most attractive thing is that it is a "private room" in this "price range". In addition, "attractive staff" will respond ♪ The laid-back atmosphere and the space of a private room are perfect places to relax. Also, the price range is reasonable, so I think it's easy to go. The Thai style is a fun style where you can move with the staff, which is different from the usual Momihogushi. Bali lymph is a relaxing and healing style with oil. Each item can be combined as well as individually, and you can easily make a reservation online, so we recommend that you use it to see it. Since it is located in the center of the city, it may be good to use it on your way home from work or shopping. I think this is a store that you should go to in terms of "private room" and "price range". Also, the female staff are all bright, fun and wonderful ♪
ブルーチョコ on Google

店内は明るい雰囲気で清掃が行き届いており、確かな技術力のあるスタッフのサービスが比較的リーズナブルな価格帯で受けられます。 明るいスタッフと会話をしながら、リラックスした状態で身体の疲れを癒しました。 バリ式リンパ、もみほぐし、ヘッドスパを利用
The interior of the store is bright and well-cleaned, and you can receive the service of reliable technical staff at a relatively reasonable price. While talking with the cheerful staff, I healed my physical fatigue in a relaxed state. Use Bali lymph, fir loosening, head spa
佐藤功 on Google

まず立地の良さを感じます。広島市大手町のエディオン西館の真向かいのビルの4階にあります。買い物、観光にも便利なところだと思います。 中に入ったら他のVilla店舗と違い、まるでホテルのような落ち着いた 雰囲気に驚きました。セラピストの方は、素朴で話し安く笑顔で好感が持てました。私の体が慢性的に肩こり、足の懲りなどがあり、1回ですっきりとは行きませんが。また行きたいと思います。
First of all, I feel the location is good. It is located on the 4th floor of the building directly opposite the EDION West Building in Otemachi, Hiroshima City. I think it is a convenient place for shopping and sightseeing. Once inside, unlike other Villa stores, it feels like a hotel. I was surprised at the atmosphere. The therapist was simple, talkative, smiley and liked. My body has chronic stiff shoulders and leg discipline, so I can't go clean once. I think I want to go again.
はやと on Google

I went with a friend's introduction. The signboard of the shop is also big, and I arrived without hesitation. I experienced Thai traditional massage, and I was able to feel the effect more than normal massage. The staff were also smiling and serving customers, and I was able to receive the treatment in a cozy space and atmosphere. Thank you very much.
へくと on Google

タイ古式マッサージを施術してもらいました。 女性のスタッフさんでしたが、なかなか力強いマッサージで、受けた後に身体が軽くなりました。 会話ありと会話なしも選べ、寝たい人もおしゃべりしながらマッサージ受けたい人も楽しめる空間です。 買い物帰りの1時間で疲れを癒すのにちょうどいいところです。
I had a Thai traditional massage. Although it was a female staff member, the massage was quite powerful and made me feel lighter after receiving it. You can choose between conversation and non-conversation, and it is a space where people who want to sleep and those who want to receive a massage while chatting can enjoy it. It's a perfect place to heal your tiredness in an hour after shopping.
小路卓 on Google

完全個室で心身共にリラックスできました ベッドにはヒーターが備えてあるのでより快適です! 担当して貰ったスタッフさんはとても話しやすく、女性ですが力も強く男性でも満足できると思います。 足ツボと揉みほぐしをしましたが、次回はもう少し長めにお願いしようと思います
I was able to relax both physically and mentally in a completely private room The bed is equipped with a heater so it is more comfortable! The staff in charge is very easy to talk to, and although she is a woman, she is strong and I think that even men can be satisfied. I rubbed my feet and loosened them, but next time I'd like to ask for a longer time.
*ヒトアリ on Google

完全個室の店舗でくつろげました。 メニュー はバリ式リンパをお願いしました。 とても気持ちよくスッキリしました! 施術中はコミュニケーションを取りながら要望も聞いて頂き臨機応変に対応して頂きました! セラピストの接客も良く楽しく過ごせました。
I was able to relax in a completely private room. I asked for Bali lymph for the menu. It was very comfortable and refreshing! During the treatment, we communicated with each other and listened to their requests and responded flexibly! The therapist's customer service was also good and enjoyable.

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