4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Sakuragicho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0854 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88787
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 12–8PM
Sunday 12–8PM
Monday 12–8PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 12–8PM
Thursday 12–8PM
Friday 12–8PM
街 : Saitama

Sakuragicho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0854 Saitama,Japan
流離いの風来坊 on Google

ジーンズの補修はココ。 『食い込み』 『パッカリング』 等に拘って職人技で直してくれます。 ブランド関係なく、自分の大事なジーンズを長く穿くなら間違いなくココ。
Click here to repair jeans. "Bite" "Puckering" It will be fixed by craftsmanship regardless of such things. Regardless of the brand, if you want to wear your precious jeans for a long time, definitely here.
z27ag sea5j on Google

最近利用させていただきました。 他のレビューにあるような言葉遣いが云々というのは私は感じませんでした。 普通に丁寧な対応だったと思います。 確かに料金表はありませんでしたが、事前に公式ページからLINEで質問できるツールを使い値段を聞いていたので、特別不満は感じませんでした。 当方が注文した裾上げも1時間程で完了し、受け渡しの時も感じの良い対応をしていただきました。 オーナー様?のパパサンがまた渋くかっこいいです。 トータルで初見の私に対しても感じの良いお店だと感じました。
I recently used it. I didn't feel the wording used in other reviews. I think it was a normal and polite response. Certainly there was no price list, but I didn't feel any particular dissatisfaction because I was asking the price in advance using a tool that allows me to ask questions on LINE from the official page. The hemming that we ordered was completed in about an hour, and we received a pleasant response at the time of delivery. Owner? Papasan is cool again. In total, I felt that it was a nice shop for me, who had never seen it before.
オレンジレンジ on Google

店長さんらしき人の言葉遣いが客商売をしている人だとは思えないぐらい悪い。高評価をつけているのは身内だけだろうと思う。ほんとに大切なファッショナブルなデニムを持ち込むのは避けた方がいい。 料金表も提示せずに値段を言われる。詐欺ではないとは思うが商売として最初に料金表を提示すべきだと思う。 バイク乗りの方が行く分にはいいのかもしれないが、それ以外の方は値段的にも態度的にも別のお店を訪れることをおすすめする。
The wording of a person who seems to be a store manager is so bad that I can't think that it is a person doing business. I think only the relatives are highly rated. You should avoid bringing in your very important fashionable denim. You are told the price without showing the price list. I don't think it's a scam, but I think you should show the tariff first as a business. It may be good for bikers to go, but for other people, I recommend visiting another store in terms of price and attitude.
one Lucky moTHER FUCKER on Google

他店では某メーカー品に限り無料で裾上げ(チェーンステッチ)ができるので直接店に行くと10分程でチェーンステッチで仕上げて貰えたが、こちらのお店(亜洲'S)ではチェーンステッチは即日仕上げは2,000円で、店(亜洲'S)に行き店員にチェーンステッチで即日仕上げで裾上げを頼むと店員は「1時間程で裾上げが出来ます」と言ったので、店員に裾上げを頼んだあと店を出て別の用事を済ませて1時間後に店に戻ったのだが、まだ裾上げは出来ておらず、更には裾上げを頼んだはずの店員の姿が見当たらないので店長らしき年配の男性に聞くと、店長がタメ口で「食事に行ったから待ってろ!」とタメ口で言われました。何故か店員は裾上げをする前に食事休憩に行ってしまったらしく、結果的には裾上げが出来るまで2時間以上も待たされました。 1時間で出来るはずの裾上げが2時間以上も待たされ店長からは詫びの言葉もなく、店員が帰ってくるのを待っている間は店長が客に対して終始タメ口で上から目線で態度がデカくて史上最悪の気分の悪いショップでした。 クチコミに店長さんは職人気質と書かれてる人がいますが、店員が休憩から帰ってくるまで客を待たせてる間に店長は自分で裾上げをする気配すら有りませんでしたが、もしかして店長は裾上げすら出来ないのに脳味噌だけは職人気質な人なんでしょうか(笑) 他店ではチェーンステッチの裾上げ(無料)は10分程で仕上がりましたが、こちらのお店(亜洲'S)ではチェーンステッチの裾上げ即日仕上げ(2,000円)は2時間以上待たされた挙句に店長が終始タメ口で、史上稀に見る最低最悪なショップです。
At other stores, you can hem (chain stitch) for free only for certain manufacturer's products, so if you go directly to the store, you can finish it with chain stitch in about 10 minutes, but at this store (Ashu'S), chain stitch is Same-day finishing is 2,000 yen, and when I went to the store (Ashu'S) and asked the clerk to hem it with chain stitch on the same day, the clerk said, "I can hem it in about an hour," so I asked the clerk to hem it. After asking for a hem, I left the store and finished another errand and returned to the store one hour later, but I haven't been able to hem it yet, and I can't see the clerk who should have asked for hem, so the store manager When I asked an elderly man who seemed to be like me, the store manager said with a chain stitch, "I went to eat, so wait!" For some reason, the clerk seemed to have gone to a meal break before hemming, and as a result, he had to wait for more than two hours before hemming. There was no apology from the store manager for more than two hours to hem up, which should be possible in one hour, and while waiting for the clerk to come back, the store manager always looked at the customer from above. It was the worst shop in history with a big attitude. There is a person who says that the store manager is a craftsman in the word of mouth, but the store manager did not even seem to hesitate himself while the store clerk kept the customer waiting until he came back from the break, but maybe the store manager I wonder if only brain miso is a craftsman who can't even hem up (laughs) At other stores, chain stitch hemming (free) was completed in about 10 minutes, but at this store (Ashu'S), chain stitch hemming same day finishing (2,000 yen) was waited for more than 2 hours. The store manager is always a tame, and it is the worst shop you can see rarely in history.

高評価は身内だけだって口コミがあるけど、自分は身内じゃないですよ。 店主さんは職人気質の方でした。 デニム初心者で何もわからない自分に対して、利益なしに丁寧にご説明いただきました。 リペアで伺いましたが新調しようと思い、落ち着いたらまた訪問したいと思います。 ☆1付けてる方は恐らく失礼な態度の人だったんじゃないですかね? 店主さんは職人気質な印象の方ですが、とても丁寧ですよ。
There are reviews only for relatives, but I'm not a relative. The shopkeeper was a craftsman. For me, who is a beginner in denim and doesn't understand anything, he gave me a polite explanation without any profit. I asked for repairs, but I'm thinking of making a new one, and when I'm calm, I'd like to visit again. ☆ The person with 1 was probably a rude person, wasn't he? The shopkeeper has an impression of craftsmanship, but he is very polite.
カタナftr on Google

星1個ついていますが、本当は0です。人気の商品を1年前に予約しました。店からは「気長に待ってくれ」の回答です。先日、予約した商品の同サイズが3点、早い物勝ちで販売されました。店に問い合わせたところ、店長らしき人物が、「3点は貴方よりも前に予約した方に販売した。」と回答されました。 この店には不信感しかありません。不愉快な店です。
It has one star, but it is actually 0. I booked a popular item a year ago. The answer from the store is "Please wait patiently". The other day, three items of the same size that I reserved were sold on a first-come, first-served basis. When I contacted the store, a person who seemed to be the store manager replied, "Three items were sold to those who booked before you." There is only distrust in this store. It's an unpleasant store.
NAHKI B on Google

ジーンズの奥深さを知ってる人にとっては、仕立てのお値段は大変安いです。 店主の方も気さくに話してくださり、テンション爆上げでした。 ユニオンスペシャルでのいい腕と知識と経験をありがとうございます! こちらのお店の希少価値が理解しがたい方やジーンズにあまり拘りがない方は、文句を羅列するより、他店でパートのオバちゃんにやってもらえばいいと思います。
For those who know the depth of jeans, the tailoring price is very cheap. The shop owner also kindly talked to me, and it was a great tension. Thank you for your good skills, knowledge and experience at Union Special! If you don't understand the rarity value of this shop, or if you don't really care about jeans, I think it's better to have Ova-chan, a part-timer, do it at another shop rather than listing the complaints.
ローズちゃん on Google

The atmosphere of the shop is good ? It looks old, and the manager (denim craftsman style) responds while working. I was a little reluctant to try on a hat because it was difficult to ask for it, but I was relieved because I received a pleasant reply when I asked for it. Is it a custom-made specialty store? ? There are few products in the store, it feels unique, and unfortunately there was no product that matched me ?-2. It is not a malicious evaluation at all, so please use it as a reference ?

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