Asanumakaju Orchards - Nakano

5/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact Asanumakaju Orchards

住所 :

120-4 Omata, Nakano, Nagano 383-0057, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8979
Postal code : 383-0057
Webサイト :

120-4 Omata, Nakano, Nagano 383-0057, Japan
Katsutoshi Taguchi on Google

--今日、浅沼さんから「種あり巨峰」が届きました。「種あり巨峰」は、栽培に手間がかかるとのことですが、味がとても濃厚です。スーパーには、出回らない貴重な品です。家族で一粒づつ大切に頂いています。 これから、秋姫、南水が収穫されますが、家族で楽しみに待っています。
--Today, Mr. Asanuma sent me "Kyoho with seeds". "Kyoho with seeds" is said to take time to cultivate, but the taste is very rich. It is a valuable item that is not available in supermarkets. The family cherishes each grain one by one. From now on, Akihime and Nansui will be harvested, but I am looking forward to it with my family.
早川ナカ on Google

12/13 The long-awaited Sanfuji has arrived. Although it is a small grain, it is very satisfying with its texture and taste. Since this is my first order, I ordered from small grains that are reasonably priced. After thinking about it later, I checked the normal size and it was already out of stock. It's very popular. It's a delicious taste that you can't taste at the store. Thank you very much.
伊藤惠子 on Google

今日、浅沼果樹園から巨峰が届きました。毎年注文しています。 この辺りで買うものとは比べられないくらい美味しいです。 いつもとても甘くてこたえられない美味しさです。 今年は天候不順だったのに変わらない美味しさで驚いてしまいました。 3歳児の孫にも大好きなので送りました。 去年も大喜びだったの喜ぶ事と思います。 浅沼さんに感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。
Today, Kyoho arrived from Asanumakajuen. I order every year. It's so delicious that you can't compare it to what you buy around here. It's always very sweet and unresponsive. Even though the weather was unseasonable this year, I was surprised at how delicious it was. I also loved my grandchildren, who are 3 years old, so I sent them. I am glad that I was overjoyed last year. I am full of gratitude to Mr. Asanuma.
lemonグリーン on Google

浅沼果樹園さんの巨峰はハリやツヤがあり大満足です。お味も最高に美味しいです。1年間、この味を待ってたんだーと思いました。 頂いたシャインマスカットが美味しかったので自分で購入し始めました。 浅沼果樹園さんのお人柄が伝わる果実です。 ずっと頑張ってほしいです。 プラムも梨も林檎も◎
Asanumakajuen's Kyoho is very satisfying because it has elasticity and luster. The taste is also the best. I thought I had been waiting for this taste for a year. The Shine Muscat I received was delicious, so I started buying it myself. It is a fruit that conveys the personality of Asanumakajuen. I want you to do your best forever. Plums, pears and apples ◎
大橋秀樹 on Google

いつも美味しい巨峰ありがとうございます?今年のも、抜群に美味しいです。大きさ、甘さ、酸味申し分なし? 3年位前、長野県の友人から頂いた梨(南水)が、今まで食べた事のない梨でして??もうビックリ‼️それからは、プラム(秋姫)、林檎、シャインマスカットとても美味しく頂いております。秋になると、浅沼果樹園さんの果物??もう欠かせません。 いつもありがとうございます?若い夫婦で頑張っています。ご自愛くださいませ。
Thank you for always delicious Kyoho ? This year is also outstandingly delicious. Perfect size, sweetness and acidity ? About 3 years ago, a pear (Nanmizu) that I got from a friend in Nagano prefecture was a pear that I had never eaten before ?? I was surprised! ️ After that, plums (Akihime), apples, and Shine Muscat are very delicious. In autumn, Asanumakajuen's fruits ?? are indispensable. Thank you always ? I am working hard as a young couple. Please love yourself.
坂本ひろみ on Google

毎回お届け頂く極上の果物は、栽培された浅沼果樹園様の最高傑作。もちろん太陽や雨水、風、そして土壌などの恵みはあれど、それらのバランスを絶えず研究追及され、果物の声を優しく聴きながら上手に育てられるからこそ出来上がると感じます。抗酸化力や栄養価もきっと優れているに違いありません。直接口に入れる果物だからこそ、クスリなどの心配のないものを検索していて出会いました。安心で本物の美味しさを求めるすべての方に、この素晴らしい果物をお勧めしたいと考えます。 梱包も果物に対する愛情を感じます。心から信頼できる果樹園です。 巨峰に始まり、りんごまで。すべて楽しみにしております。
The finest fruits delivered each time are the masterpieces of the cultivated Asanumakajuen. Of course, there are blessings such as the sun, rainwater, wind, and soil, but I feel that it is possible to grow them well while constantly researching the balance between them and listening to the voices of fruits gently. It must have excellent antioxidant power and nutritional value. I came across it while searching for something that I didn't have to worry about, such as meds, because it was a fruit that I could eat directly. We would like to recommend this wonderful fruit to anyone who wants peace of mind and genuine taste. I also feel the love for fruits in the packaging. It is an orchard that you can trust from the bottom of your heart. From Kyoho to apples. I'm looking forward to everything.

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