Asakusasanfujinka Clinic - Taito City

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Asakusasanfujinka Clinic

住所 :

3 Chome-2-5 Nishiasakusa, Taito City, Tokyo 111-0035, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 111-0035
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30AM–1PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–1PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–1PM
Thursday 9:30AM–1PM
Friday 9:30AM–1PM

3 Chome-2-5 Nishiasakusa, Taito City, Tokyo 111-0035, Japan
花香 on Google

穏やかな雰囲気の先生で、いくつかの質問にも丁寧に説明して頂きました。 これからも受診したいと思うクリニックです。
The teacher had a calm atmosphere, and he explained some questions carefully. It is a clinic that I would like to continue to see.
ぺこ on Google

他院の対応に不安になり、こちらのクリニックに縋る思いで伺いました。 優しい雰囲気の先生がとても親身になって話を聴いてくださいました。検査中の説明もとても丁寧でした。妊娠中の不安も含めて今後についてもアドバイスしていただき、心が軽くなりました。 とても感謝しています。 看護師さん達もとても優しく気使ってくださり、感動しました。 急な予約にも関わらず、本当にありがとうございました。
I was worried about the response from other hospitals, so I visited this clinic with the feeling that I was skeptical. The teacher with a gentle atmosphere became very kind and listened to me. The explanation during the inspection was very polite. I was able to give me some advice about my future, including my anxiety during pregnancy. I appreciate it very much. The nurses were also very kind and impressed. Thank you very much for your sudden reservation.
er en on Google

星ゼロがあればゼロがしたいです。 他の方も言っているように、横柄な感じのする医者です。自分のやりたいことをやってるときは感じがいいですが、言い間違いも多いし、こちらの質問や要求が気に食わないと態度が悪くなります。事務も信じられないくらいずさんな対応です。こちらから確認しないと何もしません。 私はすぐに病院をかえました。
If there is a star zero, I want to have zero. As others have said, he is a doctor who feels arrogant. It feels good when I'm doing what I want to do, but I make a lot of mistakes, and if I don't like this question or request, my attitude gets worse. The office work is also incredibly sloppy. If you do not confirm from here, nothing will be done. I changed hospital immediately.
Hoshi no on Google

It's a new and very clean hospital, and all the nurses are very kind to me. Your teacher will explain it in detail, and it's not difficult to talk to me... I don't really like the fact that I don't know anything like this? When I had a medical examination due to severe menstrual pain, I was told that it was just menstrual pain. I think you said that you did not have an illness such as endometriosis, but even a simple menstrual pain is enough to go to the hospital. It's such a pain that I can't live my daily life properly. I didn't expect an obstetrician to say "just menstrual pain". I don't want to distinguish between men and women, but I wonder if a male obstetrics and gynecology teacher would be difficult to understand even if I had knowledge. I will prescribe the medicine properly, and the inspection will be done properly. However, I feel like I'm only going because it's near and good. If another better hospital is found, I will change it.
s y on Google

お腹にしこりを感じ、生理の時にレバー状の塊が手のひら大のものが出て、これはおかしいと思い、受診しました。しこりは子宮筋腫であることがわかりましたが、生理痛とか子宮の痛みには市販の鎮痛剤を飲めばよいと言われ、生理の不順に関してもホルモン剤を出していただきましたが、何となく横柄な感じと筋腫に対しての対処が適当に感じて不安を覚え、他の医院にかかりました。 結果として、医院を変えてよかったです。 出されたホルモン剤は私の年で飲むにはちょっと負担も大きく、飲み続けると危ないよと言われました。 変えた医院では採血、血圧、採尿など細かく検査してくださり、筋腫もあさくさ産婦人科医院では1つと言われたのですが、多発性のもので多数あることもわかりました。また、血圧や血糖値が高く、他の病気も見つかりました。 筋腫は手術で子宮全摘することになりました。 しっかりと検査してもらいたい場合はこちらの医院は向かないと思います。 以前、娘を授かった時にこちらの先代のお医者さまにかかりましたが、サバサバした感じでフレンドリーで、でもしっかりと診てくださる先生でしたので、期待して行ったのですが残念です。 看護師さんはとても親切で優しい感じでした。 待合室の音楽がちょっと大きく感じました。 検査結果だけをうかがう場合は医院に赴かずに電話で聞くだけで済むシステムはありがたいと思いました。
I felt a lump in my abdomen, and when I was menstruating, a lever-shaped mass appeared in the palm of my hand. I found that the lump was a uterine fibroid, but it was said that I should take a commercially available analgesic for menstrual pain and uterine pain, and I was given a hormone drug for irregular menstruation, but somehow arrogant I felt awkward and appropriate to deal with myoma and felt anxious, so I went to another clinic. As a result, it was nice to change the clinic. I was told that the hormones given were a little heavy for me to drink in my year, and it would be dangerous to continue drinking. At the changed clinic, he took detailed examinations such as blood collection, blood pressure, and urine collection. Mythoma was said to be one at the Sasakusa Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, but it was also found to be multiple. He also found high blood pressure and blood sugar, and other illnesses. A fibroid has to undergo a total hysterectomy. If you want to have a thorough examination, this clinic is not suitable. Before, when I had a daughter, I was treated by a previous doctor, but I felt like it was dry and friendly, but he was a teacher who gave me a thorough examination. The nurse was very kind and kind. The music in the waiting room felt a little big. When I wanted to see only the test results, I was grateful for the system where I could just ask by phone without going to the clinic.
Yutaka Mitsuo on Google

小さな産婦人科なので妊婦検診は20週まで。その後は希望する医療機関へ紹介状を出してもらえる。ホームページを拝見すると先生は開業3代目の町医者ではあるが、名門慈恵出身、他診療所での経験もあるようです。普通の産科外来での対応、相談、質問には十分にご対応いただける。 ただ、男性目線の見解ではあるが、ほかのレビューにもある通り常識的なことをわざわざ説明してくださる先生ではないので、初産や女性ひとりで妊婦検診をうける場合などは不安・不満はあるのかもしれない。予約スロットは(恐らく)15分単位なので問診にあまり時間をかけないスタイルなのかもしれない。医師、看護師ともに妻が検診を受ける上での不満はなかったが、受付の対応がずさん。精算や予約さえ不愉快に思うことはあるが、そんなことではお腹の子供に影響はないので目をつぶってよい。 妊婦へのサービスやケアを求めてわざわざ通院するほどではないものの、このコロナの時期に付添受診ができるのが何より大きい。土曜診療もあるので、ご主人同行で近所から産科通院するのなら良い施設。 あえて診療に不満があるとすれば、エコー写真の精度や角度が悪いこと。サイズや形状はわかるが、記念にとっておける素敵な写真ではないことが多い。
Since it is a small obstetrics and gynecology department, the examination for pregnant women is limited to 20 weeks. After that, a referral letter will be sent to the desired medical institution. When you look at the homepage, the teacher is the third-generation town doctor, but he seems to be from a prestigious Jie and has experience in other clinics. You will be able to deal with any outpatient obstetrics outpatient consultations and questions. However, although it is the view from a male point of view, he is not a teacher who purposely explains common sense as in other reviews, so there is anxiety and dissatisfaction when giving birth to a pregnant woman or when a woman is going to be examined by a pregnant woman alone. It may be. The reservation slot is (probably) every 15 minutes, so it may be a style that doesn't take much time to ask. Both the doctor and the nurse had no complaints about the fact that my wife had a medical examination, but the receptionist was sloppy. You may find it uncomfortable to even pay the bills and make reservations, but you can close your eyes because it does not affect your hungry child. Although it is not so much as going to the hospital for the services and care of pregnant women, the biggest thing that can be done during this corona period is an attending medical examination. There is also Saturday medical treatment, so it is a good facility if you want to go to the maternity clinic from your neighborhood with your husband. If you dare to be dissatisfied with the medical treatment, the accuracy and angle of echo photography are poor. I know the size and shape, but it's often not a nice photo for a memorial.
宮本崇 on Google

相方と行きましたが非常に横柄な態度、上から目線の言葉遣いでムカつく医者でした。 診療に必要の無いことまでネチネチ聞いて嫌味を言う医者です。 看護士さんは非常に丁寧で良かったのですが、医者のせいで二度と行かないとまで言っています。
I went with my partner, but he was a doctor who was very arrogant and irritated by the wording from above. He is a doctor who dislikes listening to things that are not necessary for medical treatment. The nurse was very polite and nice, but he even said he would never go because of the doctor.
ぺこりぺこ on Google

こちらのクリニックにかかって劇的に体調や生活を変える転機になりました。 我慢していた更年期症状がいよいよひどくなり、予約なしの駆け込みでしたが直ぐに快く診てもらいました。 優しい先生で、辛い苦しい状況をじっくり見守って話を聞いてくれて、それだけで不安な状態がほぐれていく感覚でした。 血液検査の結果を待たず、直ぐに薬を処方して頂き、驚いたことに次の日には症状が劇的に軽くなりました。 以来、こちらの先生には全幅の信頼をおいてホルモン補充療法(HRT)で通院しています。 先生と相談しながら貼り薬や飲み薬、塗り薬を交互に試していますが、体調は持続的に安定しています。 台東区の子宮頸がん検診もこちらでお世話になりました。 浅草で婦人科のかかりつけ医を持つならこちらの先生をおすすめします。 大学病院の経験をお持ちのようで、婦人科全般、幅広く安心して相談に乗ってもらえます。 病院内は清潔でとても綺麗です。 予約制なので待つこともありません。窓口も看護師さんの対応もとても親切ですよ。 なかなか前に踏み出せずにいましたが、思い切って飛び込んでみて本当に良かったと思っています。
This clinic was a turning point that dramatically changed my physical condition and life. The menopausal symptoms that I had put up with became worse, and I rushed in without a reservation, but I was immediately happy to see him. He was a kind teacher, and he carefully watched over the painful and painful situation and listened to the story, which made me feel that my anxiety was alleviated. Instead of waiting for the results of the blood test, I was asked to prescribe the drug immediately, and to my surprise, the symptoms were dramatically alleviated the next day. Since then, I have been going to the hospital with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) with full confidence in this teacher. I have been trying patch, swallow, and ointment alternately in consultation with my teacher, but my physical condition is persistently stable. The cervical cancer screening in Taito Ward was also taken care of here. If you have a gynecological family doctor in Asakusa, I recommend this teacher. It seems that you have experience in a university hospital, and you can consult with a wide range of gynecologists with peace of mind. The inside of the hospital is clean and very beautiful. There is no need to wait because it is a reservation system. The window and the nurses are very kind. I wasn't able to step forward, but I'm glad I took the plunge and jumped in.

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