Asakusabashi Powerful Acupuncture - Taito City

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Asakusabashi Powerful Acupuncture

住所 :

22 Asakusabashi, Taito City, Tokyo 111-0053, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 111-0053
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–11PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–11PM
Tuesday 9AM–11PM
Wednesday 9AM–11PM
Thursday 9AM–11PM
Friday 9AM–11PM

22 Asakusabashi, Taito City, Tokyo 111-0053, Japan
吉村 on Google

産後の腰痛、股関節の痛みで通院させて頂いています。 通院して2ヶ月ちょっと経ちましたが、少しずつ改善してきて身体がだいぶ楽になりました。 赤ちゃん連れOKということで、子どもを受付の方に預かってもらいながら安心して施術を受けることができます。 先生方も気さくで話しやすく丁寧な施術で育児でいっぱいいっぱいの中、良いリフレッシュにもなっています。 赤ちゃんを預かって頂いて施術を受けられる整骨院が少ないので、とても良い整骨院に出会うことができました。
I am going to the hospital because of back pain and hip pain after childbirth. It's been a little over two months since I went to the hospital, but I've improved little by little and my body has become much easier. Since it is OK to bring a baby, you can receive the treatment with confidence while having the receptionist take care of your child. The teachers are also friendly, easy to talk to, and polite, and while they are full of childcare, it is also a good refreshment. Since there are few osteopathic clinics where you can take care of your baby and receive treatment, I was able to meet a very good osteopathic clinic.
T Y on Google

肩と腰がつらくて行きました。 施術後はとても楽になって嬉しいです。 つらくなる原因等も丁寧に教えてくださりました。 身体の歪みが治せるように、通院を続けたいと思います。
My shoulders and hips were painful. I am glad that it became very easy after the treatment. He also politely taught me the causes of the pain. I would like to continue going to the hospital so that my physical strain can be cured.
原田あかね on Google

美容鍼でお伺いさせていただきました。 スタンダードコースとパーフェクトコースで選べるようになってます。 まず顔、身体の状態を診てきちんと説明していただけます。 初めてでせっかくなのでパーフェクトコースを フェイスパックした状態で超音波、EMSを当ててもらえます。 メインの美容鍼は顔の触診をしていただいて気になる箇所や筋肉の状態を診て打ってもらえます。電気鍼は普段動かしてないであろう筋肉が凄い動くので楽しいです! 鍼は初めてですが本当に少し痛いくらいなのであまり気にする必要は無いです 終了後は目的の気になる口元の歪みがすっきりします! 血行が良くなるのか顔色も良くなります 合わせて体の状態も診てもらえるので 全体的なメンテナンス面ではサロンとかで細々行くより楽かも…といった感じでした。
I visited you with beauty acupuncture. You can choose between the standard course and the perfect course. First of all, you can examine your face and physical condition and explain it properly. It ’s my first time, so I ’m going to have a perfect course. You can apply ultrasonic waves and EMS in a face-packed state. The main beauty acupuncture can be palpated on the face to check the area of ​​concern and the condition of the muscles. Electric acupuncture is fun because the muscles that you wouldn't normally move move a lot! It's my first time to use acupuncture, but it really hurts so I don't have to worry too much. After the end, the distortion of the mouth that you are interested in will be refreshed! Does it improve blood circulation or complexion? You can also check your physical condition at the same time. In terms of overall maintenance, it might be easier than going to the salon in detail.
Yusanne Pitaloka on Google

腰と首の痛みが酷かったです。友人は私に整骨院に行くように勧めました。保険に加入できるので、このクリニックに行くことにしました。 2ヶ月連続でここに行った後、私の痛みは軽減しました。クリニックも深夜まで開いているので、仕事帰りにここに行けます。私の日本語能力はあまり良くありませんが、ここのすべての先生はとても明るくて親切です。今後もよろしくお願いします!
The pain in my lower back and neck was terrible. A friend advised me to go to the osteopathic clinic. I can get insurance, so I decided to go to this clinic. After going here for two months in a row, my pain was alleviated. The clinic is open until midnight, so you can go here on your way home from work. My Japanese ability is not very good, but all the teachers here are very cheerful and kind. I hope to work with you in the future!
T K on Google

おくんばおくんば on Google

I am indebted to you about twice a week. Before each treatment, the treatment will be performed according to your physical condition. I feel that my physical condition is getting better little by little. The atmosphere of all the staff is good, and I go there with peace of mind every time. I would like to ask you in the future.
岩切千春 on Google

初めての来院でしたが、身体の根本的な原因から、しっかりと完治するまでの段階を踏んだカリキュラムまで細かくご説明頂きました。 また、首、肩の痛みがひどく、普段からよく整体に通っていまして、当日の痛みは和らぐのですが、次の日には痛みが戻っていましたが、 こちらで治療して頂きましたら、だいぶ痛みが和らぎました。 これから通っているうちに、頑固な肩こりが治っていくことが楽しみです。
It was my first visit to the hospital, but he explained in detail from the root cause of the body to the curriculum that took steps to completely heal. Also, the pain in my neck and shoulders was so severe that I often went to chiropractic, and the pain on that day was relieved, but the pain returned the next day. If you treat me here, the pain will be much lessened. I'm looking forward to the stubborn stiff shoulders getting better as I go.
悠紀 on Google

It's been about a year since I started going here because I felt the pain in my neck, shoulders and lower back. It treats you personally and teaches you what to look out for in your daily life. I had a headache, but my neck and shoulders are no longer easier. Thankfully, it is open from morning till night, so you can go to the hospital according to your lifestyle. The staff are also cheerful and kind.

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