
4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 山清フード

住所 :

Asakuracho, Ashikaga, 〒326-0823 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Webサイト : http://yamasei.chiharuya.com/
街 : Tochigi

Asakuracho, Ashikaga, 〒326-0823 Tochigi,Japan
あんみなの on Google

お肉やお魚、お惣菜スーパーのクオリティとは思えないほど良い。今どき珍しくちゃんと仕入れている感がある。値段も質を考えれば安いと思う。 けど、その分たまにかなり傷んだ野菜なども紛れてる。この辺りは他のスーパーとは品質管理等を良くも悪くも人の目利きでやってるからこそなのかと。 あと、レジの店員の対応の差が人によって激しい。常連さんや業者関係も多く出入りすることもあり、他の一般客には塩対応したり、上から目線のおばちゃんも何人か見受けられる。そんな働き方を許容してるのもここのスーパーならではだけど、すべてのお客さんを取り込むつもりがあるのなら、もう少し接遇指導をした方が良い印象。何回か他のスーパーでは味あわない不快な思いをレジでしている。繁盛してるし、客を選べるくらいの気持ちもあるのかもしれないが、客商売なのでもう少し表面を取り繕って欲しいところもある。 お客さん第一にという感じで対応している店員さんも多いけど、何人かね。。。 扱っているものが良いだけにレジでお金払う時に不快な思いをするのは、より残念
The quality of meat, fish and side dish supermarkets is so good that you can't think of it. There is a feeling that it is rarely purchased properly these days. I think the price is cheap considering the quality. However, there are some vegetables that are damaged by that amount. I wonder if this area is due to the fact that quality control, etc., is done by people's connoisseurs, for better or for worse, with other supermarkets. Also, the difference in the correspondence of the cashier's clerk is large depending on the person. There are many regulars and traders who come and go, and other general customers can be salted, and some aunts can be seen from above. It is only in the supermarket here that such a way of working is allowed, but if you intend to attract all customers, it is better to give a little more hospitality guidance. I have had some unpleasant feelings at the cash register that I can't taste at other supermarkets. It's prosperous and I may feel like I can choose a customer, but since it's a customer business, I want the surface to be repaired a little more. There are many clerk who deal with customers first, but there are some. .. .. It's even more disappointing to feel uncomfortable when paying at the cash register because the items you are dealing with are good.
宮本恭彦 on Google

肉や魚の仕入れをしっかりしています。 質を考えればお値段も妥当だと思います。
We have a solid purchase of meat and fish. Considering the quality, I think the price is reasonable.
on Google

As a supermarket in the town, ingredients that are not sold in large stores are sold. It's rare to wash oysters with shells or carp.
S Gotoh on Google

面白いお店☆ 普通のスーパーより並んでいる 魚介類の種類が豊富で新鮮☆ 鳥のガラも売っているので、 らーめんのスープも手作り しちゃいました(笑)
Interesting shop ☆ Lined up from ordinary supermarkets A wide variety of fish and shellfish is fresh ☆ We also sell bird gala, so Ramen soup is also handmade I have done it (laughs)
REDS大好き。 on Google

イケモリ・山清と、足利市に有る老舗のスーパーです。 昔から、魚など鮮度が良い商品を扱っていて、お客さんも、結構、入っています。
It is a long-established supermarket in Ashikaga City with Ikemori Yamakiyo. We have been dealing with fresh products such as fish for a long time, and there are quite a few customers.
ゆうぱっくんvV on Google

レジのパートさんの対応がキツいです。 レジで会計中のお客さん途中で車中にお財布を忘れたことに気付き、レジのパートさんにそのことを告げ、車に急いでお財布を取りに行っていました。 私はそれをたまにやってしまうことだよね、と思いながら見ていました。 年配ながらも慌ててお財布を持ってレジにくるお客さんでしたが、そのお客さんに対してレジのパートさんがかなりきつめに注意しており、驚きました。 お客さんが全く悪びれてないならまだわかるのですが、申し訳なさそうに慌てて戻ってきてるお客さんにわざわざきつく注意する対応に、他のお店(スーパー意外含め)にはないキツい対応に私が注意されたわけではないですが、非常にショックを受けました 実際、注意を受けたことでお客さんも非常にショックを受けている様子で見ていていたたまれませんでした お客様は神様とはいいませんが、お客さんのちょっとしたミスをも許さない態度にびっくりいたしました 他の口コミを見ていてもレジで嫌な思いをしてる方も多いみたいです お肉やお魚、お惣菜など扱っている商品は良いし、各フロアの品だしや肉や魚、惣菜コーナーの店員さんの対応は悪くなく、お客さんを立ててくれますので、気持ちよく買い物できますが、レジの対応だけが極端にきつい対応になるのが本当にこのお店の難点です こちらのスーパーに行ったあとに、イ○モリのスーパーに行くとレジ対応が良くて癒されます
The correspondence of the part-time worker at the cash register is tough. A customer who was checking out at the cash register noticed that he had forgotten his wallet in the car, told the cashier's part about it, and hurried to the car to pick up his wallet. I was watching while thinking that I would do it once in a while. Although he was old, he was a customer who came to the cashier with his wallet in a hurry, but I was surprised that the cashier's part was paying close attention to the customer. I still know if the customers aren't bad at all, but I'm sorry to say that I'm afraid to pay attention to the customers who are returning in a hurry, and to deal with the toughness that other stores (including supermarkets) don't have. I wasn't careful, but I was very shocked. In fact, I was struck by the fact that the customers seemed to be very shocked by the attention they received. The customer is not a god, but I was surprised at the attitude of not allowing even the slightest mistake of the customer. It seems that there are many people who feel unpleasant at the cash register even if they look at other reviews. The products we sell, such as meat, fish, and side dishes, are good, and the staff at the side dish corner, as well as the products on each floor, are not bad, and the staff at the side dish corner will set up customers, so you can shop comfortably. However, the only drawback of this shop is that only the cashier's response is extremely tight. After going to this supermarket, if you go to the supermarket of I * mori, the cashier correspondence is good and you will be healed.
Nokana Zukasama on Google

安さではなく品質を求めて行くスーパー。いい魚、いい肉が食べたいならここ一択。 栃木、群馬でここ以上の魚と肉が買える店はないと思う。あるなら是非知りたい。 焼肉店ですら取扱の少ない黒毛和牛のタン、ハラミを置いてる時点で凄いですが(この2つは高級店含めほぼ例外なく輸入を使用、併用)、バラ、ヒレ、肩、リブ、サーロイン、腕、シンタマ、センマイ、テールなど日によりますが松阪牛などのA5ランク相当のいろんな部位が揃えられる。 安価な焼肉店へ行く1/2〜1/3ぐらいの金額で高級店並の肉が食べられるでしょう。 豚肉もオススメで、埼玉県日高市にある豚のテーマパークとして有名なサイボクハムのゴールデンポークも置いてあります。
A supermarket that seeks quality rather than cheapness. If you want to eat good fish and good meat, choose here. I don't think there is a better store in Tochigi or Gunma where you can buy fish and meat. I would love to know if there is one. Even at a yakiniku restaurant, it's amazing when you put Japanese black beef tongue and skirt steak, which are rarely handled (these two are imported and used together almost without exception, including high-end restaurants), but roses, fins, shoulders, ribs, sirloin, and arms. , Shintama, Omasum, Tail, etc. Depending on the day, various parts equivalent to A5 rank such as Matsusaka beef are available. You can eat meat like a high-class restaurant for about 1/2 to 1/3 of the price of going to a cheap yakiniku restaurant. Pork is also recommended, and there is also Saiboku Ham's Golden Pork, which is famous as a pig theme park in Hidaka City, Saitama Prefecture.
Victor Takara on Google

Fresh vegetables, fruits, fish available. Good

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