Asakita Ward Sports Center - Hiroshima

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Asakita Ward Sports Center

住所 :

広島市安佐北区スポーツセンター 2 Chome-50-1 Fukawa, Asakita Ward, Hiroshima, 739-1751, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888999
Postal code : 739-1751
Webサイト :

広島市安佐北区スポーツセンター 2 Chome-50-1 Fukawa, Asakita Ward, Hiroshima, 739-1751, Japan
松浦清悟 on Google

One of the sports centers in Hiroshima City. It's getting quite old, but there is a gymnasium, swimming pool and training room, and sometimes there is enough yesterday to exercise. Meeting rooms are also rented out, and it seems that circles are also active. There is also a swimming school in summer, so if you have children you may wish to join.
食物繊維 on Google

息子の卓球大会に行きました。コロナで保護者は入れず車で読書したり仮眠したり川辺りを歩いて時間をつぶしました。 トイレや大会中に消毒やゴム手袋を選手に使わせるなど感染対策をきちんとしてました。
I went to my son's table tennis tournament. In Corona, parents couldn't enter and read a book, take a nap, or walk along the river to kill time. We took proper measures against infection, such as disinfecting the toilet and using rubber gloves for athletes during the competition.
鍛え抜かれた精鋭と技と力 on Google

民営の企業と違うから凄く利用料金が安い。体育館でバトミントンや卓球大人260円子供150円で混雑してない次の待ち人いなければ時間無制限! その他プールやトレーニングジムもあるようだ
The usage fee is very cheap because it is different from a private company. Badminton and table tennis at the gymnasium Adults 260 yen Children 150 yen Not crowded If there is no next waiter, there is no time limit! There seems to be another pool and training gym
ベベドア on Google

朝から昼過ぎは地元の後期高齢者がたむろしてます。 スタッフに生気を感じませんが置いてある器具は良いので黙々とトレーニングするには理想的な環境です。
Local elderly people hang out from morning to early afternoon. The staff doesn't feel animated, but the equipment they have is good, so it's an ideal environment for silent training.
毛利和親(毛利和親) on Google

フットサル(5人制のアリーナサッカー、というべきもの)の最高峰リーグ・Fリーグに加盟している、広島エフ・ドゥのメインフランチャイズたる地でもある。 JR可部線『中島(なかしま)』駅、もしくは同芸備線『下深川(しもふかわ)』駅からいずれも徒歩約15分はかかる。バスは全然ないうえ、車の駐車場も十分な環境とはいえない。行き慣れていなければ、芸備線より可部線を使うほうが迷わないかと思う。
It is also the main franchise of Hiroshima F.League, which is a member of the F.League, the highest league of futsal (a five-player arena soccer). It takes about 15 minutes on foot from both JR Kabe Line "Nakashima" station and Geibi Line "Shimofukawa" station. There are no buses, and the parking lot for cars is not a sufficient environment. If you're not used to it, you might be confused about using the Kabe Line rather than the Geibi Line.
あつあつ on Google

There are many people who come, but it feels good to move your body.
!野原鉛筆! on Google

I used a treadmill in the training room. Since I was able to make a slope, I made a slope and imagined the 5th ward of Hakone Ekiden. After rounding off, I became a mountain god.
野口克彦 on Google

You can happen to see many kinds of carp (fish of various colors) swimming in the rivers on both sides of the sports center.

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