Asakayama General Hospital - Sakai

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Asakayama General Hospital

住所 :

3 Chome-3-16 Imaikecho, Sakai Ward, Sakai, Osaka 590-0018, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87988
Postal code : 590-0018
Webサイト :

3 Chome-3-16 Imaikecho, Sakai Ward, Sakai, Osaka 590-0018, Japan
龍騎 on Google

I am out of the hospital
あっきぃ on Google

I was taken care of by hospitalization before, but the impression is that the hospital room has a touch panel and is more advanced than other hospitals. The doctors and nurses in charge were very kind.
あやめ on Google

It was hard to walk because of the pain, but the receptionists and nurses kindly responded. The teacher also kindly explained.
レッドブル! on Google

発熱外来で訪問した際に、一回他の病院で受診した患者は受け入れしていないと追い返えされました。 ほんま、クズみたい病院でする。 やっぱグーグルの評価通りでしたね
When I visited the outpatient department for fever, I was repelled that the patient who had visited another hospital once was not accepted. Really, I do it at a hospital like Kuzu. After all it was as evaluated by Google
西友美 on Google

典型的なうつ病で去年の秋から今年の年明けまで入院しました。 看護師は手薄なのか親切に対応してくれたのは副主任の男性看護師の村木さんだけでした。 主治医の伊藤先生はしっかり病気と向き合ってくれ、しっかり話を聞いてくれる素晴らしい先生です。理学療法の中島先生も病人に心から寄り添ってくれる若いのに素敵な先生でした。 最初のうちは右も左も分からず部屋を追い出されたり散々な目に合いましたが入院を耐えたところで少し楽になった気がします。 お世話になりました。ありがとうございました。。
I was hospitalized for typical depression from last fall to the beginning of this year. It was only Mr. Muraki, the deputy chief male nurse, who kindly responded to me whether the nurse was too thin. My doctor, Dr. Ito, is a wonderful teacher who can deal with illness and listen to me. Professor Nakajima of physiotherapy was also a young but wonderful teacher who was very close to the sick. At first, I couldn't tell right or left, and I was kicked out of the room, and I had a lot of trouble, but when I endured hospitalization, I felt a little easier. thank you for helping me. Thank you very much. ..
rotty nico on Google

保健所からの紹介でPCR 検査で伺いました。 今は不明ですが、当時は症状が発生していれば公費負担だったにも関わらず、PCR検査代を請求された挙げ句、詳しい診断もなく検査の結果だけで陰性と判断。 翌日違う病院で無償でPCR検査を行い、陽性と診断。 肺炎も悪化して即入院になりました経験があるので二度と行きたくありません。
I was introduced by a health center and asked for a PCR test. It is unknown now, but at that time, even though it was a public expense if symptoms occurred, the PCR test fee was charged, and it was judged negative only by the test result without detailed diagnosis. The next day, a PCR test was performed free of charge at a different hospital, and the diagnosis was positive. I don't want to go there again because my pneumonia got worse and I was hospitalized immediately.
Yuudai Yamamoto on Google

星1の評価もつけたくありません。 とにかく酷い。 数年前の夜中に妻が40度近く発熱したので、救急外来でこの病院に行きました。 まず受付?のおじさんに状態を伝えたところ、「何しにきたんですか?ただの風邪でしょ?内科の医者居ませんけど・・・」等と言われ、フラフラの足で帰ろうとすると受付のおじさんから「ちょっと待ってて」と言われ待合室で待機。 寒くて暗い待合室で1時間以上放置。 耐えかねて受付のおじさんに「見てもらえないなら帰ります。」 と伝えたところ、「はい?今更?」 と、かなり迷惑そうな反応。 結果診察されるも処置なし、薬もなし。 何ともないと言われ、帰される。 翌日容態変わらずしんどそうにしている妻を別の病院へ連れて行くと、肺炎を起こしている。と言われ血液検査をすると異常な数値だった。 昨夜浅香山病院の救急外来で診察してもらったが何もして貰えなかった旨、対応等伝えたところ、「あ・・・浅香山病院か・・・。あそこは・・・。(苦笑)しんどかったね。」との反応。 体調崩した患者への対応も有り得ない、診察も適当。 こんな病院が100年も続くもんなんですか? 夜間にお手を焼かせてしまうのは、こちらの健康管理不足だとは思いますが、だからといってこんな仕打ち受けるのは仕方ないんでしょうか? 一生行きません。見たくもありません。
I don't want to give it a 1 star rating either. Anyway, it's terrible. My wife had a fever of nearly 40 degrees in the middle of the night a few years ago, so I went to this hospital for an emergency outpatient. First reception? When I told my uncle about his condition, he said, "What did you come to? It's just a cold? I don't have a doctor in internal medicine ..." Wait a minute, "and wait in the waiting room. Leave it in a cold and dark waiting room for over an hour. I couldn't stand it and the uncle at the reception said, "If you can't see me, I'll go home." When I told him, "Yes? Now?" And a reaction that seems to be quite annoying. As a result, he was examined, but no treatment was given, and no medicine was given. It is said that nothing is happening and it is returned. The next day, when I took my wife, who was still in a state of illness, to another hospital, she had pneumonia. When I was told that I had a blood test, it was an abnormal number. I had a medical examination at the emergency outpatient department of Asakayama General Hospital last night, but when I told him that he didn't do anything, he said, "Ah ... Asakayama General Hospital ... there ... (bitter smile) It was a pain. . ”. There is no way to deal with patients who are ill, and medical examination is appropriate. Is this kind of hospital going on for 100 years? I think it's a lack of health care here that burns your hands at night, but isn't it unavoidable to take such measures? I won't go for the rest of my life. I don't want to see it.
ほっさま on Google

精神科ではない方の診察で、先生の横についている事務の女性が香水なのかハンドクリームか分かりませんが、マスクをしていても分かるぐらい甘い臭いを漂わせていて不快でした。 一緒に働いている人は注意しないのでしょうか? 体調が悪くて病院に行っているに、働いている人の香害で更に体調が悪くなりました。 爪も伸ばしてネイルもしており、制服のシャツも胸元がはだけていて、病院の顔である事務員さんとは思えない身だしなみでした。
I don't know if the office lady next to the teacher is a perfume or a hand cream at the medical examination of a person who is not a psychiatrist, but it was unpleasant because it had a sweet smell that I could tell even if I was wearing a mask. Wouldn't the people you work with be careful? I went to the hospital because I was sick, but the scent of the working people made me even sick. Her nails were stretched out and she was nailing, and her uniform shirt had her chest open, so she looked like a clerk who was the face of the hospital.

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