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Contact 町田あおば整骨院はりきゅう院

住所 :

Asahimachi, Machida, 〒194-0023 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Webサイト : http://machida-aoba.com/
街 : Tokyo

Asahimachi, Machida, 〒194-0023 Tokyo,Japan
永井奈美 on Google

頭痛と左腕の痺れでかよいはじめました。 矯正を週一回、頭痛の症状と左腕の痺れ改善しましたが。2ヶ月ほど行けなくなりぎっくり腰と今度は右腕の痺れが出てに再度通院し始めて少しずつ改善してます。
I started to get sick with a headache and numbness in my left arm. I corrected it once a week, but my headache symptoms and numbness in my left arm improved. I couldn't go for about 2 months, and my lower back and this time my right arm became numb, so I started going to the hospital again and gradually improved.
C M on Google

Thank you for your help in postpartum pelvic correction. It was a short period of about two weeks when I returned home, but once a week, I was asked to apply acupressure to the areas I was interested in, which helped me to recover my physical strength after childbirth. I would be grateful if there was a store near my home.
M N on Google

首凝り・腰痛で通っています。 長年自力でストレッチ等していましたが、なかなか改善せず。 ここに通い始めてからはかなり楽になりました。 またどこがどう凝っているか、どのようにセルフケアすれば改善するのか毎回気付きがあり、来院時だけでなく継続的に改善できています。
I have a stiff neck and low back pain. I've been stretching on my own for many years, but it hasn't improved. It's been a lot easier since I started going here. In addition, I am always aware of where and how I am elaborate and how to improve by self-care, and I am able to improve continuously not only at the time of my visit.
Chiya on Google

半年ほど前から肩と肘の痛みが酷く通院を始めました。 最初は肩を上げるだけでも痛かったのが 施術を受けるにつれ痛みも落ち着き、 今では殆ど痛みは無くなりました。 全身くまなく指圧していただけるので身体が楽になります。 これからも定期的に施術してもらおうと思ってます。
About half a year ago, I started going to the hospital because of severe pain in my shoulders and elbows. At first it hurt just to raise my shoulders The pain subsided as I received the treatment, Now the pain is almost gone. You will feel comfortable because you can apply acupressure all over your body. I will continue to have regular treatments.
まりりん on Google

I visited the hospital because I had repeated backs. I thought that the cause was something other than my back, but I couldn't cure it because I couldn't figure out what was wrong with it, but I found out that my shoulders and hip joints were stiff. Once I had my posture corrected, it became much easier with one treatment. And what surprised me was that the general pain when I woke up was drastically reduced. I also have chronic pain in my neck, so I plan to go there regularly until the pain disappears.
425シンバ Tiger on Google

事故直後から頭痛、首の痛みがあり通院しました。 2才の息子を連れての通院にも不安がありましたが、皆さんとても親切で無理なく通うことが出来ました。 施術中にストレッチの仕方を教わったり、普段の生活でも姿勢の悪さを意識して生活出来る様になりました。 今は首の痛みもなく生活出来る事に、とても感謝しています。 本当にありがとうございました。
Immediately after the accident, I had a headache and neck pain and went to the hospital. I was worried about going to the hospital with my 2-year-old son, but everyone was very kind and I was able to go to the hospital without difficulty. I learned how to stretch during the procedure, and now I can live with a bad posture in my daily life. I am very grateful that I can live without neck pain now. I'm really thankful to you.
中西律子 on Google

昨年の10月から通院を始めて4か月ほどになります。マッサージと矯正、楽トレの治療法で、歩行・階段の昇降・車の運転の際の膝の痛みが改善されて、おかげ様でとても楽になりました。ありがとうございます。 諦めていた車での旅行も出来てとても嬉しいです。 再発予防のため、まだ治療中です。駐車場も利用しやすく通いやすいです。先生方、スタッフの方達もとても優しいですよ(^^)v
It's been about 4 months since I started going to the hospital in October last year. The massage, correction, and easy training treatments have improved my knee pain when walking, climbing stairs, and driving a car, which made it much easier. thank you. I am very happy to be able to travel by car that I had given up. I am still under treatment to prevent recurrence. The parking lot is also easy to use and easy to go to. The teachers and staff are also very kind (^^) v
a sugimoto on Google

Due to lack of exercise, I started to have back pain when I stood on the train for an hour while commuting. When I listened to the story at the Aoba Osteopathic Clinic, where I thought I had a bad posture and could correct the skeleton, I was polite, easy to understand, and liked it. I also go to the inner muscle as a set with the easy training that can be trained. The whole body is reset every time the treatment is performed, the range of motion is widened and it becomes easier, so the physical condition is very good. In addition, Shiatsu is suitable for me because it listens to the places where I feel discomfort or pain that day and approaches me accurately. (1) Aoba + (2) Gym + (3) Vegetable & brown rice-centered dietary improvement has helped to improve QOL by reviewing lifestyle habits in total!

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