Asahidai Clinic - Yokohama

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Asahidai Clinic

住所 :

3 Chome-1-38 Nakashirane, Asahi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 241-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 241-0004
Webサイト :

3 Chome-1-38 Nakashirane, Asahi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 241-0004, Japan
Shun Kaby on Google

You can make an application reservation and it will save you a lot of waiting time, but it's a shame because the teacher doesn't always listen to the doctor and give you a quick examination. The regular checkup was just a quick check. I felt that my parents wanted me to check well because it was an examination of the milestones to check my child's growth.
うさぎᕱᕱ on Google

家族全員でお世話になっていましたが、息子の保険証を10分ほどで今旦那が持ってきているので先に受付させて欲しいと伝えると保険証が無いと受付すら出来ないと言われました。 診察券はデータとしてあるはずなのに今手に持っていないとダメと言われ小さな子供を抱えてなるべく待たないようにしたいのに分かってもらえず。(すでに10人は待ち)もし保険証を持って来なかったなら全額負担で構わないのになぜ受付すら出来なかったのか、医療事務の仕事をしていたので余計に意味が分かりませんでした。予防接種も予約しても1時間以上は絶対に狭い部屋で待たされます。二度と行きません
I was indebted to the whole family, but it is said that I can not even receive the insurance card if it is told that I want you to accept it earlier because my husband has brought my son's insurance card in about 10 minutes. The It is said that you should have a medical examination ticket as data, but it is not good if you don't have it now, and you don't understand it though you want to have a small child and try not to wait. (I already have 10 people waiting) If I did not bring in the health insurance card, I could not accept even though I could not accept it even though I could not accept it because I was working in medical office work and I didn't understand much more. For vaccinations and reservations too, more than an hour will be kept waiting in an absolutely narrow room. Never go again
ryu ueue on Google

家族でお世話になっています。 ワクチン接種では病気でくる患者さんと一緒に待つことはないので安心ですし、予約できるので、長時間待つこともありません。 先生は親しみやすく話しやすいです。子どもにも優しく接してくれます。 とってもいいクリニックです。
I am indebted to my family. We do not have to wait with patients who are ill with vaccinations, so we can rest assured that we can make reservations so we will not have to wait long. The teacher is friendly and easy to talk. It treats children kindly. It is a very nice clinic.
A Chan Nel on Google

子供が小さい頃からお世話になっています。 先生も看護士さんも優しく、事前予約ができて助かります。かなりの人見知りの子ですが、先生に絶対的な信頼感を持っていて病院も嫌がりません。具合が悪かったり虫さされや怪我でも先生に行くと言います。
I have been indebted since my child was small. Both the teacher and the nurse are kind, and it is helpful to be able to make an advance reservation. Although he is a fairly shy child, he has absolute trust in his teacher and does not dislike hospitals. He says he will go to the teacher even if he is sick, bitten by an insect or injured.
riri ino on Google

オープン当時から通っていますが先生はとっても親身で子供にも優しくて本当にいい人です! 先生が優しくて子供も好きみたいで嫌がる事は1度もないです。 ですが受付の2人の方は忙しいからかそっけない態度でとても嫌な気持ちになりました。子供にも冷たく残念です。 いい先生なのとお家も近いので病院に行きますが他のところの受付を見習ってほしいです。接客なので、残念ですね。
I've been attending since the opening, but the teacher is very kind, child-friendly and really nice! The teacher is kind and seems to like children, so I never dislike it. However, the two receptionists were so busy that I felt very unpleasant because of their unfriendly attitude. It's a pity that it's cold for children. I'm a good teacher and my house is close, so I'm going to the hospital, but I want you to follow the reception at other places. It's a shame because it's customer service.
すずめ on Google

家族でお世話になってます。 アプリから予約ができ、待ち時間の短縮で楽です。 院長先生はじめ、全スタッフの方がとても優しく丁寧で説明もわかりやすいです。 今後もお世話になりたいと思います。 コロナ禍で大変だと思いますが、頑張って下さい!
I am indebted to my family. You can make a reservation from the app, and it is easy to shorten the waiting time. All the staff, including the director, are very kind and polite, and the explanations are easy to understand. I would like to continue to take care of you. I think it's difficult because of the corona virus, but please do your best!
ふるまさ on Google

人それぞれの感じ方はあるとして… 私としては非常に接しやすくしっかりと診てもらえる先生という印象です。 受付は特に意識していませんので普通かと思います。 子供が原因不明の発熱が1週間続いた時も、旭区のでかい病院はありきたりな検査と、薬出して様子見ましょうと…。 信用出来ず、あさひ台クリニックに行ったところ、丁寧親切に対応してもらい違う病院への紹介状を書いてもらい、無事に原因がわかり快復しました。 感謝の一言です。
Assuming that each person has their own way of feeling ... For me, I have the impression that it is a teacher who is very easy to interact with and can be examined firmly. I'm not particularly conscious of the reception, so I think it's normal. Even if the child has a fever of unknown cause for a week, the big hospital in Asahi Ward will do a mundane examination and take medicine and see what happens. I couldn't trust it, so when I went to Asahidai Clinic, I was asked to respond politely and kindly and write a letter of introduction to a different hospital. A word of gratitude.
かおそいり on Google

先生はとても良いのですが、ここ最近は発熱外来のため、風邪の症状があると小さい子供でも先生と対面することはできません。 診てもらえないのは不安でした。 そして、スマホを忘れると連絡手段がなく、遠隔で看護師による問診が出来ないからとのことでわざわざ取りに行ってと言われたのが、受付の後1時間後のことでした。 何のために待ってたのか、早く言って欲しかったです。
The teacher is very good, but recently I have a fever outpatient, so even a small child cannot meet the teacher if he has a cold. I was worried that I couldn't see him. Then, one hour after the reception, I was told that if I forgot my smartphone, there would be no means of contact and the nurse would not be able to ask questions remotely. I wanted you to tell me what you were waiting for.

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