
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社ネクステージ

住所 :

Asahicho, Atsugi, 〒243-0014 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://nextage-honatsugi.co.jp/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Asahicho, Atsugi, 〒243-0014 Kanagawa,Japan
田中健 on Google

とても人当たりの良いスタッフさんにご対応頂きました。 対応も早く安心してお任せする事が出来ました。
We had a very friendly staff. I was able to leave the response quickly and with peace of mind.
隼介白幡 on Google

Since I was from afar, I had a lot of anxiety until I went, but the person in charge made it so good that I was able to complete the procedure with peace of mind. Thank you for negotiating.
とらさん on Google

It was my first time living alone, but the person in charge kindly explained to me and I was able to rent a room with peace of mind. Thank you very much.
Kouji Kouji on Google

大学進学の娘の部屋探しで大変お世話になりました。 土地勘のない中、周辺環境やセキュリティ面等ご教授頂き有難うございます。
Thank you very much for finding a room for my daughter who went on to college. Thank you for teaching us about the surrounding environment and security, even though you don't know the land.
める on Google

It's a really bad company. I was introduced to a suitable room without any explanation and was rounded up like "This room is fine ~", and I noticed that there were too many disadvantages to live in, so I felt unreasonable, so I felt that it was unreasonable at a later date. When I called the shop "I want you to refund me", I was struck by the worst attitude, "Please contact the management company, I just introduced you to you." Moreover, I think he was in a higher position like the person in charge of me, but what kind of work do you do? The biggest regret in my life is to spend money on such a company. I will never go again and you should never go.
城之内光 on Google

It was an online contract because it was far away, but I was able to sign it with confidence after giving a detailed explanation.
F I on Google

年始の休暇中にもかかわらず、迅速に対応いただきありがとうございました。 納得のいくお部屋に引っ越せそうで安心です。 また機会がありましたらよろしくお願いいたします。
Thank you for your prompt response despite the holidays during the New Year holidays. It is safe to move to a room that you are satisfied with. If you have another chance, thank you.
Takafumi Ogasawara on Google

During the year-end and New Year holidays and the limited time, I was able to make proposals for the property while listening to this request, and I was kind enough to work until the contract was signed. I was also impressed by the fact that it wasn't just an introduction to the property, such as the appearance of the city and how far it was from the station while heading for the preview. It was a good company to go to the property consultation.

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