Asahi-yamano_ie - Nishimurayama District

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Asahi-yamano_ie

住所 :

1807-1 Oisawa, Nishikawa, Nishimurayama District, Yamagata 990-0721, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 990-0721
Webサイト :

1807-1 Oisawa, Nishikawa, Nishimurayama District, Yamagata 990-0721, Japan
コバちゃん on Google

施設がとても奇麗で 食事も手作りでとても美味しかった
The facility was very beautiful and the food was handmade and very delicious
Kisya Ito on Google

It is clean. Recommended. The bath went to the hot spring of Oizawa.
鷹夕貴 on Google

Visit at work. hot! Both the atmosphere and the girl general are delicious. I want to visit even in private.
佐藤友紀 on Google

It was a comfortable inn ✨
黒田官兵衛 on Google

おかみさんが美人で優しかったですよ! 食事の時間を融通きかせて下さりありがとうございます、お世話になりました。
Okami was beautiful and kind! Thank you for letting me have time for your meals.
譲松田 on Google

食事がおいしい!全体に清潔感があって、しかも家庭的、ぜひオススメです。 わたしは魚釣りで行くのですが、山登りでも散策でもぜひ利用していただきたいです。
The food is delicious! There is a feeling of cleanliness throughout, yet it is recommended by all means at home. I go fishing, but I would like you to use it for climbing or walking.
k suzuki on Google

日暮沢小屋登山口からの朝日連峰山行に利用しました。 先代(先々代?)が槇有恒に朝日連峰を案内したそうで「朝日山の家」の看板用に揮毫してもらったそうです。 清潔な室内と美味しい食事はおかみさんの人柄を表しています。 おすすめします。
I used it for the Asahi mountain range from Nikugurasawa hut. It is said that the predecessor (previous generation?) Guided the Asahi mountain range to Yuyu-tsune, and I asked you to use it for the signboard of "Asahiyama House". The clean rooms and the delicious food represent the character of the lady. Recommended
松尾和典 on Google

オーナーさんが良い方で夕食は最高❗宿泊させてもらった部屋は多分誰も泊まる事の無い、良く言えばロフト、普通は屋根裏部屋です。カーテンが付いてないんで夜はチョッと 古風なところです。
The owner is a good one and the dinner is the best. The room I have stayed is probably no one will stay, in a good loft, usually an attic room. I don't have curtains, so I chop it at night It is an old-fashioned place.

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