Asada Memorial Clinic - Matsumoto

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Asada Memorial Clinic

住所 :

3879-4 Shimadachi, Matsumoto, Nagano 390-0852, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888988
Postal code : 390-0852
Webサイト :

3879-4 Shimadachi, Matsumoto, Nagano 390-0852, Japan
Ryota Takayama on Google

初診でしたが、親切な対応で非常に良かったです。 院内は落ち着いた雰囲気で清潔感があり、好印象でした。 ありがとうございました。
It was my first visit, but it was very nice to have a kind response. The hospital had a calm atmosphere and a clean feeling, which made a good impression. Thank you very much.
はこ on Google

普通より早くインフルエンザ検査が出来るというポスターがあったので行ったが「24時間経ったら来て」と言われた。だったらあんなポスター貼らないで欲しい。 スタッフは親切です
I went there because there was a poster that I could test for influenza earlier than usual, but I was told to come after 24 hours. Then don't put such a poster. The staff is kind
匿名希望 on Google

設備はキレイで、受付や看護師の対応も丁寧。 なにより、女性の先生がこちらの質問にもしっかり答えてくれ信頼できると感じました。
The facilities are clean, and the receptionist and nurses are very careful. Above all, I felt that the female teacher answered this question well and I could trust it.
ひろ on Google

高血圧治療に来ました。 諸事情で3ヶ月服用しなかった 心配で会社の近くのお医者さん探して来たんです 最高血圧210 自己最高記録更新しちゃいました これからは良い子に治療します
I came to treat high blood pressure. I did not take it for 3 months under various circumstances I'm looking for a doctor near the company for concern Highest blood pressure 210 I have updated my personal best record I will treat to a good child from now on
鹿番長 on Google

スタッフ、先生、対応、普段は概ね満足ですがインフルエンザの検査はいただけない。 子どもが痛がっているのに頭を抑えつけてグリグリ鼻の中に「無理やり」綿棒を押し込み出血する始末。出血した綿棒を見ても気にしない。 その後の診察では発熱して期間が短いので検査はまだ早かったですねーと。 ふざけすぎでしょ。
The staff, teachers, correspondence, I'm generally satisfied, but I can't get a flu test. Even though the child is in pain, he holds his head down and "forces" a cotton swab into his nose to bleed. I don't mind seeing a bleeding swab. In the subsequent examination, I had a fever and the period was short, so the examination was still early. You're too playful.
いうらはなこ on Google

It was really good. This is the first clinic with such kind teachers, receptionists, and nurses. And he gave me a very careful examination and explanation.
mono on Google

The staff, nurses and female doctors are also very kind and the atmosphere is very good. However, the phone does not connect at all. Most of them are busy all the time. Currently, because of Corona, it is really annoying that the phone does not connect at all even though the HP says to call in advance if you are not feeling well ...
どら on Google

The teacher is too kind ❗ I feel that it may be stricter. However, the number of ★ is 100.

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