リーフ鍼灸整骨院 川崎有馬院

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Contact リーフ鍼灸整骨院 川崎有馬院

住所 :

Arima, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, 〒216-0003 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://leaf-kawasaki-arima.com/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Arima, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, 〒216-0003 Kanagawa,Japan
前山慶介 on Google

ランニング中に膝を痛めスポーツ整体に通ったものの原因もはっきりとせず根本的な痛みが完治しなかったためこちらにお世話になりました。 最初の診察で原因がどこにありそうかを丁寧に見て下さり、患者としても納得感のある診察・診療が受けられました。また、そもそも膝を痛める原因となったと思われる、筋力不足などについても教えて頂く事ができたのも自分にとって非常にプラスでした。 お陰様で膝の痛みが徐々に改善してきているのが実感できています。
I hurt my knee while running and went to sports manipulative treatment, but the cause was not clear and the underlying pain was not completely cured, so I was taken care of here. At the first medical examination, he carefully looked at where the cause was likely to be, and as a patient, I was able to receive a medical examination and medical treatment that was convincing. Also, it was a great plus for me to be able to tell me about my lack of muscle strength, which seems to have caused my knees to hurt in the first place. Thanks to you, I can feel that my knee pain is gradually improving.
西尾豪太 on Google

仕事柄下を向いて作業をし、肩の痛みが慢性化していました。 矯正治療を行い姿勢の改善に取り組んでいます。 先生たちの雰囲気も良くアットホームです!
I was working downwards and my shoulder pain was chronic. We are working on improving posture by performing orthodontic treatment. The atmosphere of the teachers is good and it is at home!
Yasu on Google

通院当初、猫背矯正の治療をしていただいていたのですが、施術を続けていく内に私の場合はまず全体的に筋肉をほぐし、バランスを整えていく方が効果的だと分かり途中からコースを変更していただきました。 同じ先生に担当していただき、体の小さな変化にも気づいてくださるので安心感があります。 時間も金銭面もかかりそうですが、しっかり治療を続けていきたいと思っています。 よろしくお願いします。
At the beginning of my visit, I was treated for stoop correction, but as I continued the treatment, I realized that it would be more effective to first loosen the muscles and adjust the balance. I had you change the course. I am relieved that the same teacher will be in charge of it and will notice small changes in my body. It may take time and money, but I would like to continue the treatment. Thank you.
tamami sato on Google

ぎっくり腰になり、暫くしたら身体が傾いてきたので慌てて伺いました。その日のうちに傾きが治り、痛みも徐々になくなりました。今は根本治療のために骨盤矯正に通っています。先生はじめみなさん感じがよく、広々としたスペースで、リラックスして施術を受けられます。 よく、小さいお子さん連れの方も通われていますが、キッズルームもあり、スタッフの方が面倒を見たりしてくれているようです。
I got a tight back, and after a while my body leaned, so I hurriedly asked. Within that day, the inclination healed and the pain gradually disappeared. Now I am going to pelvic correction for radical treatment. Everyone, including the teacher, feels good and can relax and receive treatment in a spacious space. People with small children often go there, but there is also a kids room, and the staff seems to take care of it.
Kaunis Riekko on Google

A friend of mine who suffers from back pain recommended me to go for pelvic correction. My pelvis is leaning forward, and I found that it affects various things such as sports performance, body shape, posture, back pain, etc. Please tell me carefully. I'm glad that my back pain has improved little by little, I've been able to use my core, and my posture and sports performance have improved. It is an osteopathic clinic that I would like to recommend to friends who have the same problems.
Keigo Magami on Google

肩こり・首こりからくる頭痛に悩まされたことから通院し始めました。 即効性のあるマッサージと根本原因を作用する矯正の2つの施術をしてもらい、しっかりと効果が出始めています。 院長先生を始め、話を聞いてくださるスタッフが多いので、同様の現象で悩まれている際は一度通ってみると良いかと
I started going to the hospital because I was suffering from a headache caused by stiff shoulders and stiff neck. I have two treatments, a quick-acting massage and a correction that acts on the root cause, and the effect is starting to appear firmly. There are many staff members who listen to the story, including the director, so if you are suffering from the same phenomenon, you should go there once.
今泉克明 on Google

腰が痛くて通院を始めました。先生方は体調等しっかりと話を聞いてくださり、また院内は清潔感があり広々としたスペースになっていてリラックスできます。小さい子供の遊ぶスペースもありスタッフの方が見てくださり子連れでも安心して通院できます。 最近は肩も痛く腰と共に矯正してもらい、効果を実感してきています。
I had a backache and started going to the hospital. The teachers listen carefully to your physical condition, and the hospital is clean and spacious, so you can relax. There is also a space for small children to play, so the staff can see it and you can go to the hospital with peace of mind even with children. Recently, my shoulders hurt and I have my lower back corrected, and I've been feeling the effects.
たじまゆき on Google

産後2ヶ月経っても足を引きずって歩く程腰痛が辛かったので骨盤矯正を施術していただきました。 2ヶ月と2歳の子供2人を連れて行ける所を探してこちらを見つけたのですが、施術中子供たちを安心して任せられるほどスタッフの方々の対応が素晴らしく、子供がチョロチョロ歩き回っていても他の患者さんもお優しい方ばかりで助かっています。 通い初めてから3ヶ月程経ち、腰痛もかなり改善され、毎回計測していただいた骨盤周囲も施術していただく度に締まっていくのが数字でも見た目でもわかりました。 こちらの整骨院に通わせていただいて本当に良かったです!
Even two months after giving birth, my back pain was so painful that I dragged my legs, so I had my pelvis corrected. I searched for a place where I could take two children, 2 months and 2 years old, and found this, but the staff were so wonderful that I could leave the children at ease during the procedure, even if the children were walking around. All the other patients are kind and helpful. It's been about 3 months since I first went to school, and my back pain has improved considerably, and I can see from the numbers and appearance that the area around the pelvis, which was measured each time, tightens every time I perform a procedure. I'm really glad I went to this osteopathic clinic!

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