Arata motsu restaurant - Osaka

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Arata motsu restaurant

住所 :

4 Chome-2-8 Nishinakajima, Yodogawa Ward, Osaka, 532-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 532-0011
Webサイト :

4 Chome-2-8 Nishinakajima, Yodogawa Ward, Osaka, 532-0011, Japan
横田有弘 on Google

Arrived 1 hour and 15 minutes before opening on Friday! Of course pole position (laughs). 20 minutes before the store opened, the 2nd place was finally (laughs) ... It's a taste that can only be tasted here! I want to eat side by side ... I recommend it.
綿野博幸 on Google

噂通りの絶品もつ料理でした。 しかも、これだけの料理に、瓶ビール2本、熱燗1本、特製ハイボール11杯飲んで、2人でたった¥10,900! これは行列出来るはずです。
It was an excellent dish as rumored. What's more, for this kind of cooking, 2 bottles of beer, 1 hot sake, and 11 special highballs were drunk, and it was only ¥ 10,900 for two people! This should be a line.
hirono. qoo on Google

いつでも行列店。 予約は受け付けてなくて並んだ順番。 おまかせで頼むとほとんどのメニューが出てきます。 チレとか肺とか食べたことの無い部位も食べれました。 〆に 出てきてないテール雑炊を頼みました。 オリジナルのハイボールも美味しかったです?
A line shop at any time. Reservation is not accepted and the order is lined up. Most of the menus will come out if you leave it to us. I was able to eat a part I had never eaten, such as a chile or a lung. I ordered a tail porridge that hasn't come out. The original highball was also delicious ?
tam tim on Google

もうどれもこれも美味しくて、新鮮で、特製ハイボールは美味しくて…店主は鋭く面白く、奥さんは優しくて、息子さん物腰柔らか。最後の御雑炊まで完食しました。 毎週行きたいくらい。余韻に浸ってます…
All of them are delicious and fresh, and the special highballs are delicious ... The owner is sharp and funny, his wife is kind, and his son is soft. I finished eating until the last porridge. I want to go every week. Immerse yourself in the afterglow ...
小桐裕介 on Google

西中島南方駅からテクテク5分。 お店はビルの1階!?半分地下!?に位置します。 オープンは17時で、16時過ぎから大体並びはじめまして、1順目で入ろうと思ったら16時半でギリギリです。 メニューから選ぶこともできれば、お任せで人数に合わせた量を出してくれる2パターン。 今回はお任せで。 柔らかくて食べやすい料理と、口の中に残る料理と結構マチマチ。 ん~値段からしてこんなもんかな。 謎のハイボールはほんまに謎www 何が入ってるのわかならいけど、5杯くらい飲むと酔います。
5 minutes from Nishinakajima Minamikata Station. The shop is on the first floor of the building! ?? Half underground! ?? Located in It's open at 17:00, and it's almost started to line up after 16:00, and if you want to enter in the first order, it's just at 16:30. If you can choose from the menu, there are two patterns that will give you the amount according to the number of people. Leave it to me this time. The soft and easy-to-eat dishes and the dishes that remain in your mouth are quite gusset. Hmmm, it's like this from the price. The mysterious highball is really a mystery www I don't know what's in it, but I get drunk when I drink about 5 glasses.
k on Google

確かに美味しいけど、遠方からわざわざきて一時間近く路上で並ぶほどかと問われると、そんなことはない。ここは大阪。もつ、あるいはホルモンが美味しい店は他にもある。 ☆5が多いのは評判を聞きつけてわざわざ来て、長時間、夏は暑く冬は寒い路上で待ってるのと、皆がめちゃくちゃ美味しいって言ってる、というのがだいぶあるんだろうな〜と思う。 前から気になっていたけどいつ通りかかっても列形成されていて、偶然オープン20分前に近くを歩いていてあまり並んでなかったので並んでみました。 家族経営の、昔からここで営業している小さな料理屋。店内は大切にされてきた年期を感じるし、オッチャンオバチャンの夫婦漫才のような掛け合いのある接客は親しみを持てる。 メニューはそう多くなく、周りのリピーターさん達は「おまかせ」を頼んでいたので私もおまかせにした。 おまかせにすると、各席同じ料理が同じ順番で出される。生ものは出す前に「生もの大丈夫?」って声掛けてくれるのが良い。 もつは口コミ通り、美味しくて新鮮。 うん、間違いなく美味しくて新鮮だし、この店を批判する気持ちは微塵も無いのだけど、そんな長時間並ぶか?とは疑問。 オープン時に人数確認に来たオバチャン、次順となるお客さんにごめんねぇって謝ってた。 後ろが凄い並んでるから、お任せで料理が提供されるスピードがめちゃくちゃ早い。30分ほどでほとんどのメニューを食べきる早さ。 ふぅ、って一息吐く間もなく提供されるから、すぐにお腹いっぱいになって、私はシメのご飯までいけず、入店40分でお会計。 食べ始めから食べ終わりまでが凄い早いことにビックリした。 好きなように、ゆっくり食べればいいじゃないと思われるかもだけど、そんな雰囲気じゃないんだよね、、、。 おまかせにしたのは自分だけど、こんなにもペースが早いのはびっくりで、早く食べて帰らないといけない空気感が苦手だなぁと感じたので私は☆4にします。 なおお会計は瓶ビール500円一本と、ミニグラスのハイボール250円を含めて3900円くらいでした。
It's delicious, but when asked from a distance to line up on the street for almost an hour, that's not the case. This is Osaka. There are other restaurants that have offal or delicious hormones. ☆ I think that there are many 5s because they come all the way to hear their reputation and wait for a long time on the street where it is hot in summer and cold in winter, and everyone says that it is insanely delicious. .. I've been worried about it for a long time, but every time I passed by, there was a line, and I happened to walk nearby 20 minutes before the opening, so I didn't line up so much, so I lined up. A family-owned, small restaurant that has been open here for a long time. The inside of the store feels the age that has been cherished, and the customer service with a dialogue like a couple manzai of Ochan Obachan can be familiar. There weren't many menus, and the repeaters around me asked for "Random", so I left it to them. If you leave it to us, the same dishes will be served in the same order at each seat. Before you put out the raw food, it is good to ask "Is the raw food okay?" Offal is delicious and fresh as word of mouth. Yeah, it's definitely delicious and fresh, and I have no qualms about criticizing this restaurant, but do you line up for such a long time? I doubt. I apologize to Obachan who came to check the number of people at the time of opening, and I'm sorry for the next customer. The back is very lined up, so the speed at which the food is served is extremely fast. It takes about 30 minutes to eat most of the menu. Hmm, it's served shortly after I take a breather, so I'm full soon, and I can't even eat the shime rice, so I pay in 40 minutes after entering the store. I was surprised that the time from the beginning to the end of eating was very fast. You may think that you should eat slowly as you like, but it's not that kind of atmosphere. I left it to myself, but I was surprised that the pace was so fast, and I felt that I was not good at the feeling of having to eat early and go home, so I chose ☆ 4. The bill was about 3900 yen including a bottle of beer 500 yen and a mini glass highball 250 yen.
井上頼玄 on Google

We enjoyed Japanese-style motsuni, tongue stew, sashimi, raw omasum, skewered tongue, cole tongue, tataki, neck smoke, etc. It's a restaurant that is popular with foodies in Osaka, who are noisy about the taste, and it's a well-known restaurant with a harmonious atmosphere where you can enjoy conversations with the general.
人生短し食べろよ乙女anna on Google

. . ?【和風もつ料理あらた】 ?大阪/西中島 久しぶりの大阪グルメ?? 初訪問!やっと行けたぁ〜?????❤️ 並んで2回転目で入れたよ!! 端のカウンター席で店内は12席と狭いけど それがいい。好き。 常連さんメインのアットホーム感強めかな?と 思ってたけど初心者ウェルカムな感じで安心? 初めての人はおまかせのコースが おすすめみたいなんだけど 好きなものだけ食べたかったから 生意気にもアラカルトで??‍♀️ ============アラカルト注文============ チレ刺し    400円 ミノ湯引き   400円 和風煮込み   400円 コールタン   400円 テールシチュー 400円 串焼き     400円 テールスープ  400円 =================================== 瓶ビールで乾杯して下調べはばっちりだったから 絶対食べたかったチレ刺しとミノ湯引き?❤️ すごい!!臭みなんか1ミリもない!! チレはねっとり濃厚でめちゃくちゃおいしい? ミノは湯引いてない湯引き!神レベル! このタレと生姜で食べるシンプルさと 歯応えがたまらない。1番好きだった! 和風煮込みはとろとろで頼むべき逸品♪ コールタンの見た目よ!!柔らかさよ!! 辛子と塩で食べるのが最強? 謎のハイボール?みよ!この表面張力! 入れてるところ写真撮ろうとしたらおとうさんに怒られた(`・ω・´) 入れてから撮って!って!笑 しゅみません。 これほんと職人技すぎて崇拝??✨ テールシチューなんか、ぶりんぶりんで ちまちま食べながらお皿のシチューまで 余すとこなく食べ尽くす勢い?? 串焼きもおいしくて謎のハイボール2杯目♪ いい感じに酔う〜? 〆はフランス風テールスープで!! あー、もう今すぐにでも行きたい? 安うまってほんとに大好き!! あらたさんは並んででも食べたい!! 次は、おまかせで注文してみよー♪ ----------------------- ....?食べログ検索?... ....『にゃああも』?.... ........相互フォロー........ ----------------------- by:@annnnyannnn2 YouTube: @harapeko_fufu #和風もつ料理あらた #あらた #モツ #タン #ホルモン #串焼き #せんべろ #ハシゴ酒 #ビール女子 #西中島南方グルメ #南方グルメ #大阪グルメ #関西グルメ #大阪 #旅行 #謎のハイボール #グルメ #行列店 #グルメ好きな人と繋がりたい #食べるの大好き #飲み歩き #ごはん記録 #飯テロ #おいしい #インスタグルメアワード2021 #食べ歩き #ごちそうさまでした #tokyo #japanesegourmet #osaka
.. .. ? [Japanese-style cooking new] ? Osaka / Nishinakajima Osaka gourmet after a long absence ?? First visit! I finally got there ~ ?????❤️ I put them side by side in the second rotation! !! There are 12 counter seats at the end, but the inside is small I like it. Like. Is it a strong sense of home that the regulars are the main? When I was wondering, but I feel safe as a beginner welcome ? For the first time, the course is entrusted to you I think it's recommended I wanted to eat only what I liked Cheeky a la carte ??‍♀️ ============ à la carte order ============ Sashimi sashimi 400 yen Mino Yubiki 400 yen Japanese-style stew 400 yen Cole tongue 400 yen Tail stew 400 yen Kushiyaki 400 yen Tail soup 400 yen =================================== I toasted with a bottle of beer and the preliminary survey was perfect I definitely wanted to eat sashimi and mino hot water ?❤️ Wow! !! There is no smell of 1 mm! !! Chire is soggy and insanely delicious ? Mino is not hot water! God level! The simplicity of eating with this sauce and ginger The texture is irresistible. I liked it the most! Japanese-style stew is a gem that you should ask for mellow ♪ It looks like Cole Tan! !! It's soft! !! Eating with mustard and salt is the strongest ? Mysterious highball ? Miyo! This surface tension! When I tried to take a picture while I was putting it in, my dad got angry (`・ ω ・ ´) Take it after putting it in! What! Lol I'm sorry. This is really too craftsmanship and worship ??✨ Tail stew Even the stew of the plate while eating Momentum to eat up ?? Kushiyaki is also delicious and the second cup of mysterious highball ♪ Get drunk with a good feeling ~ ? 〆 is a French-style tail soup! !! Ah, I want to go right now ? I really love it because it's cheap! !! Arata wants to eat side by side! !! Next, let's order by entrusting you ♪ ----------------------- .... ? Tabelog search ? ... .... "Nyaahmo" ? .... ........ Mutual follow-up ........ ----------------------- by: @ annnnyannnn2 YouTube: @harapeko_fufu #Japanese-style dishes Arata #Arata #Offal #Tan #Horumonyaki #Skewer #Senbero #Ladder liquor #Beer girls #Nishinakajima Southern Gourmet #Southern Gourmet #Osaka Gourmet #Kansai gourmet #Osaka #Travel #Mysterious highball #Gourmet #Procession shop #I want to connect with people who like gourmet #I love eating #Drinking #Rice record #Rice terrorism #Delicious #Insta Gourmet Award 2021 #Eat and walk #Feast #tokyo #japanesegourmet #osaka

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