コパンスポーツクラブ東海 - Tokai

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact コパンスポーツクラブ東海

住所 :

Araomachi, Tokai, 〒476-0003 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 476-0003
Webサイト : https://www.copin.co.jp/shop/tokai/
街 : Aichi

Araomachi, Tokai, 〒476-0003 Aichi,Japan
うえおあい on Google

ランニングマシン多すぎ。 フリーウェイトのスペースが狭い...そもそも2分割する必要なし。 メリットは近いだけかなぁ.... 追記 返信ありがとうございます。 今の形が様々な思いあってのことと伝わってきました。 しかしグループでの占有は現在の形での方が起きやすいかと思います。 また高重量エリアはスペースが狭く、メニュー中の接触の危険が高いと思います。 以上の意見を検討して頂ければと思います。
There are too many running machines. The free weight space is small ... There is no need to divide it into two in the first place. I wonder if the merits are close ... Postscript Thank you for your reply. I was told that the current shape has various thoughts. However, I think that occupancy in a group is more likely to occur in the current form. Also, the heavy weight area has a small space, and I think there is a high risk of contact in the menu. We hope that you will consider the above opinions.
深谷常明 on Google

週3〜4日仕事帰りに体を動かしてます。 ジムエリアで走ったり、プールエリアで ウォーキングしたり泳いだり。 体を動かす習慣ができてきました。
I am exercising 3-4 days a week on my way home from work. Run in the gym area or in the pool area Walking and swimming. I have a habit of moving my body.
りきらら on Google

プール内で、友人同士でこの時期コースを塞ぐ様に話していてもスタッフの注意はなし。 マスクなしの為会話を控えて等ディスタンスを呼びかけてもとあっても、効果なしです。 何時も決まった時間に出会ってしまう。行く気が失せます。サービス業とはいえ見て見ぬふりは疑問です。
There is no attention from the staff even if friends talk to each other in the pool to block the course at this time. Since there is no mask, there is no effect even if you refrain from talking and call for a distance. I always meet at a fixed time. I feel discouraged. Even though it is a service industry, it is doubtful to pretend not to see it.
腱引き整体東海荒尾施術院 on Google

近い以外にメリットなし。 スタッフ(多分アルバイト)役に立たず、やることは掃除だけ。 僕のように星一つの口コミに対し回答がありますが、何一つ改善はありません。 新規入会はトレーニング知識があり、黙々とできる人以外やめた方がいいでしょう。 今日も休みの案内が全くなく閉まってました。今日って普通の土曜日だぜ。 他の会員もわけわからずウロウロしてました。なんとかしろよ
There is no merit other than being close. The staff (probably part-time job) is useless, all I have to do is clean up. Like me, there is an answer to a one-star review, but there is no improvement. New members should not be enrolled unless they have training knowledge and can do it silently. It was closed today without any information about the holidays. Today is a normal Saturday. Other members didn't understand and were wandering around. Do something
Ena M on Google

I go to baby swimming. The teacher is very cheerful and remembers the name and speaks to me a lot. He also gave me some advice and I enjoyed going there. Regarding the closed days that are often written in the word of mouth, in my case, they explained it well when I joined! It was a polite explanation.
hulu hulu on Google

月末最終日と月曜日は休館日ですね。 クチコミでたまにある「開いてなかった」は、おそらく休館日だったからだと思いますが、私が入会する時も、月曜は休館日との説明は覚えてますが、月末が休館日だという案内はなかったように思います。ただ、入会時の説明がたくさんあり、こちらが聞き逃してしまったのかも知れません。何にせよ「言った言わない」になりかねないので、入会時に渡す用紙などに印をつけるとか、見逃さないように工夫して頂く対策が必要かも知れませんね。 トレーニング器具は少し狭いところもありますが概ね満足してます。 プールはキッズスイミングの時間帯とかぶらないようにするのが少し難点。 レッスンはインストラクターさんたち達がとてもわかり易く楽しいプログラムにして下さり満足してます。 クチコミにある通り、アルバイトの子たちは改善が必要だと思います。以前プールに立ってた女の子に最終時間を質問したがアルバイトなんでと言われ答えられず…アルバイトだとしても、その位は把握しておいてほしい。 インストラクターさんはみなさんしっかりされています。この方々でプラマイゼロになり(笑)星は3つにさせていただきました。 アルバイトさん頑張ってください。期待してます。
The last day of the end of the month and Monday are closed days. I think that the occasional "not open" in the word-of-mouth communication is probably because it was a closed day, but when I join, I remember the explanation that Monday is a closed day, but the end of the month is a closed day. I don't think it was. However, there are many explanations at the time of enrollment, and I may have missed this. In any case, you may end up saying "I don't say it", so it may be necessary to take measures such as marking the paper you give when you join, so that you don't miss it. The training equipment is a little narrow, but I am generally satisfied. It is a little difficult to keep the pool from covering the kids swimming time. I am happy that the instructors made the lessons a very easy-to-understand and fun program. As the word of mouth says, I think the children of the part-time job need improvement. I asked the girl who was standing in the pool before about the final time, but I couldn't answer because she was a part-time job ... Even if it's a part-time job, I want you to know that much. All the instructors are solid. These people have become Pramai Zero (laughs) and have three stars. Please do your best part-time job. I expected to have.
CanZ QR84 on Google

トレッドミルはそこそこの台数がありますが、筋トレ用のマシンの種類が少なくて残念すぎます。 オープン当初はスタッフが筋トレマシンの使用法を解説されていましたが、今は放置状態なので、マシンの使用法を知らない人々が、ガッチャンガッチャンと爆音を立てながら使っているなど、かなりテキトーな方々がいて残念すぎます。 筋トレマシンは正しく使用しないと良い効果が期待できないばかりか、マシンの故障にもつながりますので、正しい使用法を伝えるスタッフが必要だと思います。 今いるスタッフは、ただ居るだけで全くの役立たず。
There are a fair number of treadmills, but it's too disappointing that there aren't many types of machines for muscle training. At the beginning of the opening, the staff explained how to use the muscle training machine, but now that it is left unattended, people who do not know how to use the machine are using it while making a roaring noise with Gatchan Gatchan. It's too disappointing. If you don't use the muscle training machine correctly, not only will you not be able to expect good results, but it will also lead to machine failure, so I think you need staff to tell you how to use it correctly. The staff I am now is completely useless just to be there.
うめれもん on Google

Most of them are pleasant customers, but the number of monkeys increases from night to midnight. It's noisy and I don't clean up what I used, and at the end of the day I start training with shoes for shoes. Far from being careful of the clerk, it feels even worse because he is indulging in chatting with the customers. For a high amount of money, I only have an honest disgust in this situation.

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