Apple - Sendai

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Apple

住所 :

6-16 Tachimachi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0822, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 980-0822
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–10:30PM
Sunday 5–10:30PM
Monday 5–10:30PM
Tuesday 5–10:30PM
Wednesday 5–10:30PM
Thursday 5–10:30PM
Friday 5–10:30PM

6-16 Tachimachi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0822, Japan
安達久美子 on Google

The taste is the same as it was 30 years ago, but it seems to be a little bit miscellaneous.
肘井敦美 on Google

ここの餃子はニンニクがっつりで大好きです! 50年近くやっている仙台で3本の指に入る名店です。 現役で使われている黒電話やチェッカーズが来店した時の写真などなど…レトロ感がまたいい味出していてホッとできるお店です♪
I love garlic dumplings here! It is a famous store that can be put on 3 fingers in Sendai, which has been doing for nearly 50 years. Photos of black phones and checkers that are used in active service when they come to the shop etc ... It is a shop that can be relieved because it has a good retro taste.
三代伊都子 on Google

Nostalgic signboard! Master is in Tokyo, wife is in Akita Did you go to eat gyoza every day? Now that I live in Kyushu, I haven't had much time. I always dream. It looks like there was a happy sushi restaurant next door! I'm fine! I'll definitely go eat again. Chibi and others are already grown up.
Phantasma on Google

餃子好きなら是非一度は行ってみて欲しいです。 昔ながらのカウンターのみのお店です。 夏場は時々ハエがいたりしますが、それも味を出すひとつ(?) ひとつが大きくないこともあって女性でも食べやすいかと思います。ここの餃子ならいくらでも食べられそうですけどね。
If you like gyoza, I definitely want you to go there. This is a traditional counter only shop. In the summer, there are occasional flies, but it also gives a taste (?) I think it is easy for women to eat because one is not big. You can eat as many dumplings as you like.
しぐれ on Google

お母さんが奥で餃子手包みしてました 味は普通に美味しいです 餃子とレモンハイで990円 八仙とは違いお通し無し レモンハイはお冷やのグラスで出てきます笑 無愛想でしたが味のある店でした 一回行った事で満足です
Mom wrapped her dumplings in the back The taste is normal 990 yen with gyoza and lemon high Unlike Yasen, there is no passing through Lemon high comes out in a cold glass lol It was unfriendly but tasteful We are satisfied with having gone once
菅原桂 on Google

スポットのよみがな:ぎょうざあっぷる カテゴリ:飲食店 訪問目的:プライベートの食事 訪問時間: 特色1:餃子がおいしい 特色2: 特色3: 価格帯: 全体印象: 利用客層:中高年 コメント:老舗の餃子有名店です。お酒の種類がビールと日本酒、焼酎と少ないのが少々難点ですが、餃子メインなので問題ありません。今では少なくなったようですが、テクニカルサポートを依頼するためのAppleユーザーからの間違い電話が多かったと店主が嘆いておりました。
Spot's Yomigana: Gyoza Apple Category: Restaurant Purpose of visit: Private meal Visit time: Feature 1: Delicious gyoza Feature 2: Feature 3: Price range: Overall impression: Passengers: Middle-aged and elderly Comment: A long-established gyoza famous store. There are a few drawbacks in that there are few types of beer, sake, and shochu. It seems less now, but the store owner lamented that there were many mistaken calls from Apple users to request technical support.
hirokazu hashimoto on Google

ご主人お疲れモードでした。 餃子はニンニクが効いてて好みの味でした。 個人的には焼きがいいかな。
It was my husband's tired mode. The dumplings had garlic and I liked it. I personally like grilling.
goalongave (goalongst) on Google

ご主人はとてもいい人です タバコを吸わず、テレビを見ずに調理に集中されると、昔のような美味しい餃子になると思います。
My husband is a very nice person If you concentrate on cooking without smoking and watching TV, you will get delicious dumplings like in the past.

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