Apaman Shop - Tottori

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Apaman Shop

住所 :

1 Chome-114-3 Minamiyoshikata, Tottori, 680-0843, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 680-0843
Webサイト : https://www.apamanshop.com/shop/31031501/

1 Chome-114-3 Minamiyoshikata, Tottori, 680-0843, Japan
前住次寿 on Google

窓口の女性の感じが 大変悪い、早口で なんか ツンツン している?以前 おられた、女性は、優しく話して いた けど…もうちょつと 考えて もらい たい ものですね。
The woman at the counter feels very bad, speaks fast Somehow I'm crazy ? Before The woman who was there talked gently I was there ... but I asked you to think about it It's something you want.
M Sh on Google

凄く丁寧に接客して頂きました^^ 近くのスーパーやコンビニなど入居後の生活のことまで考えて物件を 選ぶことができました。 住み心地もよくとても満足です^^ ありがとうございました。
I was treated very carefully. Considering the life after entering such as nearby supermarkets and convenience stores, I was able to choose. The living comfort is good and I am very satisfied. Thank you very much.
mitsutada atagi on Google

資料も説明もわかり易くテキパキしてましたよ 私は好感持てましたが取り方によっては事務的と感じるかもしれません 電話では確かにまずは直接来てみてからのお話で、という感じで素っ気なくは感じましたが電話だけでは一本釣りでない限りいっぱい説明してもらっても絞りきれないしね お互い二度手間かも 賃貸物件の場合、退去時の不動産業者の対応で評価が分かれるのでしょうね いずれにせよ修繕費復元費の範疇については契約時によく確認しておいた方がいいですね。 とはいえ当方これから入居なので問題に遭遇するとしても数年先の話ですが。若干の懸念に牽制球で星4つ。
The materials and explanations were so easy to understand that I was very pleased, but it may feel like clerical, depending on how you take them. However, it is not possible to narrow down even if you explain it a lot by phone only unless you explain it a lot with one fishing.If it is a rental property, the evaluation will be divided depending on the response of the real estate agent at the time of move out Repair cost restoration cost anyway It's better to check the category of the above carefully at the time of contract. However, even if we encounter problems because we are moving in from now, it is a few years ahead. 4 stars on a restraining ball due to some concerns.
S I on Google

いつも迅速・丁寧・親切に対応してくださり、とても安心して物件を探すことができました。 お店の雰囲気もよかったです。 ありがとうございました!!
He always responded promptly, politely and kindly, and I was able to find a property with great peace of mind. The atmosphere of the shop was also good. thank you very much! !!
西田竜也 on Google

It was easy to talk to and the atmosphere was good.
poco peco on Google

迅速かつ的確な判断をされる店長でした。( ˙꒳​˙ )
He was a store manager who made quick and accurate decisions. (˙꒳ ˙)
Tmk Kota on Google

I was kind enough to respond and I was able to smoothly decide on the contract on the spot.
creative creative on Google

窓口一番右にいる店員は、非常に態度、応対が悪い。 実地見聞させてもらっても、黙ったままで、ある施設の出入口が故障していたり、汚損していても、知らぬ顔。直接の施設担当ではないにしても、他部署へ連絡してもよいのでは。 ここの会社グループは、住人が修繕依頼しても、迅速に動かず、何のための管理会社なのか、何のための管理費用なのか、自社の社員の管理もできないのだから、物件管理はなおのこと手に余るというこでしょうか。
The clerk on the far right of the window has a very bad attitude and responsiveness. Even if I had a chance to see him in the field, he remained silent, and even if the doorway of a certain facility was broken or soiled, he didn't know his face. Even if you are not in charge of the facility directly, you may contact other departments. Even if the resident requests repairs, the company group here does not move quickly, and it is not possible to manage what the management company is for, what the management cost is for, and the employees of the company, so property management is Is it too much to handle?

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