Apaman Shop - Nagano

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Apaman Shop

住所 :

1419-1 Minaminagano, Nagano, 380-0824, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 380-0824
Webサイト : http://www.apamanshop.com/shop/20014401
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM

1419-1 Minaminagano, Nagano, 380-0824, Japan
たかなし on Google

5年半住んでからの退去時に大家さんへの忖度か、 クロス張り替え代全額及び畳張り替え代を請求された。 当時は知らなかったので支払ったが、リフォームで畳部屋は無くなっていた。詐欺じゃないのかと非常に不満。
When you leave after living for 5 and a half years, We were charged for the full amount of cloth replacement and tatami replacement. I didn't know it at the time, so I paid for it. Very dissatisfied with fraud.
エンジェルハート on Google

急なお願いにも、迅速に対応してくださいました丸山さんありがとうございました。 次回の転居・転出の際には、またよろしくお願いします?
Thank you to Mr. Maruyama for responding promptly to any urgent requests. Thank you again when you move or move out next time.
松屋ちづる on Google

I was worried because there was no preview, but I was able to sign the contract with peace of mind because I was able to respond politely.
石田貴士 on Google

担当者の方が丁寧に対応してくださり、より良い物件を見つけることができました。 ありがとうございました。 洗濯機のサイズを計り忘れてしまい、困って相談したら、後日物件まで行ってくださり、サイズを計ってきてくれました。助かりました。 ありがとうございました。
The person in charge responded politely and found a better property. Thank you very much. I forgot to measure the size of the washing machine, and if I was in trouble, I went to the property at a later date and measured the size. It was helpful. Thank you very much.
つっちー。 on Google

電話対応がひどすぎる。 問い合わせで電話をした際、でた瞬間、「どうしよっかな〜、、あっ、アパマンショップですー」と男性の声で。 その後用件を言い終わり相手の言葉を待っていても、無言、、こちらがあの、ご確認お願いしますね?と聞くまで無言、、 電話対応の指導はされていませんか? 改善の程、よろしくお願いします。
Telephone correspondence is too terrible. When I called for an inquiry, the moment I got out, a man said, "What should I do? Oh, it's an Apaman shop." After that, even if you finish saying the matter and wait for the other party's words, silently, please check this, right? Silent until I hear ... Are you instructed to answer the phone? Thank you for your improvement.
山口展毅 on Google

He gave me a polite and easy-to-understand explanation, and asked me to find a room with kindness. Thank you very much.
まろー on Google

You can tell whether a real estate agent is good or bad when you move out. If you just push the lender's request to the borrower as it is, it is a job that children can do. You will never be taken care of when looking for a room. If you ever become a landlord, thank you in advance.
髙橋由輝 on Google

突然相談しても丁寧に対応してもらえました。 また契約後も入居の手続きに関することや家具家電の設置に関わることまで幅広く相談に乗ってもらえた上に、家電置場のサイズまで 測って丁寧に伝えてくれました! お店の方が温かく、メール対応も丁寧にしてもらえるので安心しました!
Even if I consulted suddenly, they responded politely. In addition, even after the contract, we received a wide range of consultations regarding the procedure for moving in and the installation of furniture and home appliances, and even the size of the home appliance storage area. He measured it and told me politely! I was relieved that the shop was warmer and the emails were handled politely!

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