Apaman Shop - Hasuda

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Apaman Shop

住所 :

6 Chome-3-23 Higashi, Hasuda, Saitama 349-0111, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88899
Postal code : 349-0111
Webサイト : https://www.apamanshop.com/shop/11018001

6 Chome-3-23 Higashi, Hasuda, Saitama 349-0111, Japan
R on Google

I was able to communicate on LINE and immediately hear what I didn't understand. The response was quick, kind and very good.
栗崎りえ on Google

There were many things I didn't understand when I was looking for a house for the first time, but by registering as a friend on LINE, I could easily ask and respond politely, and the house was decided safely.
大家海青 on Google

The shop was kind and very pleasant to serve customers.
Yama yama on Google

The salesman was young but strong, and he kindly searched for a room. I felt like a store that has been in this area for many years, and I thought it was reliable. Everyone other than the person in charge gave a cheerful greeting, and the cozy atmosphere inside the store was also good.
ぷにんじん on Google

I came to the Hasuda store because the store that handles the property I liked was this one. What impressed me was the greetings when I came to the store and when I returned. All the employees said "Welcome" and "Thank you" all at once, and I thought it was a wonderful real estate agent. Also, I am really grateful that the woman in charge responded promptly and kept the initial cost as low as possible. Thank you for this time.
やまかん on Google

「いらっしゃいませ」も「ありがとうございました」も無し、こっちのあとに来た人にはみんなで「いらっしゃいませ」人を見てるのかここの会社は、そして入っても何も言わずにこちらから声をかけるまで全員無視、本当に感じが悪いし人によって説明が違う時もある、アパマンってどこもこんな感じなのか ここで借りるなら他から借りた方がマシ
There is no "Welcome" or "Thank you", do all the people who came after this see "Welcome" people? The company here, and even if you enter, voice from here without saying anything Ignore everyone until I call, it feels really bad and sometimes the explanation is different depending on the person, is Apaman like this everywhere? If you rent here, it's better to rent from another
山本タクヤ on Google

The person in charge was changed on the way because there was time to move in, but we received a very good response.
こーへー on Google

はじめて利用させていただきました。最初の電話の対応は良かったのですが、実際に伺った際の対応が微妙でした。話しかけてもイマイチな対応で、なんだかこちらが気を遣っ感じです… 結果、元々希望の物件があったのでそちらに決めさせていただきました。その後の対応では、契約書の間違いや入金の間違いなどいろいろ不手際が目立ちました。
I used it for the first time. The response to the first call was good, but the response when I actually visited was subtle. Even if I talk to him, it's not a good response, and I feel like I'm concerned about it ... As a result, there was originally a desired property, so I decided on that. In the subsequent response, various inadequacies such as contract mistakes and payment mistakes were conspicuous.

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