ぜろすぽ鍼灸院・整骨院-整体院 新潟市西区青山

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Contact ぜろすぽ鍼灸院・整骨院/整体院 新潟市西区青山

住所 :

Aoyama, Nishi Ward, 〒950-2002 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://zero-aoyama.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday 9AM–12:30PM
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–12:30PM
街 : Niigata

Aoyama, Nishi Ward, 〒950-2002 Niigata,Japan
江崎拓磨 on Google

I had severe stiff shoulders and was suffering from headaches, so when I was thinking of improving it, my colleagues at work recommended me to the Zerospo Osteopathic Institute in Nishi-ku, Niigata City. I am grateful that one treatment improved my stiff shoulders. Also, if you have stiff shoulders, please!
岩下大樹 on Google

People around me told me that I had a bad posture, and when I was looking for a place where I could correct my pelvis in Nishi-ku, Niigata City, I asked for a Zerospo Osteopathic Institute. It was my first time to correct my pelvis, so I thought it would hurt, but I was surprised to be back in a blink of an eye. I was told that I couldn't go unless I continued, so I'm thinking of going through a little and seeing what happens.
真柄悠 on Google

I found it when I was searching for postpartum pelvic correction. I didn't think that I could correct the pelvis after giving birth at the osteopathic clinic, but every time I actually went there, I see! You will be taught such solid knowledge. My thoughts and Zerospo's concept match, so I'll do my best to reach my ideal.
若林輝 on Google

Knee is sore from the start of running, I went to Zerosupo of Niigata Nishi-ku of the running course path. When I like a he went runner often had flying around the story of running relationship. My knee pain a result, the range of motion of the shoulder seems what is referred to as a runner knee was that of a problem. I would like to go through the performance
茂野けんいち on Google

初めてぎっくり腰になってしまい、次の日の仕事が不安になり来院させてもらいました。整骨院自体も初めてだったので不安もありましたが、先生方の分かりやすく丁寧な説明に納得するばかりでした。 おかげで次の日の仕事コルセット付けてではありますがしっかり出来ました! 今後は、楽トレにも挑戦して姿勢改善もお願いします。
For the first time, I got very low back, and I was worried about my work the next day, so I visited the hospital. It was my first time at the osteopathic clinic, so I was worried, but I was just convinced by the easy-to-understand and polite explanations of the teachers. Thanks to that, the next day's work corset was attached, but I was able to do it well! In the future, please try to improve your posture by taking on the challenge of easy training.
Imai Daichi on Google

腰部の痛みで普通に歩くこともできずに困っていたところ、会社の同僚に勧められ通い始めました。 初めは痛みの部位も原因もなかなか特定できずにいましたが、じっくりしっかり向き合っていただけます。 情報が共有されており、どの先生が担当してもきちんと対応されるので安心です。 不具合部分を治す(改善する)だけではなく、その後のトレーニングも考えていただけるので身体をより良い状態に保つことができると思います。 若い先生方ですが、好き嫌いや趣味、仕事や日常のことなど、どんな話題にも対応してくれるため、施術中は時間の経つのがあっという間です。 不具合部位の解消後も身体のメンテナンスを含めて、長くお付き合いできるお気に入りポイントになりました。 身体が疲れてるかな?と思ったら一度伺ってみたらいかがでしょう。
I was in trouble because I couldn't walk normally because of my lower back pain, so I started going to work after being recommended by a colleague at the company. At first, it was difficult to identify the location and cause of the pain, but you can take your time and face it. Information is shared, and it is safe because no matter which teacher is in charge, it will be dealt with properly. Not only can you cure (improve) the defective part, but you can also think about training after that, so I think you can keep your body in a better condition. Although they are young teachers, they can deal with any topic such as likes and dislikes, hobbies, work and daily life, so time passes quickly during the treatment. It has become a favorite point that you can keep in touch with for a long time, including physical maintenance, even after the defective part is resolved. Are you tired? If you think about it, why don't you visit it once?
上木優 on Google

子供が産まれ産後骨盤矯正をしたいと思い、検索していたら新潟市西区のぜろすぽが評価が良かったので行ってみました。評価通りスタッフさんとも接しやすく整骨院のイメージがいい意味で変わりました。また来たいと思えるような所でしたので継続して産前の身体に戻して貰います! キッズスペースがあると子供を連れて行きやすいかなー
I had a baby and wanted to correct the pelvis after giving birth, and when I was searching for it, Zerosupo in Nishi-ku, Niigata City had a good evaluation, so I went there. As evaluated, it was easy to get in touch with the staff, and the image of the osteopathic clinic changed in a good way. It was a place that made me want to come again, so I will continue to return to my prenatal body! Is it easy to take children with me if there is a kids space?
らな on Google

My lower back hurts and I was recommended to go there. The chiropractor will kindly face you and make improvements. It will also teach you training, so you can maintain it. Also, it will be fun to have a conversation with the chiropractor on a common topic. This is a recommended osteopathic clinic, so if you are thinking of performing a procedure, please come visit us!

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