Aomori Yamada High School - Aomori

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aomori Yamada High School

住所 :

3 Chome-13-40 Aoba, Aomori, 030-0846, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Postal code : 030-0846
Webサイト :

3 Chome-13-40 Aoba, Aomori, 030-0846, Japan
はげはげ on Google

生徒の身だしなみにまでケチをつけ、そこら辺の人が着てるような服装まで批判をし ちょっとよくわかんないっすね。
Even the appearance of the students is stingy, and even the clothes that people around them wear are criticized. I'm not sure.
I “SS” S on Google

特進とスポーツ特化がある サッカー、卓球、バドミントンは化け物レベル。 サッカーグラウンドがやたらきれい、近くのヨーカドー、ラウワンに学生がよくいてる
There are special advancement and sports specialization Soccer, table tennis and badminton are monster levels. The soccer ground is pretty clean, and there are many students in nearby Ito-Yokado and Round One.
nnn kkk on Google

絶対に行かない方がいいです クラスメイトの女子が先生に胸ぐらを掴まれて引っ張るという体罰行為をしていましたが さすが私立と言ったところでしょうかそんな事も揉み消されてしまいます 先生達に都合の悪い事が起こると全て揉み消されます 本当におすすめはしません 私立を選ぶなら 青森山田は絶対に選ばない方がいいです 理不尽な目にあっても耐えれる方なら大丈夫だと思います それが耐えれ無く教育委員会に連絡しても 事実が変えられてしまうので
You should never go A classmate girl was doing corporal punishment by being grabbed by the teacher and pulling it. I guess it's a private school, but that kind of thing will be wiped out. If something inconvenient for the teachers happens, everything will be rubbed out. I don't really recommend it. If you choose a private school Aomori Yamada should never be chosen I think it's okay if you can tolerate unreasonable eyes. Even if you can't stand it and contact the Board of Education Because the facts can be changed
黒騎士カミュ on Google

Deviation values ​​36 and 56 differ depending on the department! ️There is also a communication system, so club activities are more important than studying! ️ There is also a dormitory because we gather from all over the country. The graduates are Gaku Shibasaki, the current Japanese national football team, Kei Nishikori of tennis, and Ai Fukuhara of table tennis. Dominate high school soccer nationwide! ️
いせ on Google

クズ野郎が 車線変更するなら 安全な車間距離と方向指示器だせよ 鼻っ面で入ってくんな それで事故になったらどうするよ? よく考えろ。
Kuzu bastard If you change lanes Safe inter-vehicle distance and turn signal Enter with your nose So what if you get into an accident? Think carefully.
すんすん on Google

スポーツ万能学校!! どの部活も強いのだから、校長先生?! 校舎を新築改築しましょう?
All-around sports school! !! Since every club is strong, is it the principal? !! Let's renovate the school building ?
maeda san on Google

選手権100回大会優勝&三冠おめでとうございます!勇気と感動をありがとうございました! 一生懸命なプレーで選手の一人一人の気持ちが画面越しでも伝わってきました 辛く苦しい練習を素敵な仲間と乗り越えて素晴らしい結果で終われた事が本当に嬉しいです 連覇に挑戦できるのは青森山田だけ!いつも応援してます!
Congratulations on winning the 100th Championship and the Triple Crown! Thank you for your courage and excitement! By playing hard, the feelings of each player were conveyed through the screen. I'm really happy that I overcame the painful and painful practice with my wonderful friends and ended up with a wonderful result. Only Aomori Yamada can challenge consecutive championships! I always support you!
神山 on Google

先週、常磐道を走行中にこちらのバスから煽られました。煽られたので走行車線へ移動すると、今度は別の車を何キロにもわたって煽り運転していました。 煽り運転だけではなく、速度もバスなのに時速100km超えでの運転で(120以上は出てたと思います)名古屋走りもしていて物凄い勢いで車を抜き去って行くし、誰が見ても危険な運転をしていました。 どこのバスだろうと見てみると青森山田とサッカーの文字が。 しかも沢山生徒を乗せているじゃないですか。 沢山の生徒を乗せていてしかも学校名まで堂々と書いてあるバスが煽り運転って学校の名前を傷つけるどころじゃないしとても危険ですよね。 非常に驚きました。 こんな危険運転を容認しているような学校だということがわかりましたので、自分の子供は何があってもここには入れないと心に決めました。 こんな運転をしているようじゃいつ事故が起きてもおかしくありませんし本当に危ないです。 もし今後またこちらのバスに煽られた際は警察に通報させていただこうかと思います。
Last week, I was driven by this bus while driving on the Joban Expressway. I was agitated, so I moved to the driving lane, and this time I was driving another car for many kilometers. Not only driving in a hurry, but even though the speed is a bus, driving at speeds over 100 km / h (I think that 120 or more came out) I am also driving in Nagoya and pulling out the car with tremendous momentum, and it is dangerous driving for anyone to see It was a. Looking at which bus it is, Aomori Yamada and soccer characters. Besides, there are a lot of students on board. It's very dangerous because the bus that carries a lot of students and has the school name written on it isn't the place to drive and hurt the school name. I was very surprised. I found out that it was a school that tolerated such dangerous driving, so I decided that my child would not be able to enter here no matter what. If you drive like this, it's safe to have an accident at any time and it's really dangerous. If I get hit by this bus again in the future, I'd like to have the police report it.

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