Aomori Prefectural Tsukushigaoka Hospital - Aomori

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Contact Aomori Prefectural Tsukushigaoka Hospital

住所 :

青森県立つくしが丘病院 Sawabe-353-92 Sannai, Aomori, 038-0031, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87787
Postal code : 038-0031
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM

青森県立つくしが丘病院 Sawabe-353-92 Sannai, Aomori, 038-0031, Japan
ろん on Google

aiba Love on Google

My current doctor is a reliable and very good teacher. However, the amount of medicine has increased. There is a commute from Hachinohe.
風です。miv on Google

事情があり 長く 引きこもりを経験しました が市役所の人 の勧めで 通院することになりました。("⌒∇⌒") 医師、 看護師 のほか いろんな専門家が います。 情報があったら とっくの昔に通院してたと思います。?
Due to the circumstances, she had been withdrawn for a long time, but she came to the hospital at the recommendation of a person from the city hall. ("⌒∇⌒") Doctors, nurses, and other specialists. If you had the information, you would have been to the hospital long ago. ?
あおーんまや on Google

It was a bit difficult to go without a car (roads are hills, far, buses are few, roads are narrow), but it was not bad. I listened to the story properly, I admitted it without denying it, and I remember that it just made it easier. I went there only once, and I didn't get a prescription just by listening. It's a long time ago, so I don't know how it is now.
青森おかん on Google

娘の代行で月一回行ってます。他の方も仰っている通り、スタッフの皆さん感じがとても良いです。 ただ…会計システムが時間が掛かって全然駄目で、なぜ人員を増やさないのかとおもいます。会計に一時間半待ちとかあり得ないのですが。 追記…会計システムが本当にダメ❗ 今回も診察後一時間半待っても全く会計が進まない為、スタッフさんがバタバタなのは分かってはいるつもりでしたが、さすがにブチキレました。 「後どれだけ時間掛かりますか?!」 と、きつく言うと、受付の面々は顔を見合せて何も言わず謝りもせず、ワタワタと領収書の束から領収書を出してつっけんどんに会計をしていました。非常に不快でした‼️ 夫に話したら「あり得ない。時間掛かるなら言ってくれれば薬貰いに行ったりしてる。」と、呆れていました。 会計システム真面目に変えて欲しい‼️ そんなのもあり、星一つです❗
I go once a month on behalf of my daughter. As others have said, the staff feels very good. However, the accounting system is time consuming and is completely useless, so why not increase the number of personnel? I can't wait for an hour and a half for accounting. Postscript… The accounting system is really useless This time, even after waiting for an hour and a half after the checkup, the accounting did not proceed at all. "How long will it take?" To put it tightly, the receptionists looked at each other and said nothing and did not apologize, and they took out a receipt from a bunch of cotton and receipts and were accounting for it. It was very unpleasant ️ When I talked to my husband, I was amazed, "I can't. If it takes time, I'll go for a medicine." I want the accounting system to change seriously ️ There is such a thing, one star 星
Malmero on Google

下手な個人病院や市内の女性心療内科に行くより、最初はここが確実。 混んでますが、初診は1時間くらいかけ、丁寧です。小さい頃からの家庭環境から聞き取りされます。 血液検査も行います。 初診で血液検査しないとこもありますから。 ただ、先生によります。治す気ある?って言われた事もあります。治す気無かったから来ない気がしますが·····医師も人なので。 何人かいるので気に食わなかったら変えてもらえばいいと思いますが、優しい先生が多いです。 精神科、心療内科に通い、薬を貰う事は本当にお金がかかります。 他の病気で異常があるための鬱状態なら薬で治療が要りますが、環境に疲れてどうしようもなくなった場合、1番の薬は休む事だと思います。 そのための手段でいいと思います。 自分の大事な人の理解や協力が、病院の医師に上手く伝えることより大切な事のように思います。 無駄に薬漬けにならないよう自分で考え、幸せになってください。
Rather than going to a poor private hospital or women's psychosomatic medicine in the city, this is definitely the first place. It is crowded, but the first visit takes about an hour and is polite. It is heard from the family environment from a young age. Blood tests are also performed. Sometimes you don't have a blood test at the first visit. It depends on the teacher. Are you willing to cure? I have been told that. I do n’t feel like he ’s going to heal, but I do n’t think it ’s coming. There are several people, so if you don't like it, you can change it, but there are many kind teachers. Going to psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine and getting medicine is really expensive. If you are depressed due to an abnormality due to another disease, you will need to be treated with medicine. I think that the means for that is good. I think the understanding and cooperation of my important people is more important than communicating well to the doctors in the hospital. Think yourself so that you won't be wasted and be happy.
パブロンs on Google

数年前に入院していました 歯が痛かったのでこの病院内の歯科に通うことになりましたが呼ばれる時間が何時も食事前… 治療中に歯科助手が「ご飯食べると詰め物取れちゃいますね」 医師「いいから」 いや…良くないだろ… 案の定昼食食べたら詰め物取れたし こんなのが何度か続いたので他の病院で治療しようと思い、その事を伝えたら歯科医とから「歯の治療って痛いから嫌だよね、ても治さないと良くならないよ」 中年の女の医師でしたがこれは普通の病院だと使って貰えないようなのを採用してるんでしょうかね… 精神科の患者だからって馬鹿にしすぎぞゃないですか?
I was hospitalized a few years ago Since I had a toothache, I decided to go to the dentistry in this hospital, but the time when I was called was always before meals... During the treatment, the dental assistant said, "If you eat rice, you'll get stuffed." Doctor "good" No... not good... After eating the planned lunch, I got stuffed Since this kind of thing happened several times, I thought that I should treat it at another hospital, and told the dentist, "I hate tooth treatment because it hurts, but I do not get better if I do not cure it" I was a middle-aged female doctor, but I wonder if it's a standard hospital that you wouldn't accept if you used it... Isn't it too stupid to be a psychiatric patient?
Hiro N on Google

When I was going to the hospital, the elderly doctor who had been transferred from Shimokitazawa just groaned, "Oh, oh, um," and couldn't talk. There are too many benzo drugs, so even if I appealed to reduce it, I just groaned "Oh, oh, hmm" and there was no decent response.

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