Aomori Prefectural Library - Aomori

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Contact Aomori Prefectural Library

住所 :

青森県立図書館 2F Fujito-119-7 Arakawa, Aomori, 030-0111, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Postal code : 030-0111
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–7PM
Sunday 9AM–7PM
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM

青森県立図書館 2F Fujito-119-7 Arakawa, Aomori, 030-0111, Japan
知誅セイ on Google

一般閲覧室 9:00~19:00 児童閲覧室 9:00~17:00 近代文学館 9:00~17:00 一般閲覧室の窓側にある4人テーブルのうち数ヵ所が一人一人のパーテーション付きになり、勉強にも使いやすくなったと思う。 外の話し声が聞こえるため、気になる人は気になると思う。 騒がしくしてる子供の声とか、何やらペチャクチャとおしゃべりしてるおばさま方の声とか。 隣接の公園(?)で合唱の練習をしていたりする日は、すごく気が散るほどうるさいと感じるほど。
General reading room 9: 00-19: 00 Children's reading room 9: 00-17: 00 Museum of Modern Literature 9: 00-17: 00 Some of the four-person tables on the window side of the general reading room have individual partitions, making them easier to use for study. I think people who are worried will be worried because they can hear outside voices. The voice of a child who is noisy, or the voice of an aunt who is chatting with something. On the day when we practice chorus in the adjacent park (?), We feel very distracted and noisy.
T any on Google

他の利用者の新聞をめくる音がうるさい 新聞を読む専用の席があるからそこでしか読めないようにしてほしい
The sound of flipping through other users' newspapers is noisy There is a dedicated seat for reading newspapers, so I want you to read only there
ヤマザキ’ on Google

無料Wi-Fiがあり座席数も多く、キハラ社製のイスも座り易いのでゆったりネットできます。 駐車場も広くてよい。
There is free Wi-Fi, there are many seats, and Kihara's chairs are easy to sit on, so you can relax. The parking lot may be large.
fx tombo on Google

青森県内ではもっとも大きいと思うし、なければ困る施設 駐車場もひろくてよいけど、文献の検索システムがちょっと古い
I think it's the largest facility in Aomori prefecture, and if you don't have it, you'll be in trouble. The parking lot may be large, but the literature search system is a little old.
神茂樹 on Google

This is a convenient place to collect materials, as you can browse old newspapers, Hebei Shimpo and other prefectural papers, as well as national newspapers (but Aomori version). However, if you want to see past newspapers, you need to apply at the reception counter. In addition, there is a PC, and thank you, but it is hard to use. This is because to delete a character, you must hold down the “shift” key and press the “delete” key on the numeric keypad (just press “delete” to enter “+”). That's annoying. In addition, you cannot right-click with the mouse. This is one star deduction. In addition, there is only a route bus to come by public transport, and to come from the city center, you have to cross the prefectural road. Is posted). In addition, the fourth Thursday except November (the last Thursday in November), the year-end and New Year holidays, and the collection date are closed days. Because it is near the prefectural road crossing to the national highway bypass and Aomori Airport, please be careful when going out of the library. In winter, snow removal creates snow walls on the side of the road, making the prospects worse. From November 28th to December 4th, 2019, the library will be closed.
AomoriTube青森チューブ 青い森大学ウェルビーイング学部スマートシティ学科実装体験感想専攻 on Google

雑誌の種類は、アウガの青森市立図書館の方が、多いかと、、、。 建物横の駐車場が狭い。
There are more types of magazines in Aomori City Library in Auga. The parking lot next to the building is small.
55mm2 mm255 on Google

The parking lot with a strong westerly wind is far away in both summer and winter, and I always wish I had a parking lot in front of the building and on the east side. Also, although the parking lot is inconvenient for library users, the parking lot of the council is close and convenient ⁉️
佐々木静一 on Google

勉強する時はいつも利用しています。集中できます。 車のない人には不便かも?図書館前にバス停があります。
I always use it when studying. You can concentrate. Is it inconvenient for people without a car? There is a bus stop in front of the library.

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