Aomori Aburakawa Yuttara Onsen - Aomori

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aomori Aburakawa Yuttara Onsen

住所 :

Tomita-235-1 Hajiro, Aomori, 038-0058, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87787
Postal code : 038-0058
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 4AM–11:45PM
Sunday 4AM–11:45PM
Monday 4AM–11:45PM
Tuesday 4AM–11:45PM
Wednesday 4AM–11:45PM
Thursday 4AM–11:45PM
Friday 4AM–11:45PM

Tomita-235-1 Hajiro, Aomori, 038-0058, Japan
ですゴキゲン on Google

場所は少し分かりにくい感じはしますが看板と電光掲示板がありますのでそれを目印にすればよい‼ 入湯料は値上げして400円‼️かなり安い 泉質は塩化ナトリウム泉 疲労に効きます 夜は23時までやっているし朝も5時くらいからやっているから行きやすいです
The location is a bit confusing, but there are signboards and electric bulletin boards, so you can use them as landmarks! The bathing fee has been raised to 400 yen! ️ Pretty cheap The quality of the spring is sodium chloride spring It works for fatigue It's easy to go because it's done until 23:00 at night and from about 5 o'clock in the morning
ジャイアンツ愛1982 on Google

超気持ち良い!!青森市内でNo.1の 素晴らしい温泉施設。お湯の質が めっちゃ最高!(≧∇≦)b しっとりツルツル。 露天風呂横には広い木の板が斜めに設置。いわゆる一つの仮眠スペースであります。 晴天時の夜はキレイな星空が見えます。そんな時は五○ひろしの「夜空」を鼻歌で流す。 激しい雨天時はサウナ後、大の字になって寝そべり、汗を流す。そんな時は福山○治の「HARD RAIN」を口ずさむ。 なんちて 青森市内では唯一、早朝4時から営業している温泉。超朝型人間の自分にはとても嬉しい。 自分に活力を与えてくれる本当に 嬉しい素敵な温泉。 まさに、心のオアシスであります。 自称 温泉ソムリエの私が自信を持って、オススメします!!
Super comfortable! !! No.1 in Aomori city Great hot spring facility. The quality of the hot water Very good! (≧ ∇ ≦) b Moist and smooth. A wide wooden board is installed diagonally next to the open-air bath. It is a so-called nap space. You can see a beautiful starry sky on a clear night. In such a case, Hiroshi Go *'s "Yozora" is hummed. In heavy rain, after the sauna, lie down in a big letter and sweat. In such a case, he sings "HARD RAIN" by Oji Fukuyama. What The only hot spring in Aomori City that is open from 4 o'clock in the early morning. I am very happy to be a super-morning person. Really energizing me A nice and nice hot spring. It is an oasis of mind. As a self-proclaimed hot spring sommelier, I am confident and recommend it! !!
荒波海波 on Google

入浴料400円。朝4時~深夜23時45分営業だが 常連ならわかる朝3時45分から入浴できる。 青森市で老舗の温泉。最近は新しく露天風呂のそばに新設サウナ完備なり定員3名までだが このサウナがたまらなくお肌にいいしお風呂も熱湯なので日頃の疲れを癒すには最高の温泉です。
Bathing fee 400 yen. Open from 4am to 23:45 midnight You can take a bath from 3:45 in the morning, which regulars can understand. A long-established hot spring in Aomori City. Recently, a new sauna has been installed near the open-air bath, and the capacity is up to 3 people. This sauna is irresistibly good for your skin and the bath is hot water, so it is the best hot spring to heal your daily fatigue.
りんたん on Google

家が近所なのでよく行っていますけど、経営者のおばあちゃんが津軽弁でいう「カラキジ」でいい人にはニコニコ応対するし、自分がイヤな客には横柄な態度を取っているのをよく見かけて不快です。 先日も入浴券(回数券)を出したお客さんに「これは期限が切れているからただの紙切れだ。無効だ、無効!」 と大声をあげていました。 そもそも、入浴券にどこにも期限は書かれてません。自分達がわかるように裏にマジックで線を書いて印をつけているようですけど、それはあなた方の目印であって、私たちは何もわかりません。 見ていて本当に不愉快だったので、近日中に消費生活センターにでも相談して、変な事言って入浴にきているお客さんを脅していると伝えようと思います。
I often go there because my house is in the neighborhood, but I often see the owner's grandmother responding to good people with the Tsugaru dialect "Karakiji" and taking an arrogant attitude toward unpleasant customers. It's unpleasant. The customer who issued the bathing ticket (coupon ticket) the other day said, "This is just a piece of paper because it has expired. It is invalid, it is invalid!" Was yelling. In the first place, the deadline is not written anywhere on the bathing ticket. It seems that they have a magic line on the back so that they can see it, but it's your mark and we don't know anything. It was really unpleasant to see, so I'm going to talk to the Consumer Affairs Center in the near future and tell them that I'm threatening the customers who are coming to the bath by saying strange things.
piyopiyo763 on Google

Used for day trip bathing, parking room entrance It is difficult to understand due to the snow wall, the parking room is wide and easy to stop, there is a smoking room at the entrance of the building, there is a place to enter the lower leg box boots, but it is left at the entrance There is a lot of sticker to put it in the lower leg box as much as possible, 400 yen at the ticket vending machine No contact information etc. There is a training gym on the right, a dressing room floor warming basket shelf 100 yen Back lockers There are many lockers from the dressing room to the bedrock bath You can go to the men's bedrock bath from the lobby, the bathroom is wide and the ceiling is high, and now the open-air bath is a water bath. There is an air where the sense of crisis of the times is thin, which has been talked for a long time
立ち寄りあおもり on Google

2021/12 追記 ★4.5(^_^) 入浴料金だけ! 無料ジムあります。 ルームシューズ持参してね。 30分利用できます。 無料岩盤浴あります。 衣類持参してね。 上下衣類ないと入れません。 ❌半ズボン 私はTシャツにスエットズボン着用しました。 枕 腰 敷用、この3点のタオル持参おすすめします。何かマット類でもいいかもしれません。 熱くて硬い岩盤。 腰が瞬時に痛めつけられます。数分でギックリレベル! 竹の棒の枕あり。素人は使えない硬さ。 頭も腰も仙人修行レベル! 熱くて温まるのはいいけど、なんたって石の上に寝るのですから腰は危険です! 温泉というよりジム感覚で利用するのも良いかなと思います。 岩盤と、サウナと、水風呂と、ジムと。 このアイディアに市内では魅力度の高い温泉に急上昇ですね。 お湯質も肌しっとりツルツル。 ただリニューアルしたときの浴槽に備え付けた寝浴の板が残念。 狭くてゆっくり入浴できない。 寝ようにも、あの向きはセクシーすぎます(^_^;) 基本湯船なのでタオルはかけれないし。 この浴槽だけもとに戻れば。 以前あったような飲食店、 お惣菜販売復活したら最高なのになぁ。 2020 追記 美味しい食堂や、焼き鳥屋さん、お惣菜の販売、スタンプカード、アルパカちゃん、など楽しい歴史と変化のゆったら温泉。 露天は狭くなり、現在は真水! 屋内の浴槽はせませま。 入浴は困難不自由(^_^;) 2010追記 お湯質は茶色のミネラル。お肌ツルツル。 お湯質良いのにもったいない浴槽。 私はお惣菜も目当て。 食事もしてゆっくり過ごし、帰りにお惣菜や焼き鳥を買って帰宅が楽しみでしたね。 お湯質はモール泉かなぁツルツル。温め。塩泉なので冷え性や冬などおすすめですね。 浴槽は中、外ともに狭くなってしまったけど、落ち着いた作りと照明で疲れも取れますね。
2021/12 postscript ★ 4.5 (^_^) Only bathing fee! There is a free gym. Bring your room shoes. It can be used for 30 minutes. There is a free bedrock bath. Bring your clothes. You can't put it in without upper and lower clothing. ❌ Shorts I wore a T-shirt and sweatpants. We recommend that you bring these 3 towels for pillows and waist. Some kind of mat may be fine. Hot and hard bedrock. The lower back is instantly hurt. Gickly level in a few minutes! There is a bamboo stick pillow. Hardness that amateurs cannot use. Both head and waist are hermit training level! It's nice to be hot and warm, but the waist is dangerous because you sleep on stones! I think it's better to use it like a gym rather than a hot spring. A bedrock, a sauna, a cold bath, and a gym. With this idea, the hot springs that are very attractive in the city are soaring. The quality of the hot water is moist and smooth. However, it is a pity that the sleeping bath board installed in the bathtub when it was renewed. It's too small to take a bath slowly. That direction is too sexy to sleep (^ _ ^;) It's a basic bath, so you can't hang a towel. If only this bathtub is restored. A restaurant like before, It would be great if the side dish sales were revived. 2020 postscript A delicious restaurant, a yakitori restaurant, a side dish sale, a stamp card, an alpaca, etc. The open air has become narrower, and now it's fresh water! No indoor bathtub. Bathing is difficult and inconvenient (^ _ ^;) 2010 postscript The quality of the hot water is brown mineral. Smooth skin. A mottainai bathtub with good hot water quality. I'm also looking for side dishes. I enjoyed eating and spending time, buying side dishes and yakitori on my way home. The quality of the hot water is smooth and smooth. Warm up. It's a salt spring, so it's recommended for poor circulation and winter. The bathtub has become narrower both inside and outside, but the calm construction and lighting will help you get rid of your tiredness.
gyunzug on Google

I was surprised that the bathing fee was 390 yen. However, shampoo and soap, which are placed in general public baths, are not placed at all. You can enter after purchasing a ticket at the ticket machine. The dressing room also has lockers that can be locked. The hot spring warmed up at a moderate temperature.
Car寅次郎 on Google

2022年4月現在 400円の入浴料で、30分トレーニングマシン使用可能です。運動で汗をかいてから入浴したい人にはお勧め出来ます。水風呂が冷たい!市内イチの冷たさだと思います。サウナ好きには最高です。希望としては、入浴料420円にしてもいいから、ドライヤー無料にして欲しい。10円玉が無い時、大変苦労します。女性は特にそう感じてるかと!
As of April 2022, you can use the training machine for 30 minutes with a bathing fee of 400 yen. Recommended for those who want to take a bath after sweating with exercise. The water bath is cold! I think it's the coldness of the city. Great for sauna lovers. If you wish, you can set the bathing fee to 420 yen, so I'd like you to make the hair dryer free. When I don't have a 10-yen coin, I have a lot of trouble. Do women feel that way?

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