AOKI 都島店

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact AOKI 都島店

Uchindaicho, Miyakojima Ward, 〒534-0013 Osaka,Japan
ゆうすけ on Google

副店長さんが、紳士的な接客でとても感じの良い方です。 スーツ以外の服の事も相談しましたが、リーズナブルな値段の普段着も置いていて提案して頂きました。 スーツだけという感覚ではなく、普段着も置いている(一部)ので近くの方は寄ってみても良いと思います。
The deputy manager is a gentleman who is very comfortable. We talked about clothes other than suits, but we also offered reasonably priced everyday clothes and suggested. I don't just feel like a suit, but I also wear everyday clothes (partly), so I think that people near you can drop by.
ふわかじ on Google

こじんまりした店舗です。 仕事場から近いので、これからよく利用しそうです。
It's a small store. It's close to my workplace, so I'm likely to use it often in the future.
吉本博子 on Google

セールの案内状に、商品購入でスヌーピーグッズがもらえる特典が付いています。 よく利用します。 スーツの下取りも有難いです。
The sale invitation comes with a privilege to receive Snoopy goods by purchasing the product. I often use it. I also appreciate the trade-in of the suit.
あびあび on Google

抽選に当たり、ずっと欲しかった念願の冷感マスクを購入!20枚入り4000円税別です。 嬉しくて早速、試着してみたら、何と耳が曲がる( 。゚Д゚。) 明らかに小さいのだ。 あわててアオキマスクと比較してみたら、冷感マスクは2センチは小さく全くサイズが違う。 耳が曲がるくらいキツキツでは、すぐに耳が痛くなる事は明らかなので、アオキに電話をしたら、すぐに自宅まで来てくれて返品返金してくれた対応は好評価。 しかし、肝心の待望してたマスクが不良品?使えない仕様だったことが、期待が大きかっただけに、めちゃくちゃ無念である。 対応は☆5ですが、今回のマスクが不良品?みたいな仕様だったので、☆一つ
In the lottery, I bought the long-awaited cold feeling mask! 20 sheets for 4000 yen excluding tax. I was so happy that I tried it on and tried it on. Obviously small. Comparing with Aoki mask in a hurry, the cold feeling mask is 2 cm small and quite different in size. It's clear that if your ears are so tight that you will hurt your ears immediately, so when you call Aoki, he immediately came to your home and returned the product for a refund. However, the long-awaited mask is defective? The fact that it was a specification that could not be used was regrettable because the expectations were high. Correspondence is ☆5, but is this mask defective? It was like that, so ☆ one
Miya on Google

店長さんの対応がとてもよかったです。 スーツを着る機会は少ないですが、次回もこちらで購入したいと思いました。 急なお願いを臨機応変に対応して頂きありがとうございましt。
The store manager's response was very good. I rarely wear a suit, but I wanted to buy it again next time. Thank you for responding to your urgent request on a case-by-case basis.
shin, k (髭麻呂) on Google

ビジネスパンツを買ったが有料の折り目加工をすすめてくるのはいいが、これをしないと夕方には折り目が無くなるって。 他所で買ったパンツで夕方に折り目が無くなった事はないから、青木の品質が悪いって事かな?
I bought business pants, but it's nice to recommend paying creases, but if I don't do this, the creases will disappear in the evening. I've never lost creases in the evening with pants I bought elsewhere, so I wonder if Aoki's quality is poor.
huji hide on Google

息子の大学の入学式用にスーツを買いに行きました。 女親なので何もわからない状態で行きましたが、とても丁寧に対応して頂きました。 スーツ以外のものは店員さんも「お急ぎでなければ他のお店も見て頂いて他に安くて良いものがなかったら、またお越し頂いたら結構ですよ。」と無理に買わされる雰囲気ではなかったですが、対応が良かったのでこちらから進んで一式買わせてもらった感じです。 安い買い物ではないですが、就活まで着れるものを選んだので活躍してくれることでしょう。 プレゼントに頂いた抗菌マスクも洗えるマスクが5枚も入っていてありがたかったです。
I went to buy a suit for my son's college entrance ceremony. Since I was a female parent, I went without knowing anything, but they responded very politely. Other than suits, the clerk also said, "If you are not in a hurry, please visit other shops and if there is no other cheap and good one, you can come again." However, the response was good, so I felt like I was willing to buy a set from here. It's not a cheap purchase, but I've chosen something that I can wear until I get a job, so it will be useful. I was grateful that there were 5 washable masks as well as the antibacterial mask that I received as a gift.
Akeem Cabarron (akeemcab) on Google

Walked in just an hour before closing time and the person in charge had this look of worry. "A foreginer! And here I thought I had a good and normal day" is probably what he was thinking. I talked to him in Japanese and he was somewhat relieved but still had that worried look. He took my size and showed me a formal suit on sale as I said I needed one for a wedding at a church. He was very accommodating nonetheless and showed me some ties and a shirt to go with my suit. Although I look like I'm in a 90's hiphop group with the slacks that came with the suit, I was happy with my purchase because of the fact that up to the part where I needed to pay he was trying his best to use English. They only alter the length of the slacks for ready-made suit purchases so I guess I'll just have to go to Reform No Mama for adjustments.

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