Aobadaitakeda Orthopedic Surgical Clinic - Yokohama

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aobadaitakeda Orthopedic Surgical Clinic

住所 :

青葉台由樹ビル 3階 1-9 Enokigaoka, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 227-0063, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Postal code : 227-0063
Webサイト :

青葉台由樹ビル 3階 1-9 Enokigaoka, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 227-0063, Japan
Dirty Trash road on Google

なんだかんだ半年以上通いましたが私にはこちらの先生との意思の疎通がどうしても難しく、一向に快方に向かわない為に転院しました。 看護師さんの入れ替えは激しく 良い人もいればそうでない人も。 受付やリハビリの方は優しかったです。
I went there for more than half a year, but it was difficult for me to communicate with this teacher. Nurse replacement is intense Some people are good, others are not. The receptionist and rehabilitation were kind.
アビ on Google

最近は軽い炎症でもすぐに内服薬を出す整形外科が増えていますが、 ここの先生はきちんと症状を見て対応してくれるので安心できました。 それと診察の合間に骨粗鬆症の予防などもわかりやすく説明してくれたのもすごく良かったです。 診察も19時までと遅くまで診療してくるのもポイント高いです。
Recently, the number of orthopedic surgeries that take internal medicine immediately even with mild inflammation has increased. I was relieved that the teacher here looked at the symptoms and responded. It was also great that he explained the prevention of osteoporosis in an easy-to-understand manner between the examinations. The point is also high that the medical examination is carried out until 19:00 and late.
かか on Google

There is no hope of healing the back pain. It was a waste of time. The result of MRI was completely different from the X-ray taken the day before, "I could see it with the X-ray taken yesterday (a different result)," I thought I could not trust at this point. I was clouded with a backache of unknown cause and asked how I could cure it. When I was asked, "You're short-circuited (irritated)," he said "Hah?" I was asked "Can I take painkillers and not change?", so when I told him that it was still painful, he said, "Usually this will cure me". When asked, "Don't ask for the result immediately," I answered, "I asked if there was something wrong now." I ignored it. When I asked, "Is there no cure for that?" "I'll do it if I can do it!" When asked about future measures, he said, "What if you want to do it?" I regretted that I came here because it was painful and I was worried, but I responded to this by a doctor, DQN. Of course I will never go again.
Mk Sh on Google

たけだ先生は、質問にも丁寧に、わかりやすく親切に症状や今後の展望を説明して下さり、本当に感謝申し上げます。良い医療が受けられること、地元に信頼する先生の安心なかかりつけの病院があることはとても有難いことだと思います。 看護師さん、理学療法士さん、受付の皆様も、とても親切で隅々までお気遣いいただき、暖かく、、本当に感謝申し上げます。 病院に行くことは無い方が良いのですが、また今後ともよろしくお願いいたします。ありがとうございました。
Dr. Takeda would like to express my gratitude for explaining the symptoms and future prospects carefully and kindly in an easy-to-understand manner. I am very grateful that you have good medical care and that there is a safe hospital where you can trust your local teacher. The nurses, physiotherapists, and the receptionists are very kind and caring, and I would like to thank you very much. It is better not to go to the hospital, but thank you in the future. Thank you very much.
Nodoka K on Google

どちらかと言うと、あまり良くないかもしれません。初めて来院した時に、診察室の中から、怒鳴り声が丸聞こえ。 内容は、ただ聞いているだけなのに、逆ギレみたいな感じでした。その怒っていた相手の患者さんは、おばあさんで、もうお年寄りの人にそんな怒り方無いでしょって感じです(笑) 痛いと言っているのに、そんなこと無視して「しょうがない」と言われ、強く押されたり、 捻られたりして、声を上げてしまいそうでした。 何回か行ったら、なれると思いますが、 初めのうちはとてもしんどいです。 受付の人たちは、優しいので安心してください。
If anything, it may not be so good. When I first came to the hospital, I heard a scream of yelling from the examination room. The content was just like listening, but it was kind of like a flip-flop. The patient who was angry was a grandmother, and I feel that the elderly people are not angry (laughs). Even though it's painful, I ignore it and say, "I can't help it." I was twisted and it seemed like I would raise my voice. I think I will be able to do it a few times, It's very tough at the beginning. Please be assured that the people at the reception are friendly.
小林みい on Google

私は地元のかかりつけ医院として約4年に渡りお世話になっています。安心感ある医院です。 そう思い感じる理由は、年齢と共に症状について気になる事も多々ありますが、そんな時には要点をまとめてハッキリ質問するようにしています。先生は私の話をシッカリと聞いてくださいます。そして適切なアドバイスとか診断をされます。とても話しやすく温和な先生ですよ。 看護師さん、リハビリのスタッフさん、受付のスタッフさん皆さんテキパキと仕事されています。そして皆さん明るくて穏やかな方ばかりだと思います。
I have been indebted for about 4 years as a local family clinic. A clinic with a sense of security. There are many reasons why I feel that I am worried about symptoms as I age, but at such times I try to summarize the key points and ask clear questions. The teacher listens to my story. Appropriate advice and diagnosis are given. It ’s a very gentle and gentle teacher. Nurses, rehabilitation staff and reception staff are all working with Tekipaki. And I think everyone is bright and calm.
彰篠崎 on Google

現在、治療中ですが、信頼できるクリニックです!先生の個性が強いのですが、下手な営業言葉や態度は全く無いので逆に信用できます。他の整形外科から転院したのですが、そこは、とてもフレンドリーでしたが、ケガの説明も殆どなく、いきなり手術と言われ。しかもブロック注射等の対応不可。でした。ここは、本気で治療し早く治したい方、向きだとおもいます。 歯に絹を着せない対応が良い診察なら、ズバリ診断する当院は、良いと思います、
I am currently undergoing treatment, but it is a reliable clinic! Although the teacher has a strong personality, I can trust him because he has no bad business words or attitudes. I was transferred from another orthopedic surgery, and although it was very friendly, there was almost no explanation for the injury, and it was suddenly called an operation. Moreover, block injections are not available. was. I think this is for those who really want to treat and heal quickly. If you have a good medical examination that does not put silk on your teeth, I think that our hospital that makes a diagnosis is good.
cemal can kalsen on Google

Doctor is so kind...He tries his best...

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