ソウルカクテル 青葉台店

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ソウルカクテル 青葉台店

住所 :

Aobadai, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒227-0062 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898998
Webサイト : https://www.soulcocktail.com/aobadai/
Opening hours :
Saturday 6PM–4AM
Sunday 6PM–3AM
Monday 6PM–3AM
Tuesday 6PM–3AM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 6PM–3AM
Friday 6PM–4AM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Aobadai, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒227-0062 Kanagawa,Japan
桑原勝也 on Google

お気に入りのギムレット。桃とシャンパンを合わせて貰いました! 美味しい!!
Favorite Gimlet. I got a combination of peach and champagne! It's delicious! !!
Hideki Matsumura on Google

某ドラマの撮影でも使われたお店。雰囲気もよく,店員さんの感じもよく,とてもいいバーです。 飲んだ後の梅昆布茶に癒されます。
店 A shop that was also used for filming drama. This is a very nice bar with a good atmosphere and a nice clerk. Healed by plum kelp tea after drinking.
Nめい on Google

とにかく種類が豊富でカクテルを頼むときに迷うほど。 こんな感じで、というとそれで作ってくれます。 たまに、barというわりに、メニューが寂しかったりしますが、ここはもう、凄い。 オリジナルカクテルも作れてしまう、本物のバーだと思います。
Anyway, there are so many kinds that you get lost when you ask for a cocktail. It ’s like this, it makes it. Sometimes, instead of bar, the menu is lonely, but this is already amazing. I think it's a real bar where you can make your own cocktails.
No Name on Google

青池さんという店員の対応にがっくり。 ウイスキーをストレートハーフで頼んだら、銘柄ではなく、「半分です。」といって提供された。 客を不快な思いにさせるなら、ストレートハーフ大丈夫ですか?と確認したときに断ればいいのに。
I was disappointed with the response of the clerk named Mr. Aoike. When I asked for whiskey in a straight half, it was offered as "half" instead of the brand. Is straight half okay if it makes customers feel uncomfortable? I should decline when I confirm.
もんもん on Google

Aoba Station, on the third floor of the building with Mack. It was almost ten years ago that I went for the first time. I do not go through much, but it is not painful if I go alone and the food is delicious. It is always one of my favorite shops at Aobadai, where the order is always appropriate but entertained in different ways each time. I highly recommend it!
Z Y on Google

圧倒的におしゃれな雰囲気のバーです。 バーテンダーサービスを受けながら美味しいお酒にお食事も揃っています。 「逃げ恥」で石田ゆり子さんがあしげく通われたお店です。 ピシッとしたお店ですがスタッフの方はとてもフレンドリーで居心地がとても良いです。
The bar has an overwhelmingly fashionable atmosphere. While receiving bartender service, we also have delicious sake and meals. This is the shop where Yuriko Ishida went to for "escape shame". It's a nice shop, but the staff are very friendly and cozy.
Bushmaster 1115 on Google

One of the best cocktail bars around here. Very well hidden. Very private. Atmosphere is nice, quiet. I love it. Cocktail lovers should go there. Biggest selection of spirits and cocktails.
Noriko K. (NK) on Google

The worst bar in Aobadai. Takes service charge of as much as 10 percent but the quality of service is worse than chain convenience stores or family restaurants. Some of the staff lacks the basics of Customer Services. The manager, Mr. Yokoyama, for example, is not cultured nor well-educated. He makes mistakes many times. He forgets the recipe of his original cocktail he made for old custmers.

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