Anytime Fitness Shimo-Shakujii - Nerima City

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Anytime Fitness Shimo-Shakujii

住所 :

2 Chome-36-4 Shimoshakujii, Nerima City, Tokyo 177-0042, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 177-0042
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

2 Chome-36-4 Shimoshakujii, Nerima City, Tokyo 177-0042, Japan
JP Doraebon on Google

【ポイント】 ・水無料 【感想】 ウォーターサーバーがフリーでした!ドリンク忘れた時にいいかも。ダンベルは30までで少し物足りない。広いからベンチもうひとつくらい置いて欲しい。
【point】 ・ Free water [Impression] The water server was free! Maybe when you forget your drink. Up to 30 dumbbells are a little unsatisfactory. I want you to put another bench because it is wide.
Kaz Hiro on Google

24時間系ジムで、フリーウェイトが充実しているところはそんなにないのだが、ここはパワーラックが2基とスミスが1基あり、ベンチも2台あるので多少混んでてもそんなに待たないかも。その他のマシンも結構揃っているので、筋トレメインの人にとって使いやすい。もちろん、有酸素のマシンも充分な台数用意されている。 難を言うなら、エニタイムはだいたい鍵付きロッカーがなく荷物棚みたいのがあるだけなので、あまり貴重品は持ち込まない方がいいと思います。
There aren't many 24-hour gyms with plenty of free weights, but there are two power racks, one Smith, and two benches, so you may not have to wait so long even if it gets a little crowded. There are quite a few other machines, so it's easy to use for muscle trainers. Of course, there are plenty of aerobic machines available. The difficulty is that Anytime usually doesn't have lockers with locks, just like luggage racks, so I think it's best not to bring in too much valuables.
森しゅー on Google

駐車場が良いお店。 その他になにか特別なことはない。 重り系の方々との仕切りがほぼ無いので意識高く筋トレできるのはよい。 シャワーヘッドが難ありで水の出方がすごく気になる。シャンプーとかを置くところの水垢(赤い)が気になる。 すごく気になったのは同じ建物に入っている蕎麦屋のお客さんが、数少ないこちらのジム用の区画に車を停めていたこと。ガラガラなんだから蕎麦屋のほうに停めろよ、特段お店に近いわけでもないのに。 という貰い事故みたいな感じでいい気分にならなかった残念なお店。まあ車で来れる貴重なお店なのでまた来る。
A shop with a good parking lot. There is nothing special about it. Since there is almost no partition with weight people, it is good to be able to train muscles with high awareness. The shower head is difficult and I'm really worried about how the water comes out. I'm worried about the scale (red) where I put shampoo and so on. What I was really worried about was that a soba shop customer in the same building parked his car in one of the few gym sections. It's a rattle, so stop at the soba shop, even though it's not particularly close to the shop. It's a pity that I didn't feel good because it felt like an accident. Well, it's a valuable shop that you can come by car, so I'll come back again.
山本功(PassBox) on Google

1階の広いワンフロアの店舗で設備レベルは標準的な感じ。 ワンフロアにまとまっているので、立ち回りはしやすい構造となっています。 個人的には好きなタイプの店舗です。
The equipment level is standard in a large one-floor store on the first floor. Since it is organized on one floor, it has a structure that makes it easy to walk around. Personally, this is my favorite type of store.
生田歩 on Google

西武新宿線、上井草駅より徒歩7分?くらいでしょうか。千川通りを渡り、新青梅街道沿いで駅からはやや離れた立地。ただ同チェーンの特徴で坪確保のためにやむを得ないでしょう。 ランニングマシン8台と非常に広く快適、フリーウェイトコーナーや、マシンも各種揃いトレーニング環境は良いです。特に腹筋マシンの種類とインナーマッスルマシンがあるのは非常に良いです。エアロバイクは[Preva]のアプリが連携できるPRECORという器材です。自分のアカウントにフィットネスの履歴を残せるという優れものです。モチベーション維持に効果的です。 男女ともにトイレは2(ウォシュレット)、シャワールームも2、更衣室は3、嬉しいのは10分500円のタンニングマシンがあることです。夏場は利用が増えることが想定されます。 スタッフさんは短髪長身の男性が気持ちよくご挨拶いただけて、非常に好感度高いです。清掃環境もよく、施設は◎です。 ただ、駅からの立地が悪いのはもはや仕方なく、ここはポイント減。当方は自転車なので気になりませんが、駅を利用する方はポイントになるかもです。
7 minutes on foot from the Seibu Shinjuku Line, Uenigusa Station? Is it about? Cross the Chikawa-dori, along the Shin-Ome highway, slightly away from the station. Just because of the characteristics of this chain it will be inevitable to secure tsubo. Very wide comfortable with 8 running machines, free weight corner and a variety of machines The training environment is good. It is very good to have types of abdominal muscle machine and inner muscle machine in particular. Aero bike is a device called PRECOR which can cooperate with the application of [Preva]. It is an excellent one that lets you keep a history of fitness in your account. It is effective for maintaining motivation. Both men and women have toilet 2 (washlet), shower room 2, change room 3, and nice being there is a tanning machine of 500 yen for 10 minutes. It is assumed that usage will increase in summer. The staff is greeted by a man with a short hair with a pleasant feeling, and it is highly favored. Cleaning environment is also good, facilities are ◎. However, the location from the station is bad, there is no choice but to reduce points here. Since we are a bicycle, we do not mind, but people who use the station may be points.
川田祐介 on Google

設備も以前より整ってきてスタッフさんも皆さん愛想良くて好きでした。が、夜行くといつも居る50代?くらいの男性と30代くらいの男性2.3人とで合トレ?をやってる方がいるのですが、ダンベルをいくつも占領してドロップしたり、トレーニング中の声がうるさくて迷惑でした。 最初のうちは気にしない様にしていましたが、ジムに行くとほとんどの確率でその方達がいてその度にガッカリし、最悪その方達見つけた瞬間帰った事も何度もあります。 夜はどうしてもスタッフさんも居ないので注意もできないと思うのですが何か対策してほしかったです。 スタッフさんも設備も素敵でしたので残念です。
The equipment was better than before, and all the staff were friendly and liked it. But are you in your 50s who are always there at night? Is it a joint training with about 2.3 men in their 30s? There are people who are doing this, but it was annoying because they occupied many dumbbells and dropped them, and the voice during training was noisy. At first I tried not to worry about it, but when I went to the gym, there was almost always a disappointment with them, and at worst I went home the moment I found them. I don't think I can pay attention because there are no staff at night, but I wanted to take some measures. It's a shame because the staff and facilities were nice.
Dominic Chavez Morelos on Google

very clean and well equipped!! the only issue i had with the place is that they dont accept credit card....
Alexandra Kim on Google

The gym is very big. Has a space between every machine. And there is a free water server! I’ve never seen free water and big space between every single machine in Japanese gym so i really like this place. But!!! Someone tried to steal my usb charger. So i said to staffs but they didnt do anything...! They could even check the cctv. Or could say to me will discuss more cctv whatever. But they said just we will check later. And they’re gone ☹️ so please watch out your bag !! The robber was 50-60yrs old Japanese guy who has a curly hair. He always on cycling machine in front of the bag shelves!!!

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