共栄プラテクス - Toyoake

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 共栄プラテクス

住所 :

Anocho, Toyoake, 〒470-1141 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 470-1141
Webサイト : http://kyoei-1964.co.jp/
街 : Aichi

Anocho, Toyoake, 〒470-1141 Aichi,Japan
鈴木博貴 on Google

I am indebted to you for the production and maintenance of the mold. In particular, the limited express response for work that cannot be stopped due to sudden troubles is remarkable.
松浦平憲 on Google

I was in trouble because I didn't have a good mold maker. We asked for personal consultation and repaired with high technology. thank you!
福地正和 on Google

初めてでしかも急な依頼にも関わらず、親切に対応頂きました! しかも、良心的プライス! 次からは、共榮さんにお願いしますー!
Even though it was my first time and a sudden request, I was kind enough to respond! Moreover, a conscientious price! From now on, I would like to ask Mr. Kyoei!
鈴木佑弥 on Google

I requested a mold to make an electric component made in-house. The response was quick and the price was reasonable. I would like to ask again.
藤田健司 on Google

共栄プラテクス様は対応もとても早くそして技術も素晴らしいと聞いております。 共栄様の製品をよく運搬させて頂いておりますが納品先でよくいい評判を耳にします
I hear that Kyoei Platex responds very quickly and the technology is excellent. We often carry Kyoei-sama's products, but we often hear a good reputation at the delivery destination.
日置雄一 on Google

I requested to make a new mold. With a mold that is considered for mass productivity, we are able to stably produce good products. Even in the trial production after the mold was manufactured, we were able to logically test it and leave it to us with confidence. Be sure to request mold production again!
ke s on Google

金型の打ち合わせで、 事務所にお伺いした際の、スタッフさんの気持ちの良い挨拶がとても印象的でした。 打合せから依頼までの、スピードも早く大満足でした!次回も是非。
At the mold meeting, When I visited the office, the pleasant greetings of the staff were very impressive. From the meeting to the request, the speed was fast and I was very satisfied! Come again next time.
鈴木秀彦 on Google

金型の磨きの依頼を頂いて、お世話になってます。 NC加工後の製品形状部を磨かさせて貰っている者だから分かるのですが、NC加工の技術がピカイチです、加工による段差も少なくて、とても綺麗な仕上がりです!仕上げる立場の者としましてはとても助かっております! スライドする入れ子を触る機会も有ったのですが、キツ過ぎずガタも無くてスムーズな動き! ワイヤーカットの技術も凄いなぁと感じました! 金型製作の経験がある自分の目から見て、共栄プラテクスさんは良い金型を作っているなぁと感じます! 現場の雰囲気もとても良く、皆さん笑顔で暖かく出迎えてくれます。 ''想いを「かたち」に'' の会社の想いが全てにおいて伝わってきます!
Thank you for your request to polish the mold. As you can see from the person who has polished the shape of the product after NC processing, the NC processing technology is perfect, there are few steps due to processing, and it is a very beautiful finish! It is very helpful for me to be in the position of finishing! I had the opportunity to touch the sliding nests, but it wasn't too tight and there was no backlash, so it moved smoothly! I felt that the wire cutting technology was also amazing! From my own eyes, who have experience in making molds, I feel that Kyoei Platex is making good molds! The atmosphere at the site is also very good, and everyone welcomes you with a smile and warmth. '' Turn your thoughts into a “form”'' The feelings of the company are transmitted in everything!

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