Anan Gakuen High School - Higashiosaka

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Anan Gakuen High School

住所 :

3 Chome-1-8 Wakaenishishinmachi, Higashiosaka, Osaka 578-0944, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 578-0944
Webサイト :

3 Chome-1-8 Wakaenishishinmachi, Higashiosaka, Osaka 578-0944, Japan
藤川多喜男 on Google

入院中、実習生に、ついて頂きました。一生懸命心のこもった付き添いに、癒しとパワーを頂きました。 ありがとうございました。
During the hospitalization, the trainee followed me. I received healing and power from my hard-hearted attendant. Thank you very much.
mi sao on Google

何気に検索したけど わが母校が...わが母校の面影が一欠片もない シンボルの憩いの樟も無い 広い運動場も無い 淋しいなぁ 悲しいなぁ 在学中わ、全校生徒で掃除し、校内わ何時も綺麗で自慢の学校だったのに?
I searched somehow My alma mater ... There is no excuse for my alma mater There is also no symbol of symbolism There is no large playground I'm lonely I'm sad While I was in school, I was cleaned by all school students and I was clean and proud at all times in the school.
t taka on Google

樟蔭東じゃないんだ❗ 中学高校と、とっても楽しかった❗ 皆で掃除して校内も綺麗で 学校を大事にしていたわ❗
It's not Pingtung Junior high school and high school, very enjoyable ❗ It's all clean and the school is beautiful I cherished the school
静香野村 on Google

母校の名前が知らん間に変わってました(笑) 駅から遠いので八戸ノ里駅から友達とタクシー5人位ギューギューなってよく相乗りしたなぁ(^_^;)
The name of my alma mater changed without my knowledge (laughs) It's far from the station, so I used to ride a taxi with my friends from Yaenosato station for about 5 people (^ _ ^;)
LOUIS kuumi maemam on Google

掃除が出来ていない。雰囲気もない。もとは樟蔭東学園で伊賀校長先生のお父さんが(樟蔭の初代校長)姉妹校?ではありません。学力差が大きいです。制服、スカートのひだの数が違う。校章、学年章が違う。昭和55年?以降に上セーラー服の生地が、デザインが変わりました。以上が買収され、、、、 アナン学園になり、あの敷地は、半分以下になりました。上新電機が運動場に、、、 掃除ができてない。 雰囲気もない。で締め括ります。 看護師コースができ、 就職は藍の病院系列に行かれ方が多い? 准看護師さん)で就職された方が知り合いにいます。
I haven't cleaned it. There is no atmosphere. Originally at Anan Gakuen, the father of Principal Iga (the first principal of Shoin) is a sister school? Is not. There is a big difference in academic ability. The number of folds in uniforms and skirts is different. The school emblem and grade emblem are different. 1980? Since then, the design of the fabric of the upper sailor suit has changed. The above was acquired ... It became Anan Gakuen, and that site was less than half. Joshin Denki is on the playground ... I can't clean it. There is no atmosphere. Conclude with. Nursing course is available Do you often go to the indigo hospital series for employment? I know someone who got a job as an associate nurse).
リンゴ on Google

オープンスクールに参加しましたが、おじいちゃん先生?が話の間に入る「えー」が多く話が入ってこなかった。 個別相談で聞きたい事を個別で聞いてるのですが、担当のものでは答えられなくて、結局、校長のみ詳しい話ができるものがいてませんでした。 皆んなが答えられる用にするべきだし、段取りが悪いかな?っと思いました。 実習系で病気などで出れなくて単位が足りてない時、補習などがないので足らないままになり、進級できなくなる事もあるので、辞める子や、もう一年やり直しする子、違う科に移る子がいてるみたい。 やっぱり、そうゆう所は公立の方が免除してくれるのかなぁ?っと思いました。
I participated in an open school, but is it Grandpa-sensei? There were a lot of "er" that came in between the talks, but the talk didn't come in. I asked individually what I wanted to ask in individual consultation, but the one in charge could not answer, and in the end, there was nothing that only the principal could talk about in detail. It should be for everyone to answer, and is the setup bad? , I thought. If you cannot get enough credits due to illness in the training system, you may not be able to advance because there is no supplementary lesson, so you may not be able to advance, so you may have to quit, start over for another year, or move to a different department. It looks like there is a child. After all, I wonder if public people will exempt such places. , I thought.
超ベジット on Google

1年前に行ってたものです。看護科に行くのは絶対に絶対にやめましょう。毎年、80人前後入っても、卒業時には20人以下で、国家試験合格率も、 80%ぐらいなので絶対に受かる保証はありません。 又、先生はいいかげんな人が多く、まともな人が 指で数えられる位しかいません。お気に入りの生徒には付きまとうように教え、嫌いな生徒は、振り向きもしない、残念な先生達のいる所です。この環境内で看護師になれる人なんて、これまた、指で数えられる位しかいないでしょう。 入ったら、後悔しかないでしょう。ろくな生徒もいませんし、先生もいません、クラブも活動はしてません。こういう所で頑張るなら、頑張って下さい。地獄を見る事になるでしょう。後、ヤンキーが非常に多いので、嫌な人は行かない事です。
I went there a year ago. Never go to the nursing department. Even if about 80 people enter every year, the number is 20 or less at the time of graduation, and the pass rate of the national examination is also Since it is about 80%, there is no guarantee that it will be accepted. Also, many teachers are foolish, and there are decent people. You can only count it with your fingers. It is a place where there are unfortunate teachers who teach their favorite students to follow them, and those who dislike them do not turn around. There are only a few people who can become nurses in this environment with their fingers. Once you enter, you will only regret it. There are no good students, no teachers, no clubs. If you do your best in such a place, please do your best. You will see hell. After that, there are so many Yankees that people who don't like it shouldn't go.
子分 on Google

去年入学しました。調理科です。 校舎はボロいし汚いです。この前廊下が雨漏りしてました。ロッカーもありますがそれもボロいです。掃除はいくらやっても汚いです。調理科の先生は良い先生ばかりなので、そこは安心してください。他の科の先生は知りません。学食のお弁当が凄く安いです。お菓子OKジュースもOKです。アイスの自販機置いてあります。一年生は制服をちゃんとしないと強制的に下校させられる事があります。偏差値が低いのでヤンキーばっかりだったらどうしよう……と思っていたのですが、全然ヤンキーとか居ません。平和です。いじめも全く無いですが、人数が少なすぎてクラス替えとか存在しないので……よっぽど仲が悪くなったら気まずいかと思います。漢字検定等を定期的にやります。ほとんどの子が自転車登校か電車登校です。初めのうちはローファーで靴擦れがひどくなるので、絆創膏必須です。
I enrolled last year. It is a cooking department. The school building is messy and dirty. This front corridor was leaking. There are lockers, but they are also messy. Cleaning is dirty no matter how much you do. Please be assured that the cooking department teachers are all good teachers. I don't know the teachers of other departments. Lunch boxes for school cafeterias are very cheap. Sweets OK Juice is also OK. There is an ice vending machine. First graders may be forced to leave school if they do not wear their uniforms properly. Since the deviation value is low, I was wondering what to do if there were only Yankees ... but I don't have any Yankees at all. It's peace. There is no bullying at all, but the number of people is too small and there is no class change, so I think it would be awkward if I got sick. Kanji Kentei etc. are done regularly. Most children go to school by bicycle or train. Adhesive plasters are essential because the loafers will cause severe shoe rubbing at the beginning.

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