Amy's(カントリータウン エイミーズ)

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Amy's(カントリータウン エイミーズ)

住所 :

Akaborikashimacho, Isesaki, 〒379-2202 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887878
Webサイト :
街 : Gunma

Akaborikashimacho, Isesaki, 〒379-2202 Gunma,Japan
Takehiro Kawashima on Google

Atmosphere is the best! If you do not make a reservation ... Be careful as it is full!
くう on Google

カナダ風のカフェということで期待して行ったのですが ちょっと期待はずれでした でも店員さんはとっても感じがよくて暖かい雰囲気でした
I hoped it was a Canadian style cafe, but it was a bit disappointing But the store clerk was very feeling and warm atmosphere
石井圭以子 on Google

It was very delicious
kei on Google

お料理のひとつひとつがとても美味しかったです。 お店の中の方も外の方も皆さんとても良い感じでした。また是非伺いたいです。
Each dish was very delicious. Everyone inside and outside the shop felt very good. I would love to visit you again.
m m on Google

I found it on Instagram and visited it immediately. Surprise as if you came to another dimension with a lot of cute houses. At the cafe, gentle and friendly staff will respond. This is the store I want to visit many times.
久保吉弘 on Google

Appearance, the store seems very cute. Atmosphere is also wonderful. The roast beef salad I received is for women. Please go and see if there is a room in time because it corresponds with a small number of people the hall.
鈴木智子 on Google

いつ行っても落ち着けるカフェ。 カントリー調で素敵な空間です。レモネードのみました。 欲をいえば毎日やってたらいいな。
A cafe where you can relax whenever you go. It is a nice space with a country style. There was only lemonade. I wish I could do it every day.
山中康弘 on Google

カントリーアンドカンパニー(株)の敷地内の小さなカフェ、 日替わりランチ、エッグベネディクト美味しかったです、デザートも?美味しい 可愛いカントリーハウスでのんびり出来ます、 敷地内の小屋の街並みも凄く良い感じでした。
A small cafe on the premises of Country and Company, Daily lunch, egg Benedict was delicious, dessert is also delicious ? You can relax in a cute country house, and the townscape of the hut on the premises was also very nice.

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