Amigo Aizuwakamatsu - Aizuwakamatsu

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Amigo Aizuwakamatsu

住所 :

1-239-12 Ekimaemachi, Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima 965-0041, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 965-0041
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM

1-239-12 Ekimaemachi, Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima 965-0041, Japan
sam dog on Google

They will kindly teach you how to keep it.
小林光子 on Google

I'm buying parakeet food. If you like animals, I'm happy! Satisfied with the number of items
船木清子 on Google

As it is a specialty store, there is a sense of security.
ながれい on Google

大型犬のハーネスを買いに行って 店員にアドバイスを受けて買う事が出来たので良かった
Go buy a large dog harness It was good because I was able to buy it after receiving advice from the clerk.
猫屋敷JIJI、ねこきゅう on Google

おさかなはここでだいたい購入してます。 まめに見に行かないとなかなか出会えないおさかなもいますので、興味ある方はまめに足を運ぶと良いかなと、ほんとは生体の 売り買いは反対なのです。裏で残酷な目にあっている子達のことを考えると心痛いです。世界では犬や猫の繁殖販売が禁止されてる国もあるのですよ。考えましょう。
I usually buy fish here. There are some fish that you can't easily meet unless you go to see them often, so if you are interested, you should visit them often. Buying and selling is the opposite. It's heartbreaking to think of the cruel children behind the scenes. In some countries around the world, breeding and selling dogs and cats is banned. Let's think.
ざんくろーどびばんだむ on Google

会津若松市内の店舗はアクアリウム関連が非常に充実してます。生体の管理も行き届いて居るように見られるので、ウチの金魚や熱帯魚や水草はこちらから購入しています。レイアウト水槽の展示も有って長い時間見ていられます。 ただ、機材関連の値引きはイマイチです。某ホームセンターの方がいい感じに安いです。
The stores in Aizu-Wakamatsu are very rich in aquariums. Because it seems that the management of the living body is also in good condition, we purchase goldfish, tropical fish and aquatic plants from here. There is also a layout aquarium display and you can watch it for a long time. However, equipment-related discounts are not good enough.某 Home center is cheaper for better feeling.
小林恵 on Google

ずーっとお店の看板みたいな感じで 長年いた シロハラインコのビビちゃん 買い手が決まって 居なかった! 良かった? けど なんか寂しいです(´;ω;`)
Bibi-chan, a white-bellied parrot who had been around for a long time like a shop sign, hadn't decided on a buyer! It was good ? but I feel lonely (´ ; ω ; `)
美幸神内 on Google

ドックフードが色々あってワンチャンの体のことを考えた物もあって 主食に混ぜる物も色々、ふりかけ、チキンに野菜などのパックされたもの、缶ずめ、揃ってますから、食べムラがあるワンちゃんには、助かります。 猫ちゃんの主食も沢山揃ってます パックされたもの、缶ずめも沢山揃ってます。ワンチャン猫ちゃんのおやつも色々あります。ポイントカードを持ってるとポイント貯まったら次回使える500円引きが貰えます。
There are various dock hoods, and some of them think about Wanchan's body. There are various things to mix with the staple food, such as sprinkles, packed chicken with vegetables, cans, etc., so it is helpful for dogs with uneven eating. There are many staple foods for cats We have a lot of packed items and cans. There are also various snacks for Wanchan cats. If you have a point card, you can get a 500 yen discount that you can use next time if you collect points.

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