
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ちゅら雲

住所 :

Amenomiya, Chikuma, 〒387-0001 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://churacafe.jimdo.com/%3Fmobile%3D1
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–7PM
Sunday 11AM–7PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–7PM
Thursday 11AM–7PM
Friday 11AM–7PM
街 : Nagano

Amenomiya, Chikuma, 〒387-0001 Nagano,Japan
ラブオゆめゆめ on Google

レジのお母さんが、張り切ってレジをうつのが、印象的です。マーマレードのパンがとてもおいしかった。また食べたいと思い、何回かいきましたが、いつもなくて残念でした。 レジのお母さんから聞いた話ですが、長野市から、お客さんが結構来店されるみたいです。食べたいパンがあれば早く行かないと無くなるかもしれません。 最近ご無沙汰なのでまた行きたい。
It is impressive that the cashier's mother is enthusiastic about the cashier. The marmalade bread was very delicious. I wanted to eat it again, so I went there several times, but I was disappointed that it wasn't always there. I heard from the cashier's mother that there are quite a few customers coming from Nagano City. If you have the bread you want to eat, it may disappear if you don't go early. I haven't seen you recently, so I want to go there again.
みゆ on Google

There are many types of bread and I always wonder which one to buy. All of them are delicious, so I recommend them!
ちもばよ on Google

美味しい。特にバゲット系は首都圏のパン店と比べても負けてない。 メニューも独自性あり面白い。
delicious. In particular, baguettes are not defeated by bakeries in the metropolitan area. The menu is also unique and interesting.
清水定徳 on Google

味もおいしく 個性もありました 特にお母さん最高でした 経験してみて下さい
The taste was delicious and there was also individuality. Especially, my mom was the best. Please experience it.
ks shima on Google

There are many kinds, and they all look delicious and I bought too much! The price is also reasonable. It was nice to be friendly at the cash register.
ただいま〜 on Google

I feel like I'm passing by when I notice the signboard. Firm bread is lined up for a low unit price. delicious! In addition to repeater.
kotake. k on Google

初めてのちゅら雲さん。cafeを利用させて頂きました。パニーニ美味しかったです♡私的には少し濃い目の紅茶が凄く良かった! 帰り際、お土産にパンを購入。どれも個性的で美味しそう(^^) そして何よりビックリしたのがお値段!とってもリーズナブル。家族分買ってもまだまだ余裕(笑)嬉しい(*≧∀≦*) また来たいと思えるお店でした。お店のお母さんも最高でした。
hideki kuribayashi on Google

You will be welcomed in this Cafe as a kind of family members, with a kind, warm, natural and modest attitude which is somehow unexperience-able in other place. You will be able to spend a very cozy time with some nice pieces of bread and a cup of coffee for sure.

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