Alice Sendaisaiwaichoten Studio

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Alice Sendaisaiwaichoten Studio

住所 :

Okaji, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, 〒983-0835 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Miyagi

Okaji, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, 〒983-0835 Miyagi,Japan
k papa on Google

着替え、メイク、撮影のたびにかなり待つ。予約制なのに。お店の能力以上に予約入れすぎですね。子供も疲れてしまう。 休日はおすすめできません。
I wait for every change of clothes, makeup and shooting. Although it is reservation system. It is too many bookings than the capacity of the store. Children are also tired. I do not recommend holidays.
naoko ishida on Google

いつもお世話になっております☺小さい頃から子供が撮影に行っています。うちの子供達はとても多動で言うことを聞かないのですが、撮影が進まなくて辛いときも、スタッフさんが頑張ってくれ、親へのフォローもしてくれます。先日も撮影に行き、スムーズに撮影出来た際には子供の成長を一緒に喜んでくれました。本当に救われます。 ちなみに、スタッフさんも入れ替わりが少なく、いい職場環境なのかなと思います。
I always take care of it. My child has been taking pictures since I was young. Our children are very hyperactive and do not listen to what they say, but even when the shooting is difficult, the staff will do their best and follow up with their parents. I went to shoot the other day, and when the shooting went smoothly, I was pleased with my child's growth together. Really saved. By the way, I think that it is a good work environment, as the staff are also less replaced.
. on Google

子供の笑顔の写真を収める技術にはいつも感心します。 グズってたのが信じられないくらい、笑顔の瞬間を切り取ってくれます。 (ひどく不機嫌な場合はダメな事もあるかもしれませんが) 撮影料はリーズナブルですがアルバム等が高価で、アレコレ頼むとあっという間に5万円くらいになってしまいますのでご注意を。 時間指定で予約した割に待たされる事があるのが欠点。
I'm always impressed with the technology that captures pictures of children's smiles. It cuts out the moment of a smile that I can't believe it was a mess. (Although it may be bad if you are in a bad mood) The shooting fee is reasonable, but the albums are expensive, and if you ask for it, it will cost you about 50,000 yen in a blink of an eye, so be careful. The disadvantage is that you may have to wait for a reservation made at a specified time.
*うさ on Google

1歳の撮影で来店したけどスタッフの質に問題があると思う。100日とハーフバースデーは市名坂店で撮ってその時すごく良かったからスタジオアリスは信頼できると思って、ディズニーの種類が多いこちらの店舗に行ったのに、2人スタッフがついて子供が泣いてても1人は見てるだけ、1人は足をとんとんするだけで全然泣き止まず。 もう埒が明かないのでその日は諦めて別日に市名坂店で撮り直しました。泣きましたが店員さんみんながあやしてくれて素敵に撮れました。 もうこちらの店舗は利用しようと思いません。せっかくディズニーの種類が豊富なのにほんとに残念。
I came to the store at the age of 1 but I think there is a problem with the quality of the staff. 100 days and half birthdays were taken at Ichinazaka store and it was very good at that time, so I thought that Studio Alice could be trusted, even though I went to this store with many types of Disney, even if the two staff were on and the child was crying One person is watching, and one person just stops his feet and doesn't stop crying. I didn't know the habit anymore, so I gave up that day and re-taken it at Ichinazaka store on another day. I cried, but all the shop assistants took care of it and took a nice shot. I don't want to use this store anymore. It's a pity that there are so many different types of Disney.
ボブちん on Google

子供が小さい頃よく行ってましたがやっぱり高くて納得いかない 今回家族に連れられ渋々行きましたがちょっと選んだだけで何万とか 撮らなくていいディズニーは必ず撮らされる→買わないから時間の無駄 キャラクター利用してるからそういう契約なのでしょうけど
I used to go there when my kids were small, but I'm not convinced that it's expensive. I was taken by my family this time and went reluctantly, but with just a little choice, tens of thousands Disney that doesn't have to be taken is always taken → It's a waste of time because I don't buy it I think it's such a contract because I'm using a character
A F (Ponta) on Google

ハーフバースデーで利用しました。私達親の着物の予約もしたため、事前に店舗に出向いてくださいとのことで、赤ちゃんを連れて子供の衣装選び、その初回登録とやらにめちゃくちゃ時間かかりました。でも当日スムーズに撮影できるならと、我慢してその日はやり過ごしたのですが、当日また初回登録の手続きがあって、???と思い、スタッフさんになぜまた登録あるのか尋ねると、前回記入した登録用紙を無くしてしまったと。選んだ衣装のメモもないので1から教えてほしいと。空いた口が塞がらない思いでした。いったい事前に行った打ち合わせは何だったのか。 撮影スタートするとスタッフさん達があやしても子供が泣き止まず、それでも笑顔の時に撮ってほしかったのに、泣き顔の写真で次々撮影進めていく有様。結局その日は平日にも関わらずお客さんがいっぱいで、次の予約があるから急いだのだとお思うのですが、こちらは一生モノの写真を撮りに来たのに時間詰められて結局泣き顔の我が子の写真になってしまった。そのときは仕方ないかと思って、商品を購入してしまったけれど、やっぱり帰ってから写真を見返すたびに悔しくて。 結論、他の方が指摘している通り、キャパ以上に予定詰め込みすぎです。 もっと一人ひとりの撮影を大事にしてほしいです。ディズニーの衣装がたくさんあると聞いて利用したものの、こんなことなら別の写真館あるいは店舗を利用すればよかった。後悔です。二度と利用しません。
I used it for half birthday. Since we also made reservations for kimonos for our parents, they told us to go to the store in advance, so it took a messy time to register their first costume with their baby and register for the first time. But I wanted to be able to shoot smoothly on the day, so I put up with it and spent the day, but was there a procedure for initial registration again? ? ? I asked the staff why they had to register again, and they said they had lost the registration form they filled out last time. I don't have a memo about the selected costume, so I'd like you to start from 1. I didn't think my vacant mouth would be blocked. What was the meeting we had in advance? After the shooting started, the staff didn't stop crying even if the staff members tried to do it, but I wanted the photograph to be taken when I was smiling, but I was able to continue shooting one after another with photos of a crying face. After all, I think that I was in a hurry because there were a lot of customers on that day even though it was a weekday, and I had the next reservation, but this time I came to take a picture of a thing for a lifetime It became a picture of my child. I thought I couldn't help it at that time, so I bought the product, but I was disappointed whenever I looked back at the photos after returning. In conclusion, as others have pointed out, the schedule is too much packed than the capacity. I want you to value the shooting of each person more. Although I heard that there are many Disney costumes, I used a different photo studio or store for this. I regret it. I will not use it again.
e2kbeats on Google

Even if you make a reservation, wait for hours. Apparently too many reservations. It is meaningless to take measures against infection because it is crowded with people waiting. ridiculous. I will never go again.
kappa chan on Google

ディズニーのお衣装で撮影して写真を購入する際は別途料金かかりますので、注意が必要です。 ただし、撮影するだけは無料なので、遠慮せず撮影を楽しみましょう♪( ´꒳​` ) ちなみにディズニー撮影の際は従業員のお姉さん達が全力で良い写真を撮りにきますので、あしからず。 後ほど焼き増しなどする為に、撮った写真をデータで残すには、 残す写真を購入する必要があります。 1番安いものでも可能なので、 例えばキーホルダー型の写真で残すことで、1写真700~900円でデータを残すことができます。 お気に入りの写真が沢山撮れた場合はそちらを利用してみて下さい( ´ω` )/
Please note that there will be an additional charge for taking pictures in Disney costumes and purchasing the pictures. However, it's free to shoot, so don't hesitate to enjoy shooting ♪ (´꒳`) By the way, when shooting Disney, the older sisters of the employees come to take good pictures with all their might, so I'm sorry. To keep the photos you took as data for reprinting later, You need to buy the photos you want to leave. Even the cheapest one is possible, so For example, if you leave a key chain type photo, you can leave the data for 700 to 900 yen per photo. If you can take a lot of your favorite photos, please use them (´ω`) /

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